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Originally posted by Daniel J*:
I think you have to read between the lines about the motivations for this event. They're promoting role models and leaders to inspire members of ethnic minorities in a country where the overwhelming majority are white British.

As ever in these race discussions, I seem to singularly fail to get across that race issues are about relations of power rather than simple ethnic differences. In other words, while a white Brit may experience racist interactions as an individual in Britain, minority to majority racism is not the same as majority to minority racism. It seems glaringly obvious to me but perhaps I'm just odd.

Tru dat Clapping
Originally posted by electric6:
Originally posted by jelly vodkafish:
Originally posted by electric6:
I feel dead sorry for the poor oppressed white man. Gotta be real tough for them Crying

I don't think it's about oppression, I think it's about double-standards

*Devils advocate hat*
If minority groups hadn't been oppressed for years there wouldn't have been any need for such ceremonies/awards.

In any case I don't get why folks get their knickers in a knot. Are able bodied folks gonna demand they be in the paralymics?

Are nurses gonna moan they didn't get engineer of the year or whatever?

It's such a crappy thing to worry about.

...and there you have it. Thumbs Up
cologne 1
Originally posted by electric6:
Leadership and Diversity Awards started in 1999 and are designed to promote and recognise individuals who have succeeded against the odds and broken through barriers

Is this the right one?

Difficult isn't it Leccy. The first ones I found were the Civil Service diversity awards and then some in Kansas.
Garage Joe
my point about this is that by making the awards at this ceremony only available to certain ethnic groups it is in effect making them valueless, i can see no reason why anyones colour or ethnicity has anything at all to do with wether they have done something exceptional and worthy of an award, however by excluding whites its almost as if they are saying that if the awards were open to everyone on merit alone then they couldnt win.

the reason i question its legality is simply that it is openly racist yet supported widely by "the establishmernt" surely this kind of thing is just perpetuating the myth that somehow we are all inferior to the majority when that just isnt true, people are people and their colour or ethnicity doesnt make one iota of difference.

i do apologise but i just dont see how or why racism is considered acceptable in any way, shape or form.
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
my point about this is that by making the awards at this ceremony only available to certain ethnic groups it is in effect making them valueless, i can see no reason why anyones colour or ethnicity has anything at all to do with wether they have done something exceptional and worthy of an award, however by excluding whites its almost as if they are saying that if the awards were open to everyone on merit alone then they couldnt win.

the reason i question its legality is simply that it is openly racist yet supported widely by "the establishmernt" surely this kind of thing is just perpetuating the myth that somehow we are all inferior to the majority when that just isnt true, people are people and their colour or ethnicity doesnt make one iota of difference.

i do apologise but i just dont see how or why racism is considered acceptable in any way, shape or form.

Well said BBBS, I hate racism whatever form it takes and I don't buy any excuse for justifying it.
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
i do apologise but i just dont see how or why racism is considered acceptable in any way, shape or form.

It didn't stop you voting for that fatty 'itler one and his brain dead supporters......if I may say so.

no it didnt and tbh it wouldnt again if i ever felt so badly let down on an issue i passionately believe in by the mainstream parties.
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
no it didnt and tbh it wouldnt again if i ever felt so badly let down on an issue i passionately believe in by the mainstream parties.

So the any way, shape or form isn't actually true, it's trumped by your concerns about the UK's membership of the EU, or whatever it was you were protesting about?
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
i do apologise but i just dont see how or why racism is considered acceptable in any way, shape or form.

It didn't stop you voting for that fatty 'itler one and his brain dead supporters......if I may say so.

no it didnt and tbh it wouldnt again if i ever felt so badly let down on an issue i passionately believe in by the mainstream parties.

Well nevermind. I hope all is well with you and what you were talking about a couple of weeks back.
Enjoy your evening and look after yourself.
I'm off to listen to the footie. Smiler
Garage Joe
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
people are people and their colour or ethnicity doesnt make one iota of difference.

But it does. Systematically. Which is sort of the point.

but isnt that the claim made that is the "reason" behind allowing this kind of "acceptable" racism.

in work i cant say i ever encountered racism or homophobia (although i've certainly had that on the streets), surely our society should be based on merit and not on creating divisions be they real or imagined.
Equality does not mean, and has never meant "treating everyone exactly the same"...equality means offering everyone equal chances.

As much as some people want everyone to be exactly the same the simple fact is we aren't. I'm never gonna win a jam jar opening contest but I damn well want the right to eat jam, if I choose. That's where the diversity bit comes in with my handy jar opening gadget.

I don't think ignoring the differences in peoples opportunities or experiences is the right way to's recognising them then aiming to break down the barriers/open up more opportunities and recognise those that have managed to do so...that way we all learn from their experiences.

All that made sense in my head ^^^ btw...apols. if it came across a bit soundbitey Laugh

Edited for typo: put "to to" instead of "to do"
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
But it does. Systematically. Which is sort of the point.

but isnt that the claim made that is the "reason" behind allowing this kind of "acceptable" racism.

in work i cant say i ever encountered racism or homophobia (although i've certainly had that on the streets), surely our society should be based on merit and not on creating divisions be they real or imagined.

There's a hideously sexist promotional drive at the moment to try to encourage male teacher recruitment in primary schools. Apparently, there aren't very many of them for some reason and they're seen as a good thing. In fact, a quarter of primary schools have no male teachers at all. And guess what, the bloody government is guilty of outrageous sexism by spending millions of pounds trying to encourage a more representative and diverse staffroom!! Lord knows how they can justify that. They're still trying though, saying that male role models encourage some kids to try harder and aspire to higher things. If there's a systematic gender difference in the classroom then I say stuff it, so bloody what? Sexism is just plain wrong. They should just spend the money on recruitment initiatives irrespective of gender.
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by ContessaQ:
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by ContessaQ:
the bnp have been forced to accept non whites

That's a new one on me. Confused

it was in the press last year or early this year i think.
just google white bnp members and it will come up.

*Have a spade*
You are turtelly wrong. Do you people have some sorta pressure group website where you are fed these non-stories?

Bit insulting there mate, would you have said that to a black or asian person commenting on a pro black/asian issue?
ŨŸŅ”āļĢāļĒāļĢāđāļ āļ„Ï‚Ņ’āđŨ§Ũ§Ņ”Ðģ
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by ContessaQ:
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by ContessaQ:
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by ContessaQ:
the bnp have been forced to accept non whites

That's a new one on me. Confused

it was in the press last year or early this year i think.
just google white bnp members and it will come up.

*Have a spade*
You are turtelly wrong. Do you people have some sorta pressure group website where you are fed these non-stories?

it gives links to articles written by the press regarding the bnp having to accept non whites, newspapers like the telegraph.
i do not visit any of your so called pressure group sites.

I don't have any pressure group sites but I can now reveal that last year I was at our regional businessperson of the year awards. I can report that there were no members of the employee class outside saying that were bigotted against them.

That's what I meant with my example about the plumbers, which wasn't universally understood. Big Grin

I think the difference is, you're not BORN a plumber or a businessperson, anybody can be one, see the difference?
ŨŸŅ”āļĢāļĒāļĢāđāļ āļ„Ï‚Ņ’āđŨ§Ũ§Ņ”Ðģ
I really don't understand the problem with these things. I know it gets on some people's nerves that ethnic minority groups in this country are recognising themselves and giving themselves awards- but do you really think this stemmed from nowhere? Of course a lot of people were fed up with not having a chance at "everyone in one place" awards, so they branched off. Now people are annoyed by it.
Oh and while Im at it I will go as far as to say that racism is very deep rooted in a lot of people who dont realise it. At some awad ceremonies there is no way a person from an ethnic minority will win, but the judges wouldnt call themselves racist. They just would never choose that person. Obviously the person isnt always the best but come on.
Originally posted by SazBomb:
Originally posted by electric6:
*Devils advocate hat*
If minority groups hadn't been oppressed for years there wouldn't have been any need for such ceremonies/awards.

Like Chris Rock said "you had a 200 year head start!" Big Grin

Hahahaha! Big Grin

Chris Rock has some ace catchphrases that are so appropriate for the moment.
Originally posted by Jâ‚ŽÅĄÂĩ§ Ã˜Ãą à ÂĐhÃķÞÃūÊÂŪ:
I think the difference is, you're not BORN a plumber or a businessperson, anybody can be one, see the difference?

No need to patronise. It was a perfectly good example to show how silly this perceived slight is. Some might think it's racist to have an evening of celebrating something and others don't. IMHO ist's better to live in a society where that can actually happen instead of one where it can't.
cologne 1
Originally posted by sweet_tooth:
I really don't understand the problem with these things. I know it gets on some people's nerves that ethnic minority groups in this country are recognising themselves and giving themselves awards- but do you really think this stemmed from nowhere? Of course a lot of people were fed up with not having a chance at "everyone in one place" awards, so they branched off. Now people are annoyed by it.

But how loud would people shout if white people were to have separate organisations and award ceremonies completely barred to black people? Its racism. Sorry I fail to understand how anyone can see it differently.
But how loud would people shout if white people were to have separate organisations and award ceremonies completely barred to black people? Its racism. Sorry I fail to understand how anyone can see it differently.

Thats what theyve been having for years. Just that tokens were allowed to sit down, would never win an award though.

Dont apologise for "failing to understand"- you see things differently thats all Smiler
Originally posted by squiggle:

But how loud would people shout if white people were to have separate organisations and award ceremonies completely barred to black people? Its racism. Sorry I fail to understand how anyone can see it differently.

I refer you to Chris Rock/Saz's earlier post.
White people aren't oppressed in our society and never have been.

Equality means equal CHANCES...and it's naive to think that minority groups are always afforded the same chances and opportunities as yer average white man.
ive been to the public house-chatted about this thread
and i knew the usual suspects would turn up on here Big Grin
and they did
my mates-all who would qualify for the 'diversity' award-cos they is black and asian-and one chinese-but he's a relative and does as he's me Nod
in the OP's defence-they dont understand it either
dunno if that helps
coming from the horses mouth-so to speak

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