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Highlights show 9pm
Day 20

Some of the housemates are in the bedroom. Sisqo is jumping around with his 'Hunk 2010' sign. The housemates look bemused and when he goes out of the room and the other housemates debate if he's acting differently to try and stop getting voted off. Dane points out it's not worth it as "They won't show it til tomorrow."
Dane is jumping around the garden practising his victory walk.

Stephanie is in the Diary Room talking to Big Brother about who she would miss most from the three who are up for eviction tonight. Of Ivana, "do I treasure having really got to know her a bit - absolutely . She's absolutely terrific" "She's a woman of substance." "I don't often meet people that are truly more organised and disciplined than me."
She describes who is left in the house.. "we did a lot of weeding at the beginning" "but we are down to such quality human being ship" That it would be a privilege to be amongst them."

Big Brother asks about what will change for next week.. Stephanie becomes choked up and is moved to emotion. "It genuinely moved me - the idea of not having the bible" She seems choked to tears and explains "I am not acting". But "the idea of not having the bible would be truly depressing." She is upset at the thought and asks Big Brother. "If Stephen were to go - I would really like the privilege of the bible please." She then laughs off what just happened "That was funny, that was weird what happened then. That was really strange." She explains about the bible, "I'm really in it for the poetry and the stories." but "that was a hard hit just then."

She cries when Big Brother asks who she would miss most the people or the bible. She flinches
"It's the bible - wow" as she realises "it hit me again - it was the bible" She describes how twice she feels like she has almost been hit in the abdomen.

10.23 am
Nicola is cutting Dane's hair in the bathroom. He is a little wary "I just want it tidy."

In the kitchen Stephanie tells Stephen about her experience in the Diary Room. Explaining how it felt almost like she had been hit twice as she realises how she would feel without the bible.
She sobs again as she is choked with emotion. "I would miss the people." "It happened and it happened again" - "a real emotion". "it was totally weird. " Stephen knows exactly how she feels and tries to explain his thoughts on it. You heard "the Spirit of the Lord speaking to you".
Stephanie "I'm going to process it in my own way." "it was twice…. proper, really proper…… a real Golum - my precious about the…. " Stephen "That's wonderful."

Part 2
The Housemates are in the bedroom singing a song.
Dane has made it up and Stephanie is singing with him. "Somebody's making love to my girlfriend - and it aches me - that it aint me."
They join in improvising and singing in harmonies. Alex is stretching in the corner of the bedroom and asks Dane "Is this yourInsania?"
He listens to the words Dane is singing "Are you trying to tell me something Danus? I don't like this song Danus."
Vinnie "Let's have a Big Brother single."

The housemates are still singing but now Sisqo is involved and it's "Housemates, Housemates who is going to go."

In the snug Stephen is talking to Stephanie about going back to normal life. Stephen "Back to the dreary voicemails and emails."
Stephanie "horrible, I can't bear that thought feel nearly inclined to join a nunnery. - I might renounce."
Stephanie explains she hasn't sung since she was four - "A lot of funny things happened to me today". Stephen thinks it is all linked religiously. Stephanie "It's letting me sing." Stephen "Praise God" " Sing Beacham - sing". The housemates are singing in the bedroom.
Big Brother says "Big Brother has a headache would the housemates kindly pipe down." And then plays in Bagpipe music. The housemates all laugh.

Alex is in a bath.. the rest of the housemates are all around the house singing.
Alex on his own joins in.
Jonas is in the Diary Room talking to Big Brother. Big Brother asks how he is getting along.
He explains he doesn't really speak to Vinnie and always feels like Vinnie is the expert and knows ten times more than him about anything. "I'm a Swedish Guy, computer nerd. Produces cheesy Euro Dance, what could I have in common with Vinnie. Really?"

Stephanie and Ivana are in the snug. They think it's a shame Nicky is only just really showing her real self. Stephanie thinks it might have been a wise move as it might keep her in.
Ivana "I don't think she likes me." Stephanie explains she's probably "scared".
Nicola "What could she talk to you about?" Ivana "she really doesn't say anything meaningful anyway." Stephanie "She's just a sweetheart. A nice girl."

Nicola is in the bedroom with some of the housemates. She and Sisqo discuss wit after he says "You're quite judgmental today ha? "
Nicola explains she thinks his sarcasm "is just the lowest form of wit" and it's not funny.
She doesn't find it interesting. Nicola "When people say silly things, you go Bam! right under, just to make sure they know they've said something stupid - thanks! And normally it's me."
He says she is defensive. She explains she has to put her guard up.. as people always get at her, so she then "feels uncomfortable saying stuff."

The housemates have been given a Swedish Flat Pack task. As Jonas is Swedish he is in Swedish national dress and the project manager. The housemates have to erect two pieces of Flat Pack furniture. They are in two teams and Jonas has the instructions. Unbeknownst to the other housemates it is Jonas's job to sabotage their progress.

Montage of the assembly. Flat Pack Challenge
The bell sounds for the end of the task and the housemates are told by Big Brother they have failed the task and therefore passed!

Stephen, Sisqo and Ivana are packing their bags in the bedroom.

Vinnie is commenting on Ivana packing "it takes her an hour just to get her drawers on in the morning."

They then all tease Stephanie if Ivana goes she will have difficulty settling back in as she's "blanked them for the last week." Vinnie jokes since Ivana's been in the house - Stephanie hasn't made him one cup of tea.
They tease her..Stephanie laughs taking it with good grace.
Vinnie jokes Ivana will quickly forget her. "When she's dancing in Annabel's tonight. It will be 'Stephanie seemed nice' - 'who?"
Stephanie laughs
Alex tells Sisqo he won't shake his hand if he goes tonight he's gonna go "In your face brother". He mimics Sisqo's reaction before.
Vinnie teases her "If Steph sits on any more fences she's gonna get splinters in her arse."
Stephanie thinks it's hilarious.

Ivana has got dressed ready for the eviction. Stephanie "you look fantastic - amazing."
Stephanie "you're so hot but you look fantastic"

In the kitchen Vinnie and Dane are talking about who is going to be left in the house. They think it will be Stephen and Ivana who will go.
Vinnie "I could put up with all of them - apart from Ivana she's a bit of a pain"
Dane and Vinnie laugh about how panicky she is.

Stephanie talks to Dane in the bedroom about Ivana. Stephanie "I've loved her… but I've felt it's been very difficult for her."
Dane "she's been gracious." Stephanie "she is the true form of what I play."
Dane "she's done herself some favours….. you can't even begruntle what she's got."

Vinnie is in the kitchen talking to Dane and Alex. Vinnie is mixing and stirring it up.. he thinks even Ivana is acting differently. She isn't being quite as friendly as before now she thinks she is leaving.
Vinnie "One maybe two more to go till I get my perfect team."

Ivana is in the bathroom getting ready - she leaves and enters the kitchen. Vinnie doesn't realise she is there and says "Poor old Ivana" She hears.
She agrees "If I have to pack again I'll kill myself."
Vinnie " I think you'll be okay." "I think Sisqo might stay"

7.10pm Stephanie is wearing a dress. The housemates think it's beautiful. Jonas "It would look much better if it was on the floor. " Stephanie doesn't hear so Nicola repeats Jonas's comment. Stephanie scolds him playfully.

Ivana is sitting waiting in the sitting room. Jonas fills up a pan of ice cold water and carries it through into the shower. He opens the door and throws the water over a shocked and naked Alex Reid. The others run to watch him do it..

In the bedroom Stephen laughs about Alex hiding his winky.
Vinnie says it's a good thing "that little bit of hotel soap covered it up."

The housemates are in the lounge. Alex runs thro what he's been called today - "A knob tonight, I've been abused, I've been syndicated." Vinnie "Vindicated, you prat"
The housemates laugh.
Alex says to Vinnie "That arrogance could be your downfall."

Ivana comments "Vinnie, you didn't speak to me for 3 days. You totally ignored me - I didn't mind!" Vinnie explains he couldn't get near her as so many people were 'up her arse."
The house is spoken to by Davina and Stephen is evicted.
The housemates hear the chants and the boos.

Stephanie does her best to help prepare Ivana for it "it's Panto" - Ivana "It is what it is."

Davina speaks to the house again. Sisqo is evicted. As promised Alex screams "in your face brother"

Nicola reassures Ivana "We will help you"
Sisqo leaves the house.
Stephanie "That was a popular exit" as she hears the crowd.
Vinnie thinks the public must have been p*ssed off with him to get him voted.

Ivana is left.. she does some pretend sobbing.
Vinnie remarks how the two "that have gone against me - they've both bitten the dust."

Dane laughs with Ivana "Sisqo is going to Annabels"
Alex says "It is what it is."
Nicola explains "You've dodged a bullet."
Vinnie "They should have a sympathy vote and let you just go." "That's all the Americans out"

Part 4.
The housemates receive their reward for their earlier Flat Pack task.
The snug has been turned into a Swedish Spa with Swedish massage oils, Swedish food and alcohol.
Stephanie jumps up onto the massage table. Alex massages her with his 'wooden balls" (a massage stick). Stephanie "Oh that's naughty.. mmmmmn Oh yes! Oh!"
Alex "You like it? my wooden balls"

Stephanie's massage finishes and Ivana climbs up for hers.
Alex once again enjoys massaging with his wooden balls. He laughs "I've massaged Ivana Trumps bum with my wooden balls." He doesn't reckon his partner would be very happy.

Ivana unpacks

Many of the housemates are in the lounge.
Vinnie laughs this is the "Longest I've gone without spending any money."
The other housemates laugh his wife has probably been in Harrods every day making up for it. Vinnie says she wouldn't be "it's not her in a million years" and explains he even buys all her clothes.

Alex talks about present buying - he finds it very difficult and stressful buying Katie presents. When she basically walk in somewhere and effectively buy the "whole shop"
"It's hard - I'm learning"
This year he says he bought her- a pretend toy "a hamster from Harrods, Hamleys - an astrology reading which she didn't like it.. .. it wasn't as flattering". Stephanie "It's not meant to be flattering it's the truth."

Nicola wants to know if he buys sexy stuff Alex "I didn't get anything saucy we've done all that."

"A Burberry dressing gown" but explains "she got four dressing gowns for Christmas from different people, everyone had the same idea.. mine was the nicest, the sexiest."

He explains "It's stressful"

Nicola confesses "Simon buys me designer stuff and I'm not really like that."
Alex "That's the great thing about , you know who, she's quite happy with high street stuff. And looks good for the fraction of the price"

Nicola asks "Does she wear many diamonds anywhere" - Alex laughs "yeah"
Nicola "totally blinged up?" Alex "Yeah"
Really "but I need to talk to you about that sort of thing."
Nicola "Yeah, definitely."
Alex "maybe you can be my new help" Nicola "Yeah"

Alex is in the Diary Room talking to Big Brother.
Big Brother asks how he's getting on and who he reckons his competition is in the house.
"Vinnie and Dane". "I love Vinnie!"
He's enjoying his time in the house. Big Brother asks who Alex Reid is.. he explains "I don't know…. Alex Reid is several people, I'm me."
"I'm here now, in this experience of the Big Brother house and I'm thinking about who Alex Reid is - having fun." "Yeah, I am Alex Reid".
"A passionate, inspired man on a mission, having a lot of fun on the way."
Jonas asks Dane about the relationship thing..
Dane explains
Nicola talks about Alex. Nicola "is such a decent guy - such a good soul" "he's literally a Labrador."
Dane "I think this has done him great favours".

Dane quietly comments "They don't help themselves though, both of them, they don't"
Nicola "Dane - even if you whisper, they still hear you."

Nicola thinks Alex is full of "Kindness - loveable" She remarks how Alex "never slags anyone off"
Dane agrees "he's got on with everyone."

Dane confesses he feels awkward when Alex is talking about Katie as he's only been with her for six months whilst he was with her for 2 ½ years. So he knows her better.

Nicola is making a fart noise by squeezing her hand under her armpit.
She then decides to go one stage further.. she removes her tights and lies on the floor with a cushion between her legs.. and bicycles her legs in the air making a fart noises.

Ivana is in the Diary Room talking to Big Brother about surviving the eviction.
"It is what it is"
"I am very honoured"
She explains although people know who she is.. they will see a different side to Ivana whilst she is in the house. She explains she knows other socialites who would not find the transgression as easy. As she is happy to muck in with the cooking, cleaning. While her friends have fabulous kitchens they wouldn't actually go near.
She thinks the competition is going to be big "starting right now"
With "lots of strategies and undermining"
"Do I want to win? Yeah Why not…. I want to Win."

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