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.18am Dane and Stephanie are in the kitchen talking about the cooking arrangements. Dane reckons the other housemates have been a bit scared of coming into the kitchen.
Dane "I'm fine cooking all week." Stephanie feels that some housemates "Need to start washing up", but makes it clear Dane is a good replacement for Vinnie.

10.06 Heidi is in the bedroom "Vinnie Jones is such a star." Stephanie quizzes her if she means in the house. Heidi says "In London" he's "super super famous" Alex who is listening wrinkles up his nose.
In the Lounge, Vinnie and Dane talk about Dane's taking over in the Kitchen. Vinnie says "I want you to see how hard it is…you put your heart and soul in". Dane says he will definitely keep it up until Sunday. Both Vinnie and Dane then discuss Sov's refusal to help at in the kitchen. Vinnie calls her "spoilt".

11.41 pm Dane and Sisqo are in the kitchen talking about Stephanie. Dane comments "she's the only hot one in here." Sisqo agrees she's sexy and remarks "When she hugs you she has still got some curves there". The two laugh.

Stephen is in the Diary Room telling Big Brother about "dissension in the ranks" and Vinnie is "pecking" at Dane and a power struggle is developing between the two men. He fears that "Vinnie feels he is not as needed as before" and that Housemates dubbing Dane's first meal last night 'the best one yet' did little to help Vinnie's insecurities. Stephen predicts that as the tension between Vinnie and Dane grows, Dane will either huddle up like a foetus or rise up and challenge Vinnie as the alpha male. He reveals his plan "I have my own strategy. I intend on playing the fool all the way down the line."

Dane, Sisqo and Alex are in the Kitchen. Dane is explaining his rationing system to them and urges them to be "adults" about it. He says if people take more than they are allocated they are 'pricks'. Alex finds this offensive and tells him. Dane apologises.

Stephanie is talking about a snake she used to have "I had a boa constrictor" Nicola asks "Is that a snake?" Stephanie "6 foot" - "But I couldn't bear feeding him live mice"

Vinnie is sat in-between the Kitchen and the Lounge, winding Dane up about his running of the Kitchen. He quizzes Dane over how much food he is rationing and to whom he is giving it. Vinnie remarks "This is where you find out that some people don't have brains"

1.19 pm. Katia and Jonas are in the Garden. He and Katia discuss the fact that they are now half way through the show.

Most of the housemates are in the Lounge. Nicola talks about the TV show Soccer AM. She says that she has been on it with another 'WAG'. Vinnie starts quizzing Nicola about whether she qualifies to be a WAG, since he boyfriend is not a Premier League or an international player. Vinnie "do you think your're a WAG?" Nicola says "I'm a girlfriend" Vinnie "But you're not Premier League are you?"
They discuss people being WAGS and Vinnie says "Trouble is a lot of girls wanna be that"
Nicola comments "It's ridiculous"

2.45 pm.
Heidi, Dane and Stephanie are in the Bedroom. Heidi openly admits that when she first arrived in the house she happily badmouthed each of the housemates to Big Brother. When they leave they will see that see what she said about them. She tells how within minutes of getting into the house she was telling Big Brother there were all "a bunch of f*cking idiots". Stephanie laughs about how nice she has been about Heidi. Heidi laughs she said that Dane did nothing more than dance in front of prepubescent girls and that Stephanie was a "Stuck up c**t". Neither Stephanie nor Dane take offense and appear to find her honesty amusing.
Stephen and Alex are in the lounge together. Stephen is talking about God.

Sisqo, Stephen and Dane are in the garden playing golf with one of the walking sticks.

Katia and Jonas are cuddled up on the bed together on Jonas's bed. Katia lies in his arms as they play with Nicola's toy dog. The two flirt, Jonas calls her a "dirty girl"

Vinnie confesses to some of the housemates "I've enjoyed winding Rocky up." And admits that when he first met Alex he thought very little of him. Stephanie points out that Vinnie has since taken to him, which Vinnie agrees to; saying he never imagined he would be helping Alex train. Stephanie describes Alex "he's sweet, such a nice guy." Nicola "hopes he becomes really loved, by the public".
Nicola says she still isn't keen on a certain unnamed housemate. Vinnie asks is the housemate is a "Yank"

Steph describes to Nicola how she sees her "You are like a dog who goes from one camp to the other wagging your tail." Vinnie laughs that what former Big Brother housemate Nick used to do "you could be nasty Nick".

In the Lounge, Jonas tells some of the housemates about the sex advice he once received on how to learn the way to pleasure women. He says he did so by practising licking cream out of a bowl.
He admits to practising 'for half a year'.

Alex is in the Diary Room talking to Big Brother. He discusses Stephen. And terms himself as fairly "inquisitive". He says "Stephen is trying to transform him" and admits he is a "too much in your face" although "he's said some really good things" and it is good to be challenged.
But "whether I'm going to experience God in the Stephen way is yet to be seen."

6.42 pm
Sisqo and Nicola are in the Lounge, singing together.

Katia crawls over to Jonas who is washing up in the Kitchen and asks "Are you having fun?" Jonas replies "We could have a lot of fun at my discretion" Katia puts her hands in the sink with Jonas's. He remarks "It sometimes feels like I might mean something to you" Jonas adds "you distract me".

Dane is in the Lounge massaging Alex who is thinking about exercise "I think I might have a day off - depends what Vinnie wants".

In the kitchen Jonas and Katia are still flirting and Jonas starts whipping her across the bum with a t-towel. Katia giggles "That hurts!"

7.19pm Stephanie is moaning with delight in the bedroom. Dane is massaging her feet "Smack my feet! Smack my feet! Oh! Yes!"
Across the room Jonas is massaging Nicola's feet with not quite such effect.

Vinnie is outside in the garden with a shovel clearing ice.

Jonas leaves the bedroom and Katia calls out "cheater". Jonas teases her.. "You're jealous?"
He heads out for a cigarette and Katia jokingly calls out "You go think about her feet you dirty whore!" "You cheater ! All you men are the same."

8.32pm Some of the housemates are in the bedroom.
Stephen is telling those gathered in the lounge "I've heard the voice of God." And tells how one morning he woke up and heard a loud shout in the room. He mimics it. And tells how when he looked up the word in the bible his name was referenced.
Vinnie asks "It said Stephen Baldwin?" the table laugh and Vinnie dismisses the story. As the story is long Vinnie comments "I'm growing a beard here." He gets up to leave 'for a shave'.

Katia is in bed with Jonas and leaves the bed to go and get "some sleep".

Dane, Nicola, Sov and Sisqo are in the Diary Room asking Big Brother for more alcohol.
Big Brother refuses them. But is interested in knowing what they think will happen with the evictions. Sov says she is "Sick of hearing about parrots" and Dane says they need "A massive shake up" Sisqo thinks that Katia should leave to affect Jonas "it would affect Jonas in someway if she did leave." Sisqo rekons Jonas must be feeling frustrated to have got all the cuddles and then suddenly had it all stop..

Later Sov is smoking in the Garden with Sisqo - Sov admits she doesn't want to leave.

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