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All of the housemates are asleep in the Bedroom. The morning alarm goes off waking the housemates. Big Brother reveals that due to Ben, Ife and Caoimhe breaking the rules regarding discussing nominations, the hot water has been turned off until further notice. “Have a nice day”, says Big Brother. Steve isn’t overly impressed by the news stating “come on guys”. Neither is John-James who voices his opinion saying that he is “not happy about it… hate having cold showers, obviously more than most”.

Josie changes the direction of the conversation telling John-James she doesn’t think he will be up for eviction. John-James doesn’t agree with her ascertainment telling her that he is the only one in the house who’s done anything to warrant being put up for eviction this week and that he is “quite happy to go up”.

Some of the housemates are at the Carousel. Ife is talking about her biological mother. She talks about the similarities between them. Ife loves her adopted parents and the fact that her siblings are all adopted but biologically related. Ife always wanted to meet someone that looks like her but managed to meet her biological dad and noticed such similarities in their personas.

Steve in the Bathroom and notices the robot, Titan, hidden behind the glass. He laughs, “Well done Big Brother. Guys come and have a look at this in the bathroom”. The housemates join Steve in the Bathroom. “It doesn’t look very friendly”, says Mario. Corin leaves the Bathroom pretending to be a robot herself calling out, “exterminate, exterminate”.

All of the other housemates have now left the room, leaving Steve alone with the robot. Steve asks if the robot has anything to say, the robot doesn’t reply. Steve says, “We are the same breed; I’m half man, half machine”.

Steve is in the Bathroom. “Like my legs, you will rust up”, he tells the robot. “You can borrow my WD40, you just have to ask”.

Josie and Caoimhe are in the Kitchen. Josie is talking about the impending reveal of who’s up for eviction. She states, “What will be, will be. It’s not our show”.

Ife and Mario at the Carousel talking about Mario’s first impression of Ben. Ife likens his first impression to that of a job interview.

Some of the housemates are in the Bedroom talking about Shabby’s departure. “It will do Caoimhe the world of good”, Nathan says to Ben adding that it will her force her into the group. Nathan also explains how he feels he’s come out of himself since Shabby went and that he can be a “cheeky northern monkey” again.

All the Housemates have been gathered at the sofas for this weeks nomination results. Big Brother reveals that Caoimhe and John-James are up for eviction but will take part in the save and replace task. “I’m willing to fail the task. In a way I want to be up”, John-James says to Caoimhe.

Housemates have been gathered in the garden for today’s Save and Replace task. Caoimhe and John-James will have three attempts at staying on the bucking TV, whoever lasts the longest will stay on TV.

Caoimhe and John-James do their attempts on the TV bronco. Caoimhe tells John-James, “Please, don’t do anything stupid”.

John-James falls off the TV bronco. Caoimhe asks if he did that on purpose and that she doesn’t want him to do that.

Josie tells John-James she thinks “Caoimhe has a better chance” of surviving eviction than him.

The task attempts are completed and Big Brother reveals that Caoimhe stayed on the longest with 22 seconds, whilst John-James only got 19 seconds. Caoimhe is told she must now replace herself with one of her fellow housemates to be up for eviction this week. She chooses Nathan. “Sound. Don’t worry about it kid. The hunky trio is going down”, says Nathan.

Some of the housemates are in the Bedroom. “Did you throw it?” Mario asks John-James. “How could I live here knowing I’d be the one to send her home”, says John-James.

Josie and Caoimhe are in the Bedroom talking about John-James. Caoimhe says he is funny and has a heart of gold but Nathan is loud and intimidating.

John James has come to the Diary Room to talk to Big Brother about being up for eviction. He said he purposefully lost the task because if he’d have won he would have swapped with Corin and he knows that Caoimhe would have lost against her. He thinks Nathan will survive eviction and he will go.

He adds that he thinks Caoimhe now has a chance for a fresh start and to prove herself without Shabby. He’s pretty sure that he will go on Friday because of the rows he’s had with. He explains that he would have chosen Corin because he thinks she’s fake and that her constant positivity is an act but “many people wouldn’t have seen that on the outside”.

Josie and John-James are in the Bathroom. “I don’t know what I’d do if you go”, Josie tells him.

Ife, Nathan and Corin are at the Carousel speculating on who will leave this Friday. Corin tells Nathan that he won’t be going on Friday. Ife thinks that anyone she starts to get closer to ends up getting evicted that week, happened with Govan and Rachael.

Caoimhe, Ben and Josie are in the Bedroom. Josie is trying to spray a fly that is in the bedroom. “I’m not having it anymore, he’s getting evicted”, she shouts at the fly. Ben asks if he can talk with her and tells her he worries about “what is happening in the world around us”. Josie reveals she’s holding some of her character back and is worried about some stories coming out in the press, and then Ben tells her how much everyone loves her in the house.

Ben and Dave are in the Bedroom talking about John-James and Nathan being up for eviction. They agree that they like both of them but think Nathan is more stable and not as argumentative as John-James who will “want to start arguments at 10 at night”.

Josie, Caoimhe and John James are in the Bathroom. Josie says she thinks that Mario has a big following on the outside. “You know who I hope doesn’t”, says Caoimhe. “Corin”, adding that what comes out of her mouth is fake. The others agree.

Josie is in the Diary Room. “How would you like to win some booze?” says Big Brother. She says, “Obviously I would love to win loads of booze.” Big Brother informs her that she has to steal shoes “more shoes, more booze”. Josie is set for the ‘Booze for Shoes’ task.

Caoimhe and Ife are at the Carousel. Ife is telling Caoimhe about a conversation she had with Big Brother. She tells her that she thought Caoimhe was leading Shabby on and that she was trying to “have her cake and eat it”. “I did not lead her on”, says Caoimhe adding that Ife had no right to say what she did and that she is “p***** off”. Ife says she kept reminding her to be careful. The conversation ends with Caoimhe saying she needs to go to the toilet and walking away.

Josie in the Bedroom shoe collecting whilst Nathan is a sleep with hat over his head. John-James comes in and asks her what she’s doing and she explains her secret mission. He starts to help her.

Caoimhe catches John-James at the Diary Room door as he is trying to take a bin bag of shoes through to Big Brother. She starts to talk to him about being upset about what Ife had said. “It’s just one person’s opinion”, he tells her.

Caoimhe goes into the Bedroom to see Josie to tell her she has a dilemma. Josie tells her she has a dilemma herself, hides in the toilet and says she “had an accident in my panties”.

John-James is in the Diary Room with the bin liner of shoes for Big Brother. He counts out 21 pairs of shoes and is informed it is for booze. John-James says “For booze? I wondered what she said”. Big Brother then tells him Josie has another ten minutes so heads out to help her some more.

Caoimhe and Josie are in the Bedroom. Caoimhe is telling her about the row with Ife but Josie’s mind is on shoes, telling her she should go to the Diary Room. “Where are my shoes?” Caoimhe asks Josie. She goes out to the Living Room to ask the others. “I bet it’s one of Mario’s tricks”, says Ben.

Josie goes to the Diary Room saying that she has been “busted”. She says that Caoimhe wants to know where the shoes are and has told her that she doesn’t know where hers are either.

Big Brother has called Josie to the Diary Room. Dave shouts that they “have evidence she is the shoe thief”.

Josie has one can of lager in front of her as she sits on the Diary Room chair. Big Brother tells her she was well and truly busted but for her enthusiastic efforts she gets one can. Josie then asks to do a deal saying “how about the hot water on for these” producing a pair of flip flops from her top. Big Brother declines the offer and Josie drinks her can of lager.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Cheers Darlo ,I don't think for a minute that he would have thrown the task ,JJ is to competitive.
Interesting to see who he would have put up if he had the chance,he obviously thought about it.
I see BB are making sure thier chosen one Josie gets a lot of air time

They've cut out a lot of the bitching too including Corin and Nathan's chat about JJ.

Josie isn't the chosen one, with the amount of fans Ben has they wouldn't want to cross them.
darloboy (Play The Game!)

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