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Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

So Erin, who would be the least bad for you if Aaron didn't win? I have to admit to not really giving that aspect a thought>

It would have to be Alex .The blind woman theft story put me off and I wouldn't vote for her now .But if it's not Aaron then if Alex wins so be it.My big concern is that Aaron goes out leaving Alex/Jay ( doubt it will happen) then I will be transferring my vote to Alex to prevent a Jay win .Like you I havn't given it much thought

Originally Posted by Renton:

I unashamedly love Tom

I liked and backed him at the begining

Then he cried ... poor lamb


Perhaps this just goes to show the pressure these poor souls are under in the name of our entertainment

Hope he doesn't go tonight

My heart broke for him a little bit last night when he realised that he has been the invisible man. Jay and Aaron have dominated the highlight show and Tom might just not have been there!


If we  were to be  given stats on the amount of air time allocated to each HM I'm certain it'd be way below all the others.


We have had 45/50 mins per day - BB have decided who is gonna grab the headlines and poor Tom didn't fit into their script.


I wasn't keen on him at first but he'll be getting my votes (must rush) Aaron and Jay have been primed to win - Tom never got a look in. SHAME ON YOU BB - bring back LF so we can make an honest decision.


Soozy Woo

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