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LOL, I think some people forget that there are other folk around sometimes.    Me and my daughter were on a train from Wolverhampton to Chester the other week, and there was this crowd of 2 women and 6 kids.  They were OK and relatively well behaved, but three of them sat behind us and five of them 4 or 5 seats away, and the one girl (about 8 y.o.) kept on walking past from her 2 brothers to her mommy, every 2 minutes!  It drove me mad!  After half an hour, me and my daughter moved to another carriage   I couldn't say much though, because she wasn't actually being naughty, she just had ants in her pants!
We were in the library in uni one day and my friend was on the phone and she was talking quite loudly and said 'Emma just go to casualty and get it because if you go to the chemist they charge you ÂĢ25' she though nobody would know what she was on about I goes to her 'Orlagh, now I and everyone else in the library knows that Emma is looking the Morning after pill' lol
I would expect people to speak quietly when on a mobile phone, but they speak louder don`t they? Often shout.
I would love a zapper thing that immobilizes all mobile phones in the immediate area.
I would use it on buses, trains, theatres, shops. I'd love the power to shut 'em all up!
Actually did I imagine it or has there been such an invention from the Japanese?
If they exist I'd love to have one.
When I'm feeling brave I like to play the other side of the conversation in situations like that. It sounds a bit odd until everyone else realises what you're doing and then it's really funny
I was just going to say something similar. Surefire way of getting egocentric moby dicks to zip it or at least hush a little is to make a comment on the content of the conversation.  Funny how they go some seemingly oblivious to the world to acutely aware of eavesdroppers in a nanosec. Tis my default strategy on trains. The glares are just a bonus. <benign smile>  
subatomic partygirl
I was in the Doctors waiting room a couple of weeks back, the chairs are set out in 3 rows with a large Childrens play area at one end with numerous toys to keep them amused.

I chose a seat right in the back corner next to the Magazine rack, there was a Lady with a toddler at one end, an elderly Man and a Lady with 2 toddlers at the other end (right next to the play area).

I sat down with my mag and crossed my legs, the womans 2 kids were screaming and shouting, then started running right round the chairs and whacking my ankle on the way past, almost tripping themselves up, sooooo after about the 10th time, I uncrossed my legs and moved myself back into the chair so they wouldn't trip up.

Next thing the Lady screams at me "Well, you try and keep 2 kids amused for half an hour"

I was gobsmacked and asked if she was talking to me...

She carried on screeching at me "It's not easy to keep them still for half an hour" yada, yada, yada....

In the end I asked her if she'd prefer me to sit in the childrens play area as it seems to be the only place child free!!!

I was only trying to stop them from tripping over my feet while they ran riot...she didn't even tell them to calm down (my Mother would've give me a crack round the earhole)...she was saying to them "Oliver, Jessica please, please be good for Mummy Wummy" WTF...

Even the other Lady with a toddler heaved a sigh of relief when they'd gone and commented on them....
The Devil In Diamante
All the toys in our Dr's surgery have been put away because of swine flu...

Lol @ jacksonb

Devil - I have the same problem with some awful mothers bringing in their 12 kids and running riot - God help you if you lift your eyes at them or her, you get a total mouthful back... I always apologise if my daughter is being a bit flighty in the waiting room but generally she just chats to people and I only get nice comments about how sweet she is but then you get the dross who will even roll their eyes when she says hello to them...

I remember my brother telling a woman on his train she was so boring as her convo was too loud and she talked crap (brothers synopsis of it anyway) the rest of the carriage applauded so she told him and everyone else to eff off lol - I'm so glad I don't have to commute
it is strange what people will do on mobile phones - i was on the train last week and the man in front of me was in the process of booking a holiday for him and his sister (who was recently divorced btw)  after going through all the choices he wanted to make - he then proceeded to pay by credit card.  He loudly announced to the whole carriage - name, address, credit card expiry date, credit card number and security code -    I was astonished!  he had better hope no-one was sitting with a notepad and pen,
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
it is strange what people will do on mobile phones - i was on the train last week and the man in front of me was in the process of booking a holiday for him and his sister (who was recently divorced btw) after going through all the choices he wanted to make - he then proceeded to pay by credit card. He loudly announced to the whole carriage - name, address, credit card expiry date, credit card number and security code - I was astonished! he had better hope no-one was sitting with a notepad and pen,
Christ what a numpty! *wishes I'd been on that carriage *
We don't wanna know about you "arthouse" French fillums Mr Profile!

Special interest on the west coast mainline.

Actually, speaking of films.  I was at a multi-media film premier thing last night.  Ended up with us Skype-ing to Eddie Izzard, Lily Cole, Jude Law etc.

Eddie was funny.  As was Jude tbf.  Ms Cole was preternatural.
Special interest on the west coast mainline. Actually, speaking of films. I was at a multi-media film premier thing last night. Ended up with us Skype-ing to Eddie Izzard, Lily Cole, Jude Law etc. Eddie was funny. As was Jude tbf. Ms Cole was preternatural.
Jude was funny?   (I took it for granted Eddie would be)  Lily looks like a fairy or summat though doesn't she? (I mean that in a nice way)  I think she's beautiful.

She's all sort of otherworldly (as a compliment)

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