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I really like this song but don't like any of the versions of it that I've heard. You must suggest versions preferably with accompanying youtube links and the person who posts the one I decide I finally like shall be deemed the winner and might get a prize but probably won't.

Versions I have personally ruled out so far...
Adele (too pretentious, just sing the damn thing). Billy Joel (I like him but he sounds boring on this one). Trisha someone or other (boring). Bob Dylan (I know he wrote it but his version sadly sounds too much like Bob Dylan). Someone somewhere must be able to sing this great song properly. 

Come on GaGa types, save meeeeeeeeeeee.

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The recent posts were fekk all to do with me. Apparently, it's been fun for people to go round changing their usernames or something? It was Crunchy nuts who changed his name to mine and used my avatar.
I just looked back and thought WTF? I could have sworn it said Karma when I replied to it.

World gone mad. I knew you'd be involved somewhere down the line
It's okay folks problem solved. I've sung it myself and done my own meticulous arrangement. Damn, you should have heard it. I was in tears halfway through at how good I was (which made me sound a bit crap for the rest of it being over emotional and all that stuff).

The old adage remains true and resolute... if you want something done properly you're just going to have to do it yourself. At last, the perfect version (apart from the second half of it which I blubbed through as I had amazed myself at how good I am)

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