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sarum, pray no, surely not, not Biggins
I'd posted something about meeting him at a party, and someone (can't remember who) asked, jokingly, if he and I got it on...I replied that, No, I'm not his type, being a girl and all...
and out came the banstick.

I wouldn't have minded so much, Lowi, but Biggins is actually a personal friend, and a lovely man... he laughed his head off when I told him about it....
See, this is why I've been a bit wary of mods, even made me a bit nervous when they were, well, nice. I'm getting better though..
The mods/ admins and staff here are lovely. They have bent over backwards to help us, an wherelse can you request them as Buddies. Ted ONeil helped me a lot when i wanted to join VIP. Didn't want Auto- renewal and he sorted it. Great bunch of guys and gals here.
This is what's great about this place-- no bans for use of offensive language, the mods here join in an help us no-end..
Not strictly true luvver... they do at least intervene in a thread a warning if something is seemingly offensive to most FMs. But they do let us tone it down like grown-ups after before they tank it or ban. Brilliant moderating imo.

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