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For several years I have suffered from frequent outbreaks of tonsillitis.  I was supposed to get my tonsils out a year ago but I got tonsillitis a few days before the operation meaning I couldn't get it.  Since then I haven't yet rearranged another date, mainly because I can't spare 2-3 recovery weeks with Uni commitments.

Anyway, I am experiencing severe problems at the minute, I got tonsillitis twice in the last ten days. Every morning over winter when I wake up I have to drink a cup of hot water to soothe my throat enough to even make it bearable to swallow saliva. This is a horrible start to the day and the pain eases little during the day.  I have been to the doctor and been on a course of antibiotics (as I had a pretty flu symptoms the last time as well).  I now just use a anaesthetic throat spray which numbs the throat for a while (much in the way a dentist injection in your gum would.)

I don't like taking medication anyway so I would prefer to use preventive methods instead of taking pills.  I was considering getting a humidifier fan to moisten the air in my bedroom when I sleep as dry air really effects my throat.

Has anyone got one/used one and is it worth it? They are pretty expensive so I don't want to waste money.

Thanks in advance, sorry for the long winded post

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I had huge tonsils when I was a kid.   Spent most of every winter with tonsillitis.  Got to the top of the waiting list to have them out about 4 times... every time it had to be cancelled because I had tonsillitis. 

When I was 13 a GP decided enough was enough and put me on the waiting list as "semi urgent" meaning that whenever someone couldn't make their op date it was offered to me.

Had them out at 14... and have never had tonsillitis since.

Recently my daughter had what was initially thought to be really bad tonsillitis...  but after 3 courses of antibiotics doing nothing it was confirmed that she had Glandular Fever.  It looks like tonsillitis though...  and she had the massive swollen sore tonsils for months.   She refused to gargle with salt water...  but that is supposed to help (it helps heal the blisters on them anyway)..  mostly she lived on Strepsils & Co-codamol for 3 months.      She ended up missing a whole half term of Upper Sixth Form!     She went back to school at the beginning of this half term and has almost caught up now...   so it is possible.  Especially if the teaching staff are sympathetic.

I agree with Croc I'm afraid....      have the op
I have the same problem  i was on the list to have them out but chickened out at the last minute and haven't been brave enough to have it done since (all my own fault i know), i have suffered for years with throat and nose problems, i did have an operation on my nose which did help me breathe better but was told it wouldn't last and it hasn't, my nose seem's to drian into my ears which then makes me dizzy and off balance, i use nasal sprays but was told by my doctor not to over use as they damage the nose, i also have to drink gallons of water a day as i always seem to have loads of gunk in the back of my throat all the time, i must get braver and go back to the doctor but he always seem's to think i'm making more of it then it is

I hope you sort your problem out soon as i know how it gets you down (hugs)
Thanks everyone, booked a doctors appointment again today.  I think I'll request another appointment to get my tonsils out in may or june maybe if they can do it then so I won't miss any class.

Last night was one of the worst yet, I was woken up twice because it was so painful! 

When I get them out I'm going to put them in a jar and look at them everyday and

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