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it all looked to be so promising. I watched last night (BOTS) as well. I admit to feeling a tad depressed. It has slipped into something rather nasty and sordid - there is nothing nice going on at all. I'm not sure how much more I want to continue watching. The sort of back handed slyness that used to creep in in the later stages and added a touch of spice is there in all it's glory from the off. it gets boring and uncomfortable.


Is anyone else feeling this? I was so excited at the start - I was a bit premature I think.

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i haven't watched the first 2 weeks sooz, but i'm watching it now mostly due to benedicks  outburts of honesty.


 shame he went.


 i watch it now for klydia and her furrowed brows and  declarations of  fame  and fortune.


at least she isn't seedy and  and 'mucky'.


before i lose interest in it again, which i will if lydia goes, then i'm hoping they send  some one in that has a sense of humour, because  that is what is sadly lacking, and of course intelligence.


why oh why did they put some one like sara in there? what a waste of space.


from the very little  that i saw of last years and what i've seen of this one.


it suggests to me that channel 5 have taken  the show way down market. 

with channel 4, there was humour and wit and intelligence, in the hm's as well as the terminally thick and  nasty  and just plain weird.


channel 5 has  made the show far more crass and base, which tells me  pretty much what they think of their audience.


i mean seriously , would anyone like, Rex, Ben, Derek Laud,Dan Bryan,Lesley(you do the washing up and i'll do the irony) and so many others go anywhere near BB now?

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

it all looked to be so promising. I watched last night (BOTS) as well. I admit to feeling a tad depressed. It has slipped into something rather nasty and sordid - there is nothing nice going on at all. I'm not sure how much more I want to continue watching. The sort of back handed slyness that used to creep in in the later stages and added a touch of spice is there in all it's glory from the off. it gets boring and uncomfortable.


Is anyone else feeling this? I was so excited at the start - I was a bit premature I think.

Yes totally agree especially the highlighted bits 


havnt watched since Friday but have read highlights thread and am pleased I didnt bother TBH 


I think CH5 realised what had gone wrong and that is why nom talk was banned - too late as far as I am concerned as it isnt fair to those already evicted 


I am hanging in for Lydia at the moment - I know she isnt everyones favourite but out of what is left I find her very watchable



I agree JB. like you said last night , there is little or no humour in it now and it is totally crass! Of course the lack of LF has had a huge impact on it ... I'm cynical enough to wonder how long they actually do the tasks , *punishments* etc.! But even taking that out of the equation and accepting it for what it is now, an hour long *scripted * show, it has little entertainment value ! If it wasn't for the forum and the HL thread I wouldn't even switch it on.
Originally Posted by Baz:
I agree JB. like you said last night , there is little or no humour in it now and it is totally crass! Of course the lack of LF has had a huge impact on it ... I'm cynical enough to wonder how long they actually do the tasks , *punishments* etc.! But even taking that out of the equation and accepting it for what it is now, an hour long *scripted * show, it has little entertainment value ! If it wasn't for the forum and the HL thread I wouldn't even switch it on.

I hadn't realised why I was sticking with it but you just said it. I guess it's our 'common bond' - I used to be BB's biggest fan - somehow it's all a bit flat now.

Soozy Woo

Now that Benedict has gone,he was the only beacon in a sea of dross,I'm rapidly losing interest.Last nights show with the lame nasty bunch screeching and pretending to be really excited over that nasty mare Ashleighs birthday was awful.I don't have any favs left in there now and most of them are just plain horrible and unlikeable.

Originally Posted by Baz:
That's exactly how I feel Soozy I thought we were in for a good series, even without LF , now it has become so predictable! I'm not sure exactly what demographic C5 is trying to appeal to , but I am not in it

I feel exactly the same, Soozy and Baz.

If there isn't some sort of shake-up soon, I will stop watching.


I don't feel I fit the demographic that this series is aimed at. I feel really uncomfortable watching duvet action and the discussions the following morning where they speak in code and use hand gestures and fingers to demonstrate what's been going on. All this talk of seasoning the chicken etc. - OK - maybe I'm prudish but I DON'T LIKE IT!  Last year was pretty similar with JayLou - where is the fun and basic human interaction - the cooking, the shopping? It's all sex and rows.


Never thought I'd be a quitter but I can't see me sticking around for much longer if it stays like this.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Baz:
Well I must be a prude too Soozy , cos I find it all very distasteful ! Like you say , why can't we see more of the tasks, shopping and DR visits ... Stuff that can be quite entertaining, rather than all this fake sexual activity!

and the cooking!!!I used to have a morbid fascination for Carol's cuisine.


I cant bear squelchy kissy noises


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