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Autopsy is more my thing too Ann but I'm really squeamish. I remember really wanting to watch the real life Autopsy with Gunter Von Haagen (sp?) a few years ago but I couldn't bring myself to watch.

I remember that Kate, I think it was on precisely 3 minutes before I grabbed the remote  I watching the new series of The First 48, so banged it on the right channel, because come midnight I'll forget 
Once again Pam - we agree.

I actually have a phobia of pregnancy and all things to do with it hence why I have never wanted children myself.
I cannot listen to people taking about pregnancy, I cannot look at scan pictures and I definately cannot watch anything to do with childbirth on theTV, even if it is a drama - in fact I had to switch over when the woman on Corrie was having a baby there.
No I am not maternal in the slightest - although I love tiny babies but when they start to talk, forget i

I loved it when I was house sharing in Manchester after my divorce, I seen my kids and grand kids for 5 days every two week...I really looked forward to I'm back it's mum can you watch the kids, can you pick them up from school and it becomes a chore instead of having some quality time with them. I love them dearly, but it's a lifetimes commitment even when you think it's your time 

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