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Josie is a very very pretty girl who needs to have a little more faith in herself.
She should Lee. Sadly these idiotic celebrity magazines impose a vision of beauty that is not the norm ... whilst not all men might not buy into it (though some do as I know from experience), a lot of women do and that affects the way they feel about themselves. 
She should Lee. Sadly these idiotic celebrity magazines impose a vision of beauty that is not the norm ... whilst not all men might not buy into it (though some do as I know from experience), a lot of women do and that affects the way they feel about themselves.
Cariad hopefully when she sees how popular she was in the house she'll gain a huge confidence boost....It is very challenging and extremely unfair what society forces upon folk in relation to this, and sadly many feel they can't compete.
I think Josie gets on with most people, men and women, but she does enjoy male company. She doesn't look for confrontation, and tends to be light hearted about most situations.
Many times I've seen her laughing off others' bitching, but she gets accused of instigating it, or encouraging it, even though she defends the person being bitched about. Unless she gets angry about it, it gets blamed on her.

Anyway, Corin has obviously had enough of snide remarks about the 'Old battery, new battery' song and her accent and sayings being made fun of.
These sort of things are usually accepted, if friends are doing it, to an extent, but when someone obviously has a problem with you and does it, it ends up getting on your 'bolt-ons'.
And still JJ is going on and on.
The sheer repetition is enough to cause combustion.
Now he doesn't want those around him to be happy - if he is not feeling the same way.
(I wonder if he'll ever have a partner.)
Oh the irony, JJ is bemoaning the fact that Corin repeated something "20 times". (She has a way to go to catch up with JJ then.)
On and on and o..........
Extreme tedium.
As a JJ fan I admit that he would get on your rag and eventually you would snap but I honestly feel that Corin did not cover herself in glory tonight. The language that was coming out of her mouth was absolutley disgusting. I never seen the whole thing- except what it said on the highlights but it seemed more that Corin was continuing to go on at JJ even after she had gotten her original point across.

For the record..I would absolutley flip if I was in confined space with Corin, her use of the english language and her vocabulary are simply awful- to the point where it just becomes words.  She seems to use clichÃĐd phrases as some form of punctuation.
Well mates are funny and gorgeous which is frankly a pain in the arse. Would I even consider anyone as a friend who did not thoroughly entertain me? Thank god they are nearly all married 20-40 somethings these days. But I'm conscious I have to be three times as witty and scintillating as them to even be considered on par. So I do see where Josie is coming from and why JJ would have to spell it out to her in big diamantÃĐ letters before she'd even think about "a relationship" with him. Not because she wouldn't go there but because she assumes he wouldn't. Psst... I had a tatt today. My first .. and last. It says
Oh yes, relate to that completely, plus add in the manky beige NHS splints and assorted aids...huuuuge ego dent.

I did see about the tatt, I posted in a thread which has now dropped off the front page I like it, it's pretty.
For the record..I would absolutley flip if I was in confined space with Corin, her use of the english language and her vocabulary are simply awful- to the point where it just becomes words.  She seems to use clichÃĐd phrases as some form of punctuation

Are you watching live feed now RiverRock, his good friend Josie and Corin having a chat...nail on head springs to mind ,
I think Corin went over the top in her reaction to JJ taking the pee.  She made a holy show of herself in the house and also when she went into the diary room.  She acted like a silly little girl and then continued to act like it when she came out.  Not very mature of her.  She should've just ignored him or taken it as a joke and laughed.
but isn't it bound to happen? ... the effects of living in the BB house. So many hours, so little to do

I would like to bet if they were living on the outside of the house, they wouldn't think twice about it ... too much time on thier hands .... just finding fault and trying to ammuse thier selves to pass the time on. I guess this is what happens in the house environent
Thoughts on Corin v JJ?

After watching last nights H/L show with Corin in the diary room,  I was left with the impression she's watched too much Nikki Grahame, I'm not sure who fault it is , I don;t mind Corin, but I didn't like the way she was going on & on.
And I certainly didn't understand her mocking JJ for coming all the way over from Australia just to be on BB.

I thought she made herself look an idiot. The thing started outside and Josie was just as guilty as JJ for taking the mick. But she only  took offence at JJ.
JJ was in the bedroom packing when she came in winding him up. Then she let herself down by screaming like a banshee. The minute you raise your voice or swear you have lost an argument. 
She also proved she's been hiding her full personality for 5 weeks behind a baby voice and a giggle.
We've already seen Corin's temper with the bed incident.  I was pleased to see it, as I felt that much as I like Corin, that there had to be more to her than we'd seen.  Last night I thought sh'd been goaded beyond endurance by JJ...and couldn't help but let rip!  I can totally empathise with that

I do agree that Corin's been hiding aspects of her character ...possibly even from herself - she's kept herself in a shiny, happy, controlled, bubble up until now.  I think JJ has burst the bubble, and Corin is going to have to reveal, and give more of herself if she wants to make friends/allies to help her survive in the House.

 I think it will be interesting to watch her journey.
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
And I certainly didn't understand her mocking JJ for coming all the way over from Australia just to be on BB.
She didn`t say that. She said she doesn`t get why he flew half way across the world to to be angry most of the time. I agree with her.
His "bolt on`s" insult to Corin was beyond the pale.
She should have walloped him with them!
longcat online 2,055 Forum Posts Today at 9:39 AM Last Edited: I thought she made herself look an idiot. The thing started outside and Josie was just as guilty as JJ for taking the mick. But she only took offence at JJ. JJ was in the bedroom packing when she came in winding him up. Then she let herself down by screaming like a banshee. The minute you raise your voice or swear you have lost an argument. She also proved she's been hiding her full personality for 5 weeks behind a baby voice and a giggle.
I agree!

Also her comment about him coming from Australia just to be in the BB House made her look pretty stupid.  That coming from someone who has made herself look like Jordon and gone into the BB house.
A lot of the background to the row was left out, but even so , I felt that it was JJ who started it and Corin is not the type to take it. Despite some peoples claims of 'mask's slipping' Corin was upfront from the start. I noted on the first night her V.T comment
"don't be a bitch with me and I won't be a bitch with you" and I thinks that's the truth. She is a reactive arguer whereas JJ seems to go looking for it!
that said I did think Corin lost it a bit and went a little over the top, which will do her no favours with JJs legions of fans. I expect that josie's popularity will go down too if she doesn't make up with JJ today!
. I expect that josie's popularity will go down too if she doesn't make up with JJ today!

Josie's went out of favour with me when she teamed up with JJ and Keeva, I think in the long run Josie would be better off not pursuing the fake romance with JJ and trying to avoid Keeva and JJ's bitching sessions. 

I agree with you about Corin, she reacted to JJ taunting and probably like many people when they blow they blow.  She probably didn't do herself any favours, because she let her mask slip   I call it reacting to a situation, I've never had any doubts Corin will say what she thinks, I think Corin is how she is warts and all.

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