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So whose fault do you all think it was?

Personally I thought the whole thing was edited to shit.  For a start I have no idea at all why Corin was so offended in the first place.  Obviously JJ mocking her accent esculated the situation but she clearly had bigger issues than just that.  Calling him an angry man and so on.  I am left assuming that events prior to the initial conversation in the garden must have happened but BB left them out.

So iIt's difficult for me to understand precisely what the hell happened just there.  What I do know is that Corin is probably the softest kindest natured person in there who seems to be getting ridiculed by JJ and OTHERS (note Josie mocking her accent too out of ear shot) and I am suspecting that this has been going on for a while now.  I am also aware that 3+ hour long bitching sessions about Corin have been edited out of highlights in recent days.  I think Corin isn't as stupid as many of the housemates think, and she probably realises that she is becoming the butt of a lot of in-jokes among some of the circle of friends in there.

Corin has feelings like anyone else, and I think she's feeling hurt.

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The start of it did look strange, from what the HLs had shown... Corin just snapped for no reason, so im guessing somethings gone on before it happened. I didnt see that on LF so have no idea whats gone on.

Both came across quite pathetic really... JJ just doing his usual baiting and Corin decided to bite. She would of looked better had she not got so worked up and ranted in the DR.
JJ's fault totally

I think they are all aware in there that JJ likes to pick on the women.  Corin probably realised it's her turn now and is rightly not going to put up with it....good for her.

Just because the pathetic little man got called Shorty when he was a child he seems to be on a vendetta against all the women in the world....just get it over it, grow up and move on  you idiot.  If it hurt you as a child, why would you want to make people feel like you did then?????????

in case no-one has mentioned it before, he's a DICKHEAD!
Calling him an angry man and so on.  I am left assuming that events prior to the initial conversation in the garden must have happened but BB left them out. So iIt's difficult for me to understand precisely what the hell happened just there.  What I do know is that Corin is probably the softest kindest natured person in there who seems to be getting ridiculed by JJ and OTHERS (note Josie mocking her accent too out of ear shot) and I am suspecting that this has been going on for a while now.
Obviously .........................................................Corin is quite incapable of having a bit of a temper on her. She is sweetness and light don't you know.

She is playing a very good game in keeping her head down and spending most of the day zoned out in the sun or applying make up .............................................................IMO - the girl is as hard as nails and avoids confrontation because she knows what she's capable of. The sweet natured/cheery/happy persona hasn't got me fooled at all. I don't dislike her but ..............she really and truly isn't being herself IMO ...........there is a lot more in her.
Soozy Woo
Obviously .........................................................Corin is quite incapable of having a bit of a temper on her. She is sweetness and light don't you know
Sarcasm aside, I think like everyone, Corin is capable of losing her temper.  All I was saying is it seems to take a lot before she does finally blow a fuse.  JJ managed to do that to her.
i have a feeling Josie had a hand in this, but JJ had  been targetting Corin for a while, a remark here and there. Then stupidly he said about her boobs, but wasnt he one of them that wanted to feel them, because she had just had them done? So she had obviously been chosen a while ago, before her boob job??? I think JJ just doesnt like women who like make up and dressing up. I think he does have some serious issues going on. Corin is just human, and i dont know why she is having such a hard time because she stood up for herself against a dick ( did she mention this) lol
TBH having saw how she reacted to the new HM's this morning it came across Josie has low esteem imo.
Of course she does. Josie is actually very pretty and she is naturally very attractive (let's ignore the personality for now because that can go either way depending upon your view). However current opinion states that you have to be at least a size 10 or lower and very much the Paris Hilton/Chanelle type to be considered attractive. Josie believes utterly she's a DUF. It does get very wearing being thrown up against very attractive women like Keeley and Rachel. Not because she might not get on with them but because experience tells her they have to make very little effort to reach the same level of acceptance.
Of course she does. Josie is actually very pretty and she is naturally very attractive (let's ignore the personality for now because that can go either way depending upon your view). However current opinion states that you have to be at least a size 10 or lower and very much the Paris Hilton/Chanelle type to be considered attractive. Josie believes utterly she's a DUF. It does get very wearing being thrown up against very attractive women like Keeley and Rachel. Not because she might not get on with them but because experience tells her they have to make very little effort to reach the same level of acceptance.
I agree with what you've said here. Josie IMO is beautiful, glad others can see it, she looks like Samantha Janus(Ronnie in Eastenders) Josie does not see her beauty for the reasons you have stated. Her fear of other attractive women manifest in a very negative way, which makes me dislike her.
Senora Reyes
however Corin did not come out of that edit well. I was shocked at the level of anger she had and her language was up there with Nathan. She took the bait,big mistake ,and she knows it .
And Corin really isn't all that she seems. it makes me laugh when people believed that she was all totally 'loving it, buzzing' and lovely. No one is like that 24/7 ................I think no less of her for showing that side .............................................we all have it in us. she really shouldn't try and pretend otherwise has made the HM's distrustful of her - now she's out there I'm interested to see what she's really like.
Soozy Woo
Her fear of other attractive women manifest in a very negative way, which makes me dislike her.
I'm not sure it's fear hon. I think she just gets ticked off with the way more overtly attractive women get stuff handed to them on a plate and almost expect it to be?? Does this make sense? I'm speaking as a DUF's bloody wearing!! As Hepburn said "no one understands men like an ugly woman" and given JJ's issues about attractive women I'm wondering of those 2 aren't meant to be. 
*Whacks Cariad with summat heavy*

Behave woman, DUF indeed.

Right, now I've just violent crimed you, I do get what you are saying, I used to have a theory that conventially beautiful thin woman didn't need to develop a personality or sense of humour because everyone likes them anyway.  I've met a lot of really pretty funny women since then which did mess with my theory slightly but I still reckon it may carry some weight
Of course she does. Josie is actually very pretty and she is naturally very attractive (let's ignore the personality for now because that can go either way depending upon your view). However current opinion states that you have to be at least a size 10 or lower and very much the Paris Hilton/Chanelle type to be considered attractive. Josie believes utterly she's a DUF. It does get very wearing being thrown up against very attractive women like Keeley and Rachel. Not because she might not get on with them but because experience tells her they have to make very little effort to reach the same level of acceptance.
I agree Cariad....Last night she was saying I've no chance now and I really felt sorry for her.....I actually think Josie is a very very pretty girl who needs to have a little more faith in herself.
I've met a lot of really pretty funny women since then which did mess with my theory
Well mates are funny and gorgeous which is frankly a pain in the arse.  Would I even consider anyone as a friend who did not thoroughly entertain me?  Thank god they are nearly all married 20-40 somethings these days. But I'm conscious I have to be three times as witty and scintillating as them to even be considered on par. So I do see where Josie is coming from and why JJ would have to spell it out to her in big diamantÃĐ letters before she'd even think about "a relationship" with him. Not because she wouldn't go there but because she assumes he wouldn't. 
Psst... I had a tatt today. My first .. and last. It says 
Josie is actually very pretty and she is naturally very attractive (let's ignore the personality for now because that can go either way depending upon your view). However current opinion states that you have to be at least a size 10 or lower and very much the Paris Hilton/Chanelle type to be considered attractive. Josie believes utterly she's a DUF. It does get very wearing being thrown up against very attractive women like Keeley and Rachel. Not because she might not get on with them but because experience tells her they have to make very little effort to reach the same level of acceptance.
good post!  

I like Josie, she has a lot going for her... pretty, and some excellent fast one liners that show a wit that contradicts her claim to "not being the shiniest tool in the tool box"

and the size thing...  *sigh* well, trying to tell her that she is beautiful as she is would be pointless...    I know, I have a daughter who is a beautiful size 12...  but is convinced she is fat!   

Dunno what the answer is to that one...   some never reach the stage of being comfortable in their own skin.

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