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The music on being evicted - get rid of it!!!.  It makes the show look even cheesier.  And don't allow people in the house to hear chants, the crowd at the eviction do NOT represent all the voters and I suspect it's all manipulated as well.

The saying which HMs have not been evicted first in a more than 2-way eviction isn't entirely new from what I remember and isn't a bad idea.  It did seem however to be used mainly as an excuse for another advert break.

The pick a number thing I thought was pointless, looked juvenile.  It actually wastes time unnecessarily, just go straight to the questions.  And when you just pick out someone from the general public make sure they are not people who are about to be nervous or hard to understand.

The HMs recording a positive message for the evictee was a surprisingly positive touch for this show, I doubt the idea came from McCall lol.  How do they do it though?  Do all the HMs record a message for one person of their choice before an eviction or what??  It seemed a bit strange having Ben talk about Rachel.  If all HMs record a message for each evictee how do they choose which one to show (and therefore to show that HM in a positive light).  I haven't seen BBBM yet, hopefully they still show HMs nominations.

The Bob Righter thing was an interesting twist as well, as long as it is balanced through the series.  I don't want it too biased to just a few HMs.  I notice Corin got this twist in effect just because she had been given the previous twist (the lie mission) as well, as that enabled her to get Rachel's suitcase.

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Soozywoo offline 3,929 Forum Posts Today at 3:22 AM Last Edited: Reference: The HMs recording a positive message for the evictee was a surprisingly positive touch for this show, Yes but it's not really genuine is it? I mean it's kind of hypothetical and therefore not exactly heart felt.
Ben never sounds heartfelt.  

But the way it is done it looks like the HMs can guess that what they are saying will be shown after the eviction, so it is like a promotion for themselves too.
Free Thinking
Reference: Free Thinking
The Bob Righter thing was an interesting twist as well, as long as it is balanced through the series. I don't want it too biased to just a few HMs. I notice Corin got this twist in effect just because she had been given the previous twist (the lie mission) as well, as that enabled her to get Rachel's suitcase
Corin could have chosen to get her own suitcase but she didn`t. Rachael was repaying her kindness. There was no "twist" to that.
No HM with half a brain would choose to get their own suitcase, particularly as the tree - from what I remember - strongly implied the choice of other HMs suitcases not simply that she could get her own.  And of course mentioning that to Rachel before the choice of HM for the special day was likely to influence her pick Corin as well. 

Anyway my point remains that for this twist to work well it should only be used with a particular HM once, it's better spread around.  I wonder if some of the less interesting ones in the house may get special days though as they tend to be the people who HMs get on with but aren't exactly compulsive viewing.  Steve will definitely get one, they think he is a favourite on the outside anyway.  I wonder if that many would actually use the bad day option as they might think it would reflect badly on them and so not consider doing it.
Free Thinking
Reference: Free Thinking
No HM with half a brain would choose to get their own suitcase, particularly as the tree - from what I remember - strongly implied the choice of other HMs suitcases not simply that she could get her own. And of course mentioning that to Rachel before the choice of HM for the special day was likely to make her pick Corin as well.
Naturally, as I said, she was repaying Corin`s kindness. Who wouldn`t? I see what you`re saying but I really don`t see it as cynically as you offence.

And you remember wrongly..the tree did not strongly imply the choice of other HM`s suitcases. The tree said A housemate can have their suitcase back if you pass. She asked if she could get her own and the tree said yes. (why am I talking about the tree as if trees really talk? )  Of course, you`d have to be half daft to choose your own suitcase rather than another hm`s but she could have chosen anyone. She didn`t know Rachael was going be evicted. She obviously knew Rachael was the glamourous type and didn`t have any clothes. She chose her out of empathy...which I think was very kind of her.
Yeh they said she could get A HMs suitcase back, in other words she had the choice of the whole house.  She would have chosen anyone else out of empathy as well I suppose, same with anyone else who had done the task.  Not that we know exactly what goes on in someone's brain anyway, but that's what we would assume (and what the tree said, 'you are so caring Corin' or whatever it said).  If she had just chosen her own suitcase it would just have shown that she was not interested in the game at all.  Also it's worth noting that she was given two chances with that task, having largely just used allergies originally.  So it's obvious they didn't want her to fail.
Free Thinking
I'm not sure I like the changes because they seem too staged. That takes nothing away from Corin's generosity(which I think was genuine) or Rachel's(which may have been to portray herself in a good light) at all.
I would rather just hear what the HMs actually thought of their nominees, rather than the sachharine  compliments that they gave Rachel a la BB USA.

Once they are evicted....just get rid of them as quickly as possible and lets move on to the next victim.
Not that big a percentage I suspect of the hundreds of those who have taken part in the show.

Really a task like a secret or individual mission is there to highlight a particular HM.  Whether a HM passes one or not is entirely dependant on whether Endemol want them to, and the prize and the effect that has on the house is again dependent on the producers.  So very often it's about their manipulation much more than the HM.
Free Thinking
Yeh she was probably grateful (moved? I don't know).  I'm not sure she would have known how popular or not Corin might be considered on the outside, though they do consider her a typical contender to win (smaller character but reasonably amiable).  It would be logical though if someone helped you out (even if because of a task) to repay them back.  |Another main choice for her may have been Govan but I think they know that he is one of the bigger characters and so has no chance of winning.
Free Thinking
Reference Free Thinking Today at 16:12:
 Reference: "even nicer that she didn't give the game away or try to take any credit ( I know she was told not to say owt, but she really handled it so well)."
 But as you say she wasn't allowed to take any credit, so that is irrelevant.
Personally, I don't think it is. I realise the circumstances weren't the same, but the differences between the aftermaths of Corin's and Mario's respective TOT tasks were marked.
Despite being warned not to mention it, and despite the fact that the HMs knew full-well he was on a task anyway, Mario blabbed about the TOT at the first opportunity. With the secret of the TOT already out, it would have been easy for Corin to explain what happened, but she played along instead - even to the point of smilingly going along with the house suspicion that JJ retrieved the suitcase.

It's also worth bearing in mind that Corin could easily have retrieved her own suitcase, but chose instead to retrieve that of a HM who may be about to be evicted anyway...
Eugene's Lair
OK she didn't blab about it, shouldn't be that difficult though to suppress that.  Maybe easier as the task was quite short so all the rules were fresh in her mind.  Mario was somehow forgetful about the task rule, silly of him but not a terrible offense I guess.  Or at least Big Brother didn't make it a terrible offense for him, which again is back to one of my points again.  It's down to Endemol how tasks are viewed and assessed.
Free Thinking
Reference: Free Thinking
I notice Corin got this twist in effect just because she had been given the previous twist (the lie mission) as well, as that enabled her to get Rachel's suitcase
Maybe the TOT was meant to give the lying task to whoever entered the bathroom, on their own, first.

Maybe the TOT does like Corin, as she is a likeable person, so gave her another chance in the task.

Maybe Corin chose Rachel, because she is a nice person and wanted Rachael to have her eviction outfit, if she was evicted, or just to have all her clothes, if she stayed.

Maybe Rachel chose Corin, because Corin is a lovely human being and gave her her suitcase.
Ok, well that first point - as far as I know - is just speculation.  And really Endemol do plan things more than let things to chance in my experience.

As for the other points which all revolve around being 'nice', who's to say that there aren't quite a few other HMs in there that would be nice in that situation as well?.

On the third point of course you could say there were 2 others facing eviction who she did not choose to give their suitcase to.  That would suggest to me she basically had more of a connection to Rachael than the other 2.
Free Thinking

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