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Do you have em? I sure do. Part of me thinks "why not remove them, you don't actually converse with them in any way shape or form" the other part thinks "but their attention seeking, family drama status, rants are quite amusing and makes me feel better about myself".

Yes, I'm talking about those sort of FB friends that abuse their 'Status' update box. Do have em? Do they provide you with all sorts of amusement?


One girl on my Facebook, was a girl i went to school with. I didn't really talk to her at school and I've never spoken to her on facebook. But I just can't remove her as her status updates are too entertaining.


At present she is having an argument with her EX, it from the looks of things is the Father of her children. But she's using the facebook status to have her argument.  The weird thing is that her EX isn't 'commenting' on her facebook wall, so I'm guessing he's also using his 'Status Updates' to argue with her 


I may do an update thread, with her posts as some of this is pure gold. Oh and don't worry, I'm not invading her privacy otherwise she wouldn't be announcing to the world what's going on.  Its pure attention seeking on her side.


The funniest thing is sometimes she 'LIKES' her own Status Updates


Anyway, here are some gems:


haha u can rite wot u like but i cant your a joke (think she got confused there)


every one needs to stop assumeing things cuz its pissin me off (i never claimed she was good at English)


urghhhh minging bratt (not sure who that's directed at)


yea carry on laughing t**t im the one havin the real giggle i hope u r happy without your children but like i said u just keep digging the hole your in cuz in a miniute your going to be to late to get out of it (seriously? Why would you announce that to the world? )


Those poor kids 



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Themz kidz will be phoning jezza kyle innit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Im gutted, my munchausen by prozy "friend" has got me on some sort of limited profile list, she was pure gold.  But her husband joined facebook so she couldnt talk half as much lies and shit anymore, and if she left us to see it and hid him, it would have got back to him.  But shes on there just as much as she used to, so either a) shes decided to become a normal human being and post general crap or b) shes ranting to her "bessies" (or is it Beziez), which is far more likely to be the case because she needs the attention as much as other people need air! 


I used to like checking out her page, especially when pretend people would have ago at her pretend autistic child and she would be pretend outraged, shocked and horrified... hun :hugs:


I miss those days


Ive got a few corkers on my facebook. I wouldnt get rid of them for the world

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

Do you have em? I sure do. Part of me thinks "why not remove them, you don't actually converse with them in any way shape or form" the other part thinks "but their attention seeking, family drama status, rants are quite amusing and makes me feel better about myself".

Yes, I'm talking about those sort of FB friends that abuse their 'Status' update box. Do have em? Do they provide you with all sorts of amusement?




I used to... complete drama llama, not a day went by without some drama, whinge or general rant. They deleted me, which saved me the bother of ever doing it But I must say, my news feed is a much calmer, more zen place now

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

At present she is having an argument with her EX, it from the looks of things is the Father of her children. But she's using the facebook status to have her argument.  The weird thing is that her EX isn't 'commenting' on her facebook wall, so I'm guessing he's also using his 'Status Updates' to argue with her 


I may do an update thread, with her posts as some of this is pure gold. Oh and don't worry, I'm not invading her privacy otherwise she wouldn't be announcing to the world what's going on.  Its pure attention seeking on her side.


The funniest thing is sometimes she 'LIKES' her own Status Updates


Anyway, here are some gems:


haha u can rite wot u like but i cant your a joke (think she got confused there)


every one needs to stop assumeing things cuz its pissin me off (i never claimed she was good at English)


urghhhh minging bratt (not sure who that's directed at)


yea carry on laughing t**t im the one havin the real giggle i hope u r happy without your children but like i said u just keep digging the hole your in cuz in a miniute your going to be to late to get out of it (seriously? Why would you announce that to the world? )


Those poor kids 



oh, any of that stuff sounds like it belongs here: 


My sister is an attention seeking status maker! Does my chuffing head in and makes it very hard to unfriend her when she's on a mission to get as much sympathy as she can.....I NEVER respond to it on FB, usually text her and ask what's's normally nothing!


There are also a couple of others who provide me with amusement/hack me off depending on my hormonal mood swings!! Some people really seem to love nothing more causing arguements!


I don't really.   I get a bit of excitment now & then when the odd nutter goes off on one in someone's status who is on my friend list.



MrD's is the best...   his Mother!  I have her blocked but every now & then I am a bit jellus that he gets to read the outrageous posts she makes.  Her Jehova Witness posts are like a red rag to a bull to MrD ...    he just can't help responding (usually with a little sarcasm bordering on facetiousness). (she brought her children up as Catholics, sent them to Benedictine Boarding Schools then turned JW, and yet wonders why the boys object to her 'in your face' religious postings)


She posted a link to a really bizarre youtube vid last night...    basically it was saying that the reason Easter is represented by Eggs & Rabbits, is cos Christianity has adopted Easter from Pagans, and the Pagan Easter ceremony was basically one big debauched orgy!     It stank of desperation.

MrD & his brothers piled in there & ripped it apart 


Then his muvva got all outraged & upset!


*sigh*   I really miss his sister in law...  she was a bit mental too..    her & the mother in law had the most fantastic row on FB once...   it was really WOAHHH!!!!!  


Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:



She posted a link to a really bizarre youtube vid last night...    basically it was saying that the reason Easter is represented by Eggs & Rabbits, is cos Christianity has adopted Easter from Pagans, and the Pagan Easter ceremony was basically one big debauched orgy!     It stank of desperation.

MrD & his brothers piled in there & ripped it apart 




Oh dear! 


Better not tell him that his mum is correct. Even the word Easter comes from the Mother Goddess Eostre. 

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:



She posted a link to a really bizarre youtube vid last night...    basically it was saying that the reason Easter is represented by Eggs & Rabbits, is cos Christianity has adopted Easter from Pagans, and the Pagan Easter ceremony was basically one big debauched orgy!     It stank of desperation.

MrD & his brothers piled in there & ripped it apart 




Oh dear! 


Better not tell him that his mum is correct. Even the word Easter comes from the Mother Goddess Eostre. 


hahahahaha...   I would tell him, but that would just result in him talking religion at me for the next hour!


As much as the content of the vid..  was music they had put on as backing that him & his brothers were offended by.



I am so gonna have to try & get the link to the vid now aren't I? 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

hahahahaha...   I would tell him, but that would just result in him talking religion at me for the next hour!


As much as the content of the vid..  was music they had put on as backing that him & his brothers were offended by.



I am so gonna have to try & get the link to the vid now aren't I? 



Oooh, i have some more updates, she literally posts every 15 minutes with something new:


o my even the other half thinks your a gutter scum trog i think maybe u should read wot u put b4 commenting haha soooooo funny (yes it is quite amusing )

going in the school 2moz stomping on this s**t (i think this is the best one yet )


something else my love thank u nan so called for my bday card and prezzie your a joke but like i told him its your loss and the pit is getting bigger and bigger o and biggerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr




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