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it is nowhere near the same as it was when it started - its quite crap now actually - they're ALL in it for something, some more than others (crab-eyes/THING/marion/farmer giles et al) - NOT like the old days at all - it was just a good laugh back then  - not so PC, not so 'ist' all the time, loads of drink a-flowing - that was SUPPOSED to be whole point of the programme - bringing strangers together, see how they get on/dont get on, rock n roll, eat drink n be merry
not now so - its watch ur p's n q's, know the ins and outs of the game - swallow it up til ur bursting - and do your BEST to have a romance in the house - best of all - make sure u got an agent lined up so u can milk it for all its worth
i have watched since the start . to me the best since i still like to watch but it has never been the same naive people that went in on day one all fame game now
Just hope once BB has ended we will get repeats of past BB series, like they do with Friends now. Watching bygone series of BB every night will make up for the shite we have had to put up with on the final episode. A Fekkin Psycopath Aussie and a Turnip picking ( thumb in gob) pair???? WTF... They are ruling BB.????
Crab eyes is not the only one...I think this year's HM's lack any kind of personality or entertainment value..There has been too much focus on Farmer Giles(BB's chosen, I still think she will win)and her boring pursuit of a man, who is definately NOT in the vagina business..
Then we have "Serial Make-up Applier" Corin, with her corny catchphrases, a dubious relationship status and perma-tan but nothing else!

Monk Dave who is a nerve terroriser and conman.

Sam Pepper is the only reason I have kept watching had he not gone in I would have given up.

Steve are all FECKIN BORING!!

Andrew nice lad, but acts like a grumpy grandad at times, granted he has made me laugh and I like his humour but again lacks the force of personality we've seen in previous HM's whether you liked them or not...I lay the blame soley and wholey at BB, they chose the HM's.
Senora Reyes
not now so - its watch ur p's n q's, know the ins and outs of the game - swallow it up til ur bursting - and do your BEST to have a romance in the house - best of all - make sure u got an agent lined up so u can milk it for all its worth
Yes--- agree. The folk that get evicted early can far exceed the money the later ones make.... BB has died a death in its present format now.. Never thought i would say this but they all know that if they are in there for a week, they stand to make more than the winner.
Well the majority of hm's were invited on the show this year. By his own admission Phil E Jones has said this year has more of a 'Soap Opera' feel to it. Which of course imo means, it is no longer a reality show. BB are effectively working off a script.

It's my belief, the hm's this year have been chosen like actors and the hi-lights have been suitably edited to conform to stereotype. It's been such a let down and a slap in the face to those of us who have watched BB since the very beginning. Going out with a bang, I don't think so sonny Jim
You are not alone, Ally. IMO, this is the worst BB ever.
I am so close to giving up on it - and if Sam goes tonight, that will be the last straw.
I blame the producers for allowing John James to dominate the HL shows, the house and the Housemates. If they had clipped the wings of that aggressive, arrogant, argumentative twonk in the early days, we could have had a decent BB, this year.

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