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Please get this horrid man out! 

 Phone: 09011 323 004

To evict Dave

In fear that my own words would get me a ban I have included some extracts from posts on DS to help to explain why this man needs to go.

I can't stand bible pushers as it is, so Dave was on a sticky wicket with me to begin with.
Then Dave began to show his true colours after Ben's punishment. Started then joining in the piss taking with the rest of the HMs.

Dave's new found confidence after avoiding nominations that week has made him unbearable to watch. Starting rumours and lying about Ben to make Dave look good.

Yes I am sure there has been other threads about this, but I never got around to read those. But after watching a You Tube video it made me really angry to the point I cried.

My son is in a wheelchair, born mentally and physically handicapped.
How dare that lowlife of a human being mock and take the piss out of the disabled and laugh about it to all his friends and followers

Did the producers of the BB show see any of these video's before hand? Because right now I beginning to doubt their judgment with the HM's they pick.

I am surprised the tabloids have not picked up on this story.

He is making me physically sick every time he's on my screen.



I am disabled & in constant pain. How dare he mock the disabled.
This week we have seen a soldier injured in Afghanistan & lost his leg & is now disabled but lost his disability allowance as the DLA have had to tighten there policy on claiming due to idiots faking illness & disabilities. Dave's actions just go to show how easy it is to pull the wool over peoples eyes & fake it.
I can't stand the man anyway, he says he is a man of god & then spouts constant lies & backstabbing to anyone who will sit in the nest & listen to him.


The only thing Dave worships is fame,There is no Christian values anywhere in him,His hypocrisy knows no bounds,He schemes and Bitches .His constant hugging everyone makes me sick.His lies about curing people are ville.


To me that really is the lowest of the low. As a disabled person myself, to see someone suggesting that other "go on Ebay and buy wheelechairs" so that they too can go out and play act at being disabled preachers, is sick, twisted and utterly morally bankrupt.
There is absolutely no excuse, explanation, or justification for that behaviour....ever. It is inexcusable, full stop!
I can't believe that he had the nerve to put his hands on Steve, or anyone, and offer 'healing', knowing that he has done this, and so crassly taken P out of disability outside the house. If Steve knew he would probably have flattened him!


He broadcasts his ministry on the internet and has a paypal button to solicit funds and he talks about his religion every day on national TV. It is natural to therefore tell people what or who the funds being asked for are going to. The data protection act hasn't obliged other churches, charities and groups to suddenly start disguising where their funds come from and what they are used for.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

BARMYBRUMMIE 2,188 Forum PostsToday at 10:01 Last Edited: Lockes - its a completely able-bodied freak Dave in his monk get-up being wheeled around a town centre in a wheelchair with a megafone in hand, getting loads of attention, blessing people (even MUSLIMS - Daves own words) - then cuts to a conference where hes encouraging his flock to buy wheelchairs and they can get them dead cheap offa EBAY
 barsteward my daughter uses a bloody wheelchair
In fear that my own words would get me a ban I have included some extracts from posts on DS to help to explain.

I can't stand bible pushers as it is, so Dave was on a sticky wicket with me to begin with.
Then Dave began to show his true colours after Ben's punishment. Started then joining in the piss taking with the rest of the HMs.

Dave's new found confidence after avoiding nominations that week has made him unbearable to watch. Starting rumours and lying about Ben to make Dave look good.

Yes I am sure there has been other threads about this, but I never got around to read those. But after watching a You Tube video it made me really angry to the point I cried.

My son is in a wheelchair, born mentally and physically handicapped.
How dare that lowlife of a human being mock and take the piss out of the disabled and laugh about it to all his friends and followers

Did the producers of the BB show see any of these video's before hand? Because right now I beginning to doubt their judgment with the HM's they pick.

I am surprised the tabloids have not picked up on this story.

He is making me physically sick every time he's on my screen.


I am disabled & in constant pain. How dare he mock the disabled.
This week we have seen a soldier injured in Afghanistan & lost his leg & is now disabled but lost his disability allowance as the DLA have had to tighten there policy on claiming due to idiots faking illness & disabilities. Dave's actions just go to show how easy it is to pull the wool over peoples eyes & fake it.
I can't stand the man anyway, he says he is a man of god & then spouts constant lies & backstabbing to anyone who will sit in the nest & listen to him.


The only thing Dave worships is fame,There is no Christian values anywhere in him,His hypocrisy knows no bounds,He schemes and Bitches .His constant hugging everyone makes me sick.His lies about curing people are ville.


To me that really is the lowest of the low. As a disabled person myself, to see someone suggesting that other "go on Ebay and buy wheelechairs" so that they too can go out and play act at being disabled preachers, is sick, twisted and utterly morally bankrupt.
There is absolutely no excuse, explanation, or justification for that behaviour....ever. It is inexcusable, full stop!
I can't believe that he had the nerve to put his hands on Steve, or anyone, and offer 'healing', knowing that he has done this, and so crassly taken P out of disability outside the house. If Steve knew he would probably have flattened him!


He broadcasts his ministry on the internet and has a paypal button to solicit funds and he talks about his religion every day on national TV. It is natural to therefore tell people what or who the funds being asked for are going to. The data protection act hasn't obliged other churches, charities and groups to suddenly start disguising where their funds come from and what they are used for.

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