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Originally Posted by Rexi:

I'm up Issy ... on my first cup of tea, patio doors open, reading my book


(Well, I was reading my book, I logged onto computer for emails and found my way here!)


And early morning for me too; my best time of day

It's the best isn't it?

I have my doors open too in the hope that my lazy cat will go out.

But he came down,expected food and then went back to bed...

Originally Posted by Rexi:

I have to close my doors if I go out of the room because next door's cat keeps sneaking in.


I really, really don't like cats

You'd like mine.

Everyone does.

He met the neighbours yesterday... they all fell in love with him

ïŧŋI would put a photo up but I can't seem to do it because when I try to copy and paste, nothing happens


I like early mornings...I'm the only one in this house that does so get a nice quiet breakfast and sit out Reading a book. Think I'll take the dog out in a minute and they'll all still be in bed when I get back. It'll be different tomorrow though cos youngest back at school and I'm at work at 8. They boys are all off fishing today so I will have the quiet all day today.
Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Issy:


What is there to be scared of?

They go all floppy when you pick them up, and they creep round your legs, and they jump up at you, and they 'look' at you, and they eat food that makes me want to heave.



What are they supposed to do when you pick them up?

Hold themselves rigid?

Mad woman

Originally Posted by Ducky:

*makes cat pictures on Rexi's birthday thread*


I'm a night owl it's middle of the night for me. I do love the early mornings, when it's sunny, and I've had enough sleep...... but due to the fact I resist going to bed until I really really have to, that rarely happens!

I did suffer from insomnia for quite a long time, but nowadays am absolutely ready for bed by 11pm. 

Consequently I am always up with the lark...

Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Rexi:

They go all floppy when you pick them up, and they creep round your legs, and they jump up at you, and they 'look' at you, and they eat food that makes me want to heave.



oh and you always see them on people's worktops in the kitchen on things like Come Dine With Me... rank

My cat has tried to get on the worktops - he soon gets put right mind you...


I'm not an early bird due to being a late night one.  But when the weather's like this I do like getting up early and taking my cuppa out into the garden.  I'm the same on holiday.  I can remember sitting on one of the terraces at a villa (which was perched on a rockface) and looking out over the bay across to Amalfi.

All the little fishing boats were passing by, the scent of bouganvillea and the sun blazing down. It was gorgeous.


I'm not sure I have a favourite time of the day.   I'm kinda with Sas at the weekend when 6.15 is turn over and go back to sleep time.    On weekdays though I get up at six and don't leave the house till 8.30.... I like to take my time to come to an ease myself into the day....


I'm still usually a few minutes late for work though.

Originally Posted by Temps:

My favourite time of day is when I get home from work.  As soon as I put my key in the door I hear a squeal...then 'MUUUUMM'...then *thump, thump thump* as Finn runs round to the hall door and then I get a big almighty hug  Till the Ben and Holly music starts and I'm dumped  

awwww thats really sweet

Originally Posted by Temps:

My favourite time of day is when I get home from work.  As soon as I put my key in the door I hear a squeal...then 'MUUUUMM'...then *thump, thump thump* as Finn runs round to the hall door and then I get a big almighty hug  Till the Ben and Holly music starts and I'm dumped  

awww Temps!!     I love that ^^^


It changes as they get older...   there is a dread as you walk through the door...   wondering who's done what to who...  who's got the hump with who...   and whether the kitchen has been totally trashed & left for you to clean up.


Enjoy the "MUUUUUUUM, thump, thump, thump, hug"...    I'd forgotten all about it til you posted this! 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

It changes as they get older...   there is a dread as you walk through the door...   wondering who's done what to who...  who's got the hump with who...   and whether the kitchen has been totally trashed & left for you to clean up.


 Oh nooooo don't tell me my ickle prince is going to change!


Well he'll have to change a little now that there's another ickle one on the way

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:



thats bloody fantastic news!!! 




you've made me grin!

haahaaa sorry I got called away....but yeah, I'm pretty damn chuffed with meself has to be said.  And it's all above board this time...over the 13 weeks so out of the 'danger' zone...the family know and we've had two scans so far of a beautiful ickle baby jumping around so I've done it in the right order this time

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

i hate between 4pm-7pm

and no-its not cos i have to sign in at the local blue brick

its cos i have to suffer 3hours of suite life of zak and cody-i carly-witches of waverly place etc..




I have to put up with i bloody Carly too!



it drives me nuts!

2 choices-sell your children


sell your telly

its the only way to resolve this shyte we have to watch


*thinks about starting a campaign against american kids tv-and some brit kids telly aswell*

Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

Drake & Josh are the other ones that do my head in.


& Zoey 101


& the offender that watches them in my house is 18 years old!!

drake and josh has icarly in itwhich makes it double worser

ooooh...  I'd never noticed that...    the evil little sister is i-Carly!!  


that makes sense! 


Thankfully I don't have to endure kids TV these days, but when my boy was younger it was Teletubbies (and I had to learn all the dances and entertain him at 5am ), Barney the Dinosaur (the big purple dickhead. And those bloody kids were so twee and perfect I felt like putting my foot through the tele) then it was the Tweenies (now THEY kicked arse. Milo is a legend. Saw them live twice! ) Then it went on to stuff like Zac and Cody, High School Musical, Beyblades (the friggin bane of my life and my purse) and then it was PS2 and I got my life back


On topic again,  my fav time of day is late evening.  Don't get me wrong I love my kids but that hour after they've been to bed when it's just me at home is great.  Their dad comes home then and the peace is disturbed so I've got a one hour window between kids going to bed and him coming home where I just enjoy the quietness and relax.


And kids TV isn't so bad  I usually find myself still watching certain cartoons and then realising the kids aren't even in!  Horrid Henry is pretty good and I'm quite partial to Timothy goes to School


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