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Well what do you know, there's everyone else 'here' and there's Soozywoo on the other side of the fence yet again. Who'd have thunk it?
I don't run with the herd ...................I  say it as I see it ..........not deliberately obtuse and I don't feel the need to apologise.

Don't know why you feel the need to point out (again) the fact that my opinion differs .................but there you go - whatever floats your boat.
Soozy Woo
Reference ~Lee~ Today at 01:07:
Reference: "TBF, it's pretty mild compared with Dave's "typewritering", which (I believe), has never been broadcast outside of LF."
Enlighten me please Eugene.
I'm not sure you really want to know...
Dave leaps on someone (well, OK: he leaps on Sam), straddles him, pinches his nipples and then slaps the side of his head (to represent a "Carriage-Return").
Dave describes this as "typewriter time"...

On HLs, BB has shown a lot of Dave's "banter", but (AFAIK) they've never shown the very physical and agressive "undercurrent", which has been there since Day 1...
Eugene's Lair
ust watched MOST of it - Dave is a viscious pervy fat bastard - fat on the love of the Lord and the gloooooooory that he cons out of idiots stupid enough to believe him AND can walk when it suits him.... AND whilst I'm at it - he fancies young boys and gets his rocks of hurting them - suppose I'll be banned now - oh well its all in a good cause OUTING THE DAVE
Starts naked protest to get Barmey reinstated....
As a man who went through several years of uni lifestyle, this banter seems quite mild to me. Certainly not hostile by any means. The thing about us men is, we like the rough and tumble when it comes to play fighting. Anything less isn't play fighting. It may be hard to grasp, but that's just how a lot of men react in large packs.
Reference cologne Today at 01:24:
Very true, but why?
I would assume it's concern about being reported to Ofcom.
BB has shown some of Dave's rather agressive "play" on LF, but there have been rumours for ages that the worst stuff has been deliberately held back (this predates Sam entering the house.) I don't watch a lot of LF, but I've heard on DS that BB has recently started cutting immediately when Dave starts "typewritering", etc...
Eugene's Lair
As a man who went through several years of uni lifestyle, this banter seems quite mild to me. Certainly not hostile by any means. The thing about us men is, we like the rough and tumble when it comes to play fighting. Anything less isn't play fighting. It may be hard to grasp, but that's just how a lot of men in large packs.
Allelujah.....................after reading this thread I'd come to the conclusion that I lived in a mad house. I have two sons, two grandsons and an overactive husband ..........stuff like that is pretty commonplace at my house..
Soozy Woo
Dave is NOT a priest or any sort of ordained person whatsoever apparently.  He has done this 'typewriter' thing to Andrew, Mario and now Sam.  Dave has apparently ordained himself as some sort of 'voice' for our Lord.  He's quite happy for the guys to rest their head in his crotch and he's quite happy to practically render them helpless whilst he 'lords' it over them with his big breath and the glooooooooooory.  Sorry but its not MY Lord he's on about - its all about '' - all in the glooooory and taking the piss out of vulnerable people of course - f*ckin 2nd hand arsewipe he is
Reference: Maths
As a man who went through several years of uni lifestyle, this banter seems quite mild to me. Certainly not hostile by any means. The thing about us men is, we like the rough and tumble when it comes to play fighting. Anything less isn't play fighting. It may be hard to grasp, but that's just how a lot of men react in large packs.
It's definitely mainly a male thing, but usually something men grow out of, once they start to grasp how painful their actions actually are.

i don't have huge sympathy for people like Sam, as they seem to seek out and enjoy these sorts of 'punishments', but it does worry me that Dave is still dishing it out, at his age! 
Reference Prometheus 1,880 Forum PostsToday at 01:46 :
 but did they really handpick Dave?
I believe Caoimhe, Ben, Steve and Dave (and others?) were all hand-picked (or at least fast-tracked through auditions). I can't remember the details re John James, but some special treatment would be understandable considering the distance he had to travel...

Dave was featured in The Sun at the beginning of the year, promoting his "Sloshfest". I believe thats how BB found out about him...
Eugene's Lair
Dave said it - on l/f - others will back me up I'm sure (feel like Ben now ) - cant remember who he was talking to FFS - but he definitely said it - he was approached by them BECAUSE of his u-tube vids and because there was a spread on his stuff in The Sun apparently.  It was on L/F - they head-hunted him.  He was in America or somewhere when the call came thru to say he was thru - he even gave the first name of the person who was calling to say he was thru when  he was speaking to his wife on the fone etc etc...... it was ALL on l/f - but for the life of me I cant think who he was telling it to.
Hi, all: I've deleted the response that is potentially slanderous/libelous (sorry, it's Sunday morning and I can't remember the difference, except that they are both bad for business).

Good on you Lori ........................I didn't report as I didn't want to be seen as a snitch. glad someone did though ....................isn't there something in the bible about if you judge then you stand to be judged yourself? Some of the stuff on here re Dave is beyond reprehensible IMO. I think some folks should take a good look at themselves.

How can anyone write stuff like that? it's beyond me TBH.
Soozy Woo
because he looks as if he's thoroughly enjoying himself 'playing' with the 'lads' UGH!
having a bit of fun yes .........but some of the stuff posted was quite unecessary IMO. Can someone not be involved in a bit of play fighting without being called despicable names? Asi say I saw it as quite nasty and totally unfounded TBH.
Soozy Woo

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