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C4 forum had a lot more posters, many of whom I didn't care for at all. This place is much friendlier and generally a much better place to be. No cliques either. Thanks everyone, it's nice to have a place to watch BB and chat without all the usual pointless tedious drama.
Awww thats so nice and yes I agree, its such a nice place here....
The C4 forum was busier to my recollection but that traffic was often certain posters trolling.  Daisybee comes to mind!  This forum doesn't suffer in the same way.  The problem with C4 was interesting threads with pages of well thought out opinion would often be nudged off the board by endless repetitive threads.  C4 also suffered when contentious political debates were discussed.  Mods seem to wait until five or so pages of opinion were filled before deciding on an arbitrary basis to destroy a thread.  Extremely annoying.  Additionally, for a forum supposedly open to those aged 16+ the intolerance of quite soft expletives was pretty pathetic.
My only gripe with here is that because we have less posters you don't get the variety of threads during "off BB" season, however that is balanced out by *less posters=less twatbaskets and trolls*

So it's not really a gripe.

I'd like the occasional big ranty thread about politics or current affairs, because I do like to have a strop about stuff I'm not intelligent or qualified enough to rant about.  But that's just me, I'm perverse like that

On the whole I much prefer being treated like an adult so for Gaga, 24 hr opening, human mods, more freedom of expression and less knee-jerk thread stealing.
I'd like the occasional big ranty thread about politics or current affairs, because I do like to have a strop about stuff I'm not intelligent or qualified enough to rant about.  But that's just me, I'm perverse like that

I'd be happy to oblige Leccy.  There's plenty about this awful government (maybe you'd disagree ) that I'd be more than happy to start threads on!  I too like a rant about things I'm not exactly 100% sure of all the facts about.
I'd be happy to oblige Leccy. There's plenty about this awful government (maybe you'd disagree ) that I'd be more than happy to start threads on! I too like a rant about things I'm not exactly 100% sure of all the facts about.
Ooohh nooo, I'm almost at Thatcher ranting proportions about Osborne, in fact no, I've reached my Thatcher intolerance for Osborne already, I think
Are you sure? I was accused of being in one earlier, although the poster did say 'click' so he must have meant something else
Clunk click every trip!  Motoring safety Karms!
Don't get me started on Nick Clegg!
Sell his Granny for a front bench seat!  I still find him vaguely sexually attractive but again I put that down to my love of the perverse
I think Nick Clegg aint bad to look at either. And there was a Scouse politician (or summink like that anyway) years ago who I thought was a bit of alright. Black curlyish hair, he was about when Thatcher and John Major were I think - Tony someone maybe? Anyway, he was nice too
I haven't a clue.  I shall google because it's not right to be ignorant of the hawtness
That Maggie Thatcher was another one with a face like she was chewing a wasp. What was her problem?

At least you knew where you were with her, Tebbit, Portillo and Redwood.  Not like this lot who PR themselves as moderate liberals while implementing hard right policies. 

Ooops, there I go again on another rant!
Anyone see Zac Goldsmith's ranty rant on Channel 4 news?
No I missed that!  I didn't even know he was capable of rage or owt, I thought he was just there for the sloaney types who want Prince William politicos.
I never used it. Too nosey!
Ditto.  There are a teeny minority (actually about 2 people   ) who make me want to claw my own face off...but really, if you can't rip your skin off then point and laugh (in the bad way)  at a tosspot bigoted borders barmpot then what else is the internet for?
Last edited by Leccy

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