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Of course she has views. What a totally pompous thing to say. Where in all the things she's posted has she said she didn't care about a man losing his life? Take the racism debate out of it and it still boils down to you and others who can't be bothered with her. I'll defend anyone to have their say. Like it or not there is no need ot resort to petty playground insults. There are about 2 people here who have debated with her without getting personal.
What's her view? You don't know do you? Neither does anyone else. Pomposity plays no part in this. Her stance (i.e. not 'view') is that mentioning the man's country of origin is 'significant'. I have asked her what was significant about it. She ignored me. There is nothing significant about it.

She hasn't said she didn't care about a man losing his life. Nor has she said that she does care and why is that do you think? Because her agenda is quite seperate to that of the thread. If you want to defend an obvious troll go right ahead it's your right to do so but as yourself why just about every thread she comes into gets locked by Lori and thrown into the troll tank. I'm guessing the only reason this one hasn't is it's the weekend.
PPis a bitch/bastard. . He/she wants to make waves. This forum is too small to make waves.I thought we got on until she returned,

Not at all. She is young and fresh from Uni ....................she's got into the habit of questioning and debating things.

Whilst there is nothing wrong with that ...................there is more to life. Sometimes it's good to join in a more light hearted thread and have a bit of a laugh! C'mon Hevva ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you know you want to. Why not post something in one of the music thread?.

We all have a pedantic/confrontational side (I know I do) but there is more to all of us  - dive in and choose something a little more flippant for a change. I'm pretty sure that most of us would like to see another side to you. You don't always have to be challenging you know.
Soozy Woo
Not at all. She is young and fresh from Uni ....................she's got into the habit of questioning and debating things.

but she doesn't debate Soozy.
I have 2 daughters one of whom is still at uni, the other has finished and I have to say they show more humility and understanding about the human condition than PP does.
And the tragedy is that she has won now. I am actually worried about going in and challenging her or disagreeing with her because of this very reaction.

That would be a tragedy of your own making Issy. No one is saying don't challenge her,  feel free, that's what debate is all about, but people lose all credibilty the moment they make it personal. You say she never backs down, or concedes a point, but why should she? It's her choice. It's her personality, no one has to like it,  but no one has the right to expect her to change it.

People here know what they get if they choose to debate with PP. People go into it with their eyes wide open. If you want a long winded repetitive debate....then reply to her. If you don't...then don't. Some reply to her because they enjoy the argument, that's fair enough, she enjoys it too I'm sure,  but some reply because they (IMO ) love the opportunity to criticise her and put her down. I don't have an issue with the former, but I do the latter. I'd have an issue with it whoever it was aimed at, and if that makes me someone who panders to her needs, than so be it.

NO people shouldn't ignore trouble hoping it will go away they should be able to express their opinion of this person without people like you coming along telling them they can't exercise the same freedom of speech that pp does.

But they are not all exercising the same level of freedom of speech Prom..... some make it personal, she rarely does, if at all. I've never agreed with any of PP's opinions, in fact I strongly disagree with most, if not all, of them, but my eyes are open enough to see that both sides behave badly and it's not all her. PP expresses her opinions on situations, some here have expressed their opinion on her. That type of behaviour is a lot worse for the forum than some heavily misguided (IMO ) opinions on political/newsworthy matters.

I think that's all a few of us wanted to say tonight. I'll shut up now and let those who want to carry on with the actual topic (however it may have changed since the opening post ), get on with it.
You say she never backs down, or concedes a point, but why should she? It's her choice. It's her personality, no one has to like it,  but no one has the right to expect her to change it.

Well maybe it is me then. If I am debating something and someone comes up with a better point than mine or makes me look at things differently then yes I will concede.

So therefore the fact she NEVER does this and appears to have such a narrow view of the world makes me sad for her because one day she may come to realise that there are other view points.
And for this reason, I will never debate with her again because it is futile.
Prom -  I do know what her views are soI'm not gonna quote them chapter and verse to you. Who are you to say what her agenda is?

If you know what her views are on this particular subject can you enlighten the rest of us? I know what her agenda is because I have seen it very clearly countless times. I'm not arguing with you for the sake of it Cagney I just don't know how you can possibly defend the way she conducts herself on this forum. She is antagonistic and deliberately controversial often adding nothing at all to any discussion (as is the case on this thread) and instead looking to provoke people which she has done quite successfully.
Well I've had two or three too many .......................(just for a change) and I'll say- It makes me incredibly sad that PP (Hevva) posts so confrontationally and will never, ever back down. It also makes me sad that she'll never join in with something more light hearted.

Maybe (I hope) she has a very full and satisfying life outside of this forum in which case - if she comes on here for a wind up good on her - it certainly livens the place up and gives us something to get our teeth into.

Personally - I'd like to get to know PP in other fun threads but would seem it's not her cup of tea. C'est la vie.

Night night all  
Soozy Woo
PP expresses her opinions on situations, some here have expressed their opinion on her. That type of behaviour is a lot worse for the forum than some heavily misguided (IMO ) opinions on political/newsworthy matters.
Sorry Ducky I have great respect for you but can't agree with this. People express their opinion on her as opposed to what she says because what she says actually has no merit whatsoever and is designed to incite argument. Every thread she enters becomes about her because she derails every thread from its original subject matter with shocking statements that people can hardly believe they are reading so of course people will discuss 'her' rather than any views she might have (I have yet to see her have any views on anything). 

As Yoda would say, agree to disagree we must 
Ah well. Speaking from a personal perspective and as someone who's played the table tennis game with her for years, she never answers questions or objections raised against her viewpoints or theories. That would mean debating something and being open minded enough to listen to another stance whether she agreed with it or not, and that's never gonna happen.

I don't appreciate anyone ramming their opinions down my throat insisting they're right and I'm wrong 'just because'. She never elaborates on her theories or beliefs even when asked to, she just insists they're right. That's not a debate. That's ignorance. (IMO). Even so, I did try to debate with her and even try to understand her side of things, for quite a long time actually. But she says what she does with such arrogance and disregard for anything or anyone else that now (well, for me), it's impossible to see a compassionate side or to treat her arguments with any respect, as she shows no respect for anyone else's opinions. (From what I've seen).
the media always report things to get 'the bigger picture'.....

the british woman murdered in mauritis(sp).....

british people killed in the tsunami..

the english woman murdered on honeymoon..

british tourists killed in bomb explosion in  wherever...

britains killed in 9/11 attacks..

it's always gonna be reported as that.........i don't see anything racist in those reports......likewise i don't see anything racist in saying.....'girl raped by asian gang'....or......'man beaten by group of pakistani youths'........if that's how it was........that's how it is......that isn't racist......that's the facts.........crime is can not and should not be seperated by colour,sexual orientation or anything else
No - not at all - she has a differing opinion - often controversial  but not nonsense - that's just your take on it.

Yes, she has an opinion and that's all that matters. As Karma says explaining why she has that opinion or elaborating on it are things she will never do. Just to have an opinion is enough. We are going round in circles here...
As Karma says explaining why she has that opinion or elaborating on it are things she will never do

Actually - sometimes we really don't know. I have opinions - often very strong opinions - when asked why - sometimes I really don't know.

I'm not being controversial - but that's how it is. Do you not have somethings inside you thatt are instinctive and you never question?
Soozy Woo
it's always gonna be reported as that.........i don't see anything racist in those reports......likewise i don't see anything racist in saying.....'girl raped by asian gang'....or......'man beaten by group of pakistani youths'........if that's how it was........that's how it is......that isn't racist......that's the facts.........crime is can not and should not be seperated by colour,sexual orientation or anything else
Well said Spongey.
Actually - sometimes we really don't know. I have opinions - often very strong opinions - when asked why - sometimes I really don't know. I'm not being controversial - but that's how it is. Do you not have somethings inside you thatt are instinctive and you never question?

The issue that I find Soozy is the subjects at hand when threads turn into a 'Hevva debacle'. Stuff like racism, fairness for the disabled....highly emotive subjects for a lot of people and to me, subjects that deserve more of a viewpoint than 'I think it's like this just cos I do'. No-one has to elaborate, there's no law to state that, but in order to try and see all sides of an argument to then make an informed decision for yourself, would you not say that it's highly beneficial if not necessary in some cases? Even Tony Cameron and the Daily Mail state reasons for thinking like they do, and NOBODY seems agree with them

I can't be arsed to say owt else about this It's just going round in circles.
Cags, sorry to hear you've had bad news :/ I'm not taking anything 'out' on anyone though if that's what you mean? I'm not 'biting' either tbh. I've seen various views on here tonight on Hevva and some people asking why people respond the way they do and as someone who often clashes with her I talked about my own experiences on it and why I have found it difficult to interact with her from the outset. Like I said, initially I tried to offer advice to her and see things from her side but it was met with a wall of ignorance and defiance, and it became very testing and frustrating.

Saying that though, I've repeated myself enough about my feelings towards her as a poster. I asked what I thought was a very valid question in relation to the media's accounts of 9/11 but it got ignored (as usual). You're right, some things in life are certainly more important! x
Hey, all: someone got banned tonight, for a personal attack. I'm not going to lock this thread and move it to the troll tank, cuz I don't really want to stop the larger discussion. I'll just remind you that personal attacks are not allowed. If you don't like what you read, and you can't keep from attacking someone personally, please just go find an alternate activity.
Whoa! What a read!  

From a very neutral stance, I understood this to be the crux of PP's argument:-

Reference PP
At the end of the day by mentioning his race the media are doing what they do best and that is trying to brainwash people and make them think we are a racist society which then stirs up more hatred and actually causes racism when in reality as far as I understand it there is nothing to suggest the attack was racially motivated. 

So, s/he was actually criticising the media. 
And given the height of 'sensitivity' surrounding terrorist attacks being mostly associated with the Muslim/Asian community, people have been reactionary to this particular Ethnic group. 
However, there has been no 'reported' evidence of this specific attack being carried out on the grounds of the victim's nationality - despite PP's 'suspicion' of sinister intent, by the media.     
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