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Issy - I will always admit when I'm wrong or ill informed....BUT...if I think I'm right there is no backing down. I don't see that happening here. So many have said PP is a WUM and know what she's doing. I don't see the point in playing her game (if you think that's what it is)

There are so many more important things to be worrying about
I've been debating with myself about getting involved in this thread all night....... I'm usually heavily on the side of the life is too short brigade.

But as Cagney has put her/himself out there as practically a lone voice, I'm starting to feel a bit guilty for nodding my head along to her posts from the safety of my sofa I'm just breaking ranks from the brigade quickly, to say I agree with every word she has posted.

Edit: ....oh....and what Velvet said too.
Dame - they challenged her, belittled her etc. "same old same old" "groundhog day".

Cagney I would never belittle any forum member, I can see irritation in the reply's, unless I have missed something no belittlement.... although I did see it the other day and  was gobsmacked  that her name came up in a thread she was not involved in and that is so wrong  but in this case I have to say I disagree entirely with her argument.
I don't think I am Cologne

She posts and because of other dealings with her it gets carried over to every thread she makes. If that was the case in real life we'd all be arrested for stalking. I've made some shocking posts but nobody ever brings it all up months later. If they do it's never drawn out the to extent that it is with PP.

My opinon is....if you don't want to be upset, annoyed, blah blah blah......scroll past her posts.
Know what? I don't think p_p's a bad egg deep down
Do you know what? You're right.

She's a new graduate - she's used to debating things which is what undergraduates do. There is a place for that sort of debate ...........the Ga Ga Big Brother Forums isn't really the place for it. I think PP should chill and join in a bit of fun. All she does every single time is plays Devils Advocate .................there really is no need IMO.
Soozy Woo
This is the problem with the assumption that "the majority" of the forum agree with the pouncing on PP...      its not the majority, its just that the ones that don't have very often chosen not to post.  But we are here.

Then we read people saying "the majority" and it puts us in a dilemma...    not wanting to get involved with something we don't agree with, versus letting it be known that actually it isn't the whole forum that hold that opinion, and consequently getting dragged into it all
Why is the Gaga forum not a place to debate things? If a thread is made on a subject then why not debate it? Debate means hearing and discussing all sides. Is PP exempt from that because people don't like her views?
Not at all .....................but it took things onto a whole different level to the original post.

Actually - you're right - we should discuss but in this case it somehow really detracted from the essence of the thread - and was (IMO) a bit irrelevant.
Soozy Woo
Why is the Gaga forum not a place to debate things? If a thread is made on a subject then why not debate it? Debate means hearing and discussing all sides. Is PP exempt from that because people don't like her views?
It's nothing to do with her views. She doesn't have views. She has only one intention on every thread she enters: to cause conflict. The thread was about a man who lost his life at the hands of animal thugs. She tried to make it a thread about racism implying that stating the victim's country of origin was racist. Absolutely ridiculous. You know this, I know this, why are you defending it? I was going to stay out of this but since you and a few others have taken it upon yourselves to defend the indefensible I thought I'd say my piece.

She has done this countless times before then plays dumb when people call her on it. You're saying just post around I'm going to say NO people shouldn't ignore trouble hoping it will go away they should be able to express their opinion of this person without people like you coming along telling them they can't exercise the same freedom of speech that pp does.

Your comments on her previous history following her into every thread well you know, life's like that, just like that. You reap what you sow and all she ever sows is bad seeds everywhere she goes.
PP didn't take it to a whole different level. Everyone who waits for her to post did that.

Maybe you're right. As one that has come a cropper on more than one occasion for speaking their mind I really should show a bit more compassion.

I'd just like to see PP let her hair down and relax TBH. It saddens me that all she ever does is pop in to contradict and play devils advocate. I'd really like to see the fun side of Hevva,
Soozy Woo
I would like just for once for PP to concede she may be wrong or even have the grace to see someone else's point of view.
But all she does is say she is entitled to her opinion and opinions are never wrong.
Well actually they can be. 

And the tragedy is that she has won now. I am actually worried about going in and challenging her or disagreeing with her because of this very reaction.

So PP - say and do as you like - democracy is one way it seems
PP didn't take it to a whole different level. Everyone who waits for her to post did that. This could have been a good discussion if people would just let petty shite go
Cags I don't wait for her to post,I couldn't be bothered wasting my time waiting for anyone to post truth be told....In this thread she did interpret the article wrongly in that it wasn't about the victims race,at no stage was his race mentioned but despite this repeatedly being explained pages later she still brings it back to race again.
A sensible question about whether it is 'significant' whenever a murder victim's nationality is reported will be completely ignored.

There has been absolutely no justification put forward for the first, very strange objection to the mentioning of this poor man's nationality, only objections to anyone objecting to the first objection by pretty_p.

The fact is, it was quite shocking to think that this was the first thought that entered her head (a thought that doesn't seem to have occurred to anyone else who read the story) and it may be that the desired effect was achieved, but everyone has a right to put their objections.

As I asked earlier, would pretty_p object to the reporting of the nationality of two French students, brutally murdered in London? No, I don't think she would. She is looking to cause trouble and I'll happily debate it with her, any day. It would be nice, if she actually felt able to answer my posts, but, whether she chooses to, or not, I'll still post them.
The fact is, it was quite shocking to think that this was the first thought that entered her head (a thought that doesn't seem to have occurred to anyone else who read the story) and it may be that the desired effect was achieved, but everyone has a right to put their objections.

As I asked earlier, would pretty_p object to the reporting of the nationality of two French students, brutally murdered in London? No, I don't think she would. She is looking to cause trouble and I'll happily debate it with her, any day. It would be nice, if she actually felt able to answer my posts, but, whether she chooses to, or not, I'll still post them.
Blzzie some reasoning at last 
Of course she has views. What a totally pompous thing to say. Where in all the things she's posted has she said she didn't care about a man losing his life? Take the racism debate out of it and it still boils down to you and others who can't be bothered with her. I'll defend anyone to have their say. Like it or not there is no need ot resort to petty playground insults. There are about 2 people here who have debated with her without getting personal.
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