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And I am not for one second trying to suggest that he had nay reason not to be

well why is it wrong to say the guy was Indian? if a British person dies swimming off Teneriffe.... the paper doesn't say " A foreign man drowned in Playa de las Americas'  It would say a British man... what was reported in the article was a accurate background of the poor man involved.
Why would anyone feel the need to lighten the thread? A thread about a murder? What's light about that?

Part of what's wrong with this and many other forums is when people feel the "need" to lighten a thread for the sake of forum harmony. There are some things which should be taken seriously and jokes have no place there. It might not be pretty or enjoyable but there are hundreds of other threads here where people can be light hearted.
Yes in my opinion. You can all moan till the cows come home but read back to every post she's made and it's the same people who jump in and bite.....and it's the same people who 2 pages later moan that she spoils things. She doesn't spoil things. She brings life to this place. I disagree with lots of opinions on here and I've been quite vocal about it but I've never had the barrage of abuse this girl has gotten. The only people who are boring now are the ones who bite then moan
I'm on a different browser so can't quote....but...

yes...let her say what she likes. I "let" my kids do and say things but on a forum I have no authority. I have to put up or shut up with other peoples opinions. I can challenge them but I have no right to personally abuse someone simply because they don't agree with me....or the rest of the forum. Why shouldn't she say what she likes? The only ones who can make her stop if they disagree are the mods.
Yes in my opinion.

Exactly and it's the majority's opinion that it was reported accurately, and I never jump on P_p  I have disagreed with her once. In this case I think the thread should not have been turned into a race issue. It's a forum and if someone posts we should be allowed to disagree, which the majority have.
I've seen threads less serious than this turned into race issues so don't get that??'s because it's PP. There's a lot of sanctimony flying round when people reply to her. We could all go around saying "if you lived the life I have" etc but it gives us no right to lord it over anyone else. We can guide but the minute it gets personal it's over
And the thing is Cagney, yes you do have forthright opinions and nothing wrong with that.
BUT I have seen you bow out gracefully if perhaps you have realised that someone is genuinely upset or if you can see their point of view. And for that I respect you and therefore would enjoy a debate with you.
THAT is what debate is about. Cut and thrust of opinion and occasionally conceding a point.
PP never sees anyone else's view but her own. That has nothing to do with age and all to do with personality.
Skylark - my family say the exact same about me. I don't so much argue as..I don't blindly agree with what people tell me. I question things. I challenge things but I would NEVER be so bold as to tell someone their opinion is wrong no matter how much it upset me. Not without a drink anyway I realise there are some people on this earth who will wind me up and rather than spend my life fighting with them I'll let them carry on and not fuel their fire.
I challenge things but I would NEVER be so bold as to tell someone their opinion is wrong no matter how much it upset me
Cagney I really don't think anyone challenged PP, just was confused as to why she disagreed to what was a accurate report about one sad attack on one man that resulted in death  I think the majority were more annoyed that it was turned into a nationality/race issue that wasn't meant to be. 

I am all for a debate, but not when it's turned into something it wasn't meant to be 
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