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Reference: petty_p
I really do ot understand why in such cases there is a need to mention the race of the victim (and that is nothing against the op as obv he/she merely got it from the original story) - I don't see what it adds to the story - this happening to anybody is sickening regardless of race etc but for me the fact they include his race is rather significant.

I'm assuming that you've now read the newspaper reports and realise that his nationality was reported, rather than his 'race', as well as his gender, marital status, the fact that he was a father, his name and the reason he was in Paisley. This would be normal in any report of this nature.

There was no suggestion of a racist motive. In fact no motive was found and the judge described it as a 'vicious, sustained, mindless and unprovoked attack on a passing stranger'.
So let me just get this right - you are having a go at me over something I haven't actually said - hmm interesting.

I've already pointed out to you which remarks wound people up. So have several other people. If you refuse to scroll back to read the comments made directly to you that's your problem not mine.

And Croc is right it's like a dog with a bone, what she got wrong was you are the one with the bone. You reel people in and then just won't let go once you've made sure the thread is all about you AGAIN!

I've already pointed out to you which remarks wound people up. So have several other people. If you refuse to scroll back to read the comments made directly to you that's your problem not mine.

No you haven't you have quoted one of my comments and turned it into something it wasn't by telling me what I was implying rather than what I had actually said.

And Croc is right it's like a dog with a bone, what she got wrong was you are the one with the bone. You reel people in and then just won't let go once you've made sure the thread is all about you AGAIN!
You made this thread about me - if I remember rightly go back to page 1 and you were the first to make a comment about me personally rather than the topic - oh and you may or may not choose to notice but I ignored you.

I agree with what Croc said... 

same old people coming in to jump on a well known WUM  [that's my personal opinion] some not even bothering to join in the actual discussion of the thread just popping in to have their digs.. who made ya's all the forum police?  there's Mods for that who can do what is needed if necessary..

same old every time. .attack, attack, lecture, attack more lectures. .try scrolling past the posts you don't like or take a breath and count to ten before posting.. and as was said the only people letting this thread be about a person not a topic are the ones that bite very time and give the flamer ammo..

*puts on unpopularity hat *
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I really do ot understand why in such cases there is a need to mention the race of the victim

^^^^^^^^This is where you took this thread in the wrong direction PP,it was NOT about race but to you it was....The victims NATIONALITY was mentioned in the story,among other details ,you choose to see the mention of the victim being Indian as that being his race,why?
^^^^^^^^This is where you took this thread in the wrong direction PP,it was NOT about race but to you it was....The victims NATIONALITY was mentioned in the story,among other details ,you choose to see the mention of the victim being Indian as that being his race,why?

The thread stated that this man was an inidan man and I chose to comment on that aspect of the story and how I believe including this information in the story was not really needed.  At the same time I could choose to argue that the thread was not meant to be about the sentences handed out to the perpertrators however some people chose to look at that aspect of the story.  I stayed on topic and therefore it really does baffle me as to how I can be accused of taking the thread in the wrong direction.  I merely commented on one aspect of the story like many others have done.
Taking it away from the topic a bit..ooer.I remember years ago when I worked in a public library and someone broke in overnight  and nicked a microfiche reader(I think they thought it was a portable telly!) The cops dully arrived and interviewed the Librarian(this also was in the days when cops turned up for break ins),They got the details  etc then asked her for her name and age,she gave her name but stated she was "Over 21" .They said no we need your exact age...she wouldn't give them it.She said "You can cleary see I'm not a minor etc,that is all I need to state to you ,over 21!".We left the room at that point in fits of giggles.She was in her forties.
to be fair PP you kinda put words into someones post that weren't there. .ie you took it wrong or twisted it a bit and they didn't agree with what you did/said

BUT really the only person who really should have pulled ya up on that and discussed/debated it further was the poster who's post you made a comment on.. not every other tom dick and harry too
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I stayed on topic and therefore it really does baffle me as to how I can be accused of taking the thread in the wrong direction.  I merely commented on one aspect of the story like many others have done.
This is my last comment here....PP perhaps if you could somehow manage to see that the victims race was NOT an aspect of the story,it was to you but the point being made in the article was he was a tourist from India,not his race his nationality,and as myself and others tried to explain when such things happen that is how it is reported,home and abroad btw.
Reference: PP
At the same time I could choose to argue that the thread was not meant to be about the sentences handed out to the perpertrators however some people chose to look at that aspect of the story.
The title of the thread is self explanatory as is the OP`s opening post. It was about the lenient sentences handed out in this country and nothing else.
I agree that the sentencing in this country is ludicrous.. someone drinks and drives and kills someone and gets a short sentence..some idiot student throws a fire extinguisher off a building and gets 32 mths. .yeah I know it could have killed somebody but it didn't and it probably wasn't intended to... unlike drinking, getting off yer head then getting behind the wheel of a car. .that is premeditated murder to an extent yet they get hardly anything for their crime.. 

whole system needs a shake up 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I agree that the sentencing in this country is ludicrous.. someone drinks and drives and kills someone and gets a short sentence..some idiot student throws a fire extinguisher off a building and gets 32 mths. .yeah I know it could have killed somebody but it didn't and it probably wasn't intended to... unlike drinking, getting off yer head then getting behind the wheel of a car. .that is premeditated murder to an extent yet they get hardly anything for their crime..
I absolutely agree about the punishment dished out for DD,in the wrong hands a car is a lethal weapon ,the punishment most certainly does not fit the crime with this.
This is my last comment here....PP perhaps if you could somehow manage to see that the victims race was NOT an aspect of the story

it was to you but the point being made in the article was he was a tourist from India,not his race his nationality,and as myself and others tried to explain when such things happen that is how it is reported,home and abroad btw.
It may very well be how it is reported but in my opinion that does not make it right
I kinda do too Ditty

problem I have is when putting it in the context of other sentencing for more serious crimes. .if you get my drift.. I think drink drivers that kill get on average 24 mths.. which I think is dreadful

anyhoo I need to catch up on a whole days recording of the Housewives of New York. .posh Brassy Chavs... if such an Oxymoron is possible
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I agree with what Croc said...  same old people coming in to jump on a well known WUM  [that's my personal opinion] some not even bothering to join in the actual discussion of the thread just popping in to have their digs.. who made ya's all the forum police?  there's Mods for that who can do what is needed if necessary.. same old every time. .attack, attack, lecture, attack more lectures. .try scrolling past the posts you don't like or take a breath and count to ten before posting.. and as was said the only people letting this thread be about a person not a topic are the ones that bite very time

I agree too. 

I'll ignore any racial aspect and go straight to saying.......Paisley? Doesn't surprise me in some ways.
Okay - so apparently it was the same old people who commented re PP.
I do not see that at all. It was just about everyone - some of whom have defended PP in the past.
She has her own opinion and she is entitled to it - my god are we told that over and over again.
She asked for examples of how she could have offended - she chose to ignore those examples.
Then people jump in to defend her..

Yep Ground hog Day.
BUT peeps who chose the defence card...

She will disagree with you one day, oh yes...


Oh and by the way.
There IS such a thing as a wrong, mislead and down right inflammatory opinion.
So there 
problem I have is when putting it in the context of other sentencing for more serious crimes. .if you get my drift.. I think drink drivers that kill get on average 24 mths.. which I think is dreadful

is that sentence for someone caught over the limit...  or for someone that has injured someone whilst being over the limit?

I hate drink driving Olls..    so I would have no problem with there being harsher sentencing...     though I do think that they should also do away with a legal limit..    have some leniency for "trace amounts" where people are genuinely sober as a judge, but have trace levels of alcohol in their blood from the day before...   but in order to drive a car you should not have had a drink for xx hours...  perhaps with an increase to 24 hours for higher levels of alcohol consumed.

The git that threw the fire extinguisher got an appropriate sentence imo..      in my opinion what he did was a crime that if compared to drink driving...  would be to driving an HGV after 3 bottles of vodka!
I think that there is not always a need to mention someones colour or race, but people will invariably do this and there is not automatically racist reasons for this, or any sinister hidden agenda, and I find the suggestion that there is (when something like this occurs,) rather ludicrous..  If you saw someone had taken or borrowed something that you were looking for (at work or something,) and someone said 'who took it?' and you didnt know, and they asked you to describe the person, you would probably describe them as best you could including their skin colour/race/height/build/hair colour. 

If you said he was a tall ginger guy, it doesnt mean you have a problem with ginger people or tall people; it's just a description to give people an idea of the person and what they looked like etc.  If the news had just said 'a person has been attacked,' people would moan that the news hadnt said more about him. 

I find people making a fuss over someone describing someone as Asian/Black/middle east looking or whatever, are just trying to provoke conflict.  I have known people like this in real life, and they get right under my skin.  What on earth is wrong with simply describing someone including their race?  People make far too much of an issue these days about things which arent worth making issues over.  And this isn't an attack on anyone in this forum by the way: it's my honest opinion.
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