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I really do ot understand why in such cases there is a need to mention the race of the victim (and that is nothing against the op as obv he/she merely got it from the original story) - I don't see what it adds to the story - this happening to anybody is sickening regardless of race etc but for me the fact they include his race is rather significant

Did it mention the man's race,or do you actually know the man?.....Indian may well have been his nationality,given the man was a tourist them including this fact is relevant imo,if god forbid it had been me no doubt they'd have stated Irish woman,same would apply to any other tourist I assume.their nationality would be mentioned.
I feel that by including his race in the story the media are trying to suggest there is a racist edge to the attack when in reality there is no evidence to suggest this.
TBF we don't know whether this was an element or not.......reading Blizzie's link it gives other personal details: 'married' 'father of two' etc....Not sure why that is so different for e.g. saying in another case: a single man from Essex on holiday in Italy was.... blah blah blah
Did it mention the man's race,or do you actually know the man?.....Indian may well have been his nationality,given the man was a tourist them including this fact is relevant imo,if god forbid it had been me no doubt they'd have stated Irish woman,same would apply to any other tourist I assume.their nationality would be mentioned.

Unfortunately I doubt very much that they would as it wouldn't have as much impact  His nationality really does not matter - this happening to anyone is beyond sickening.
Unfortunately I doubt very much that they would as it wouldn't have as much impact  His nationality really does not matter - this happening to anyone is beyond sickening.
Some years back a young German woman was attacked and murdered here,her nationality was mentioned,there have been others but that is just an example.A few weeks back  a young  Irish woman  newly wed on her honeymoon in Mauritius attacked and murdered in her hotel room,again nationality mentioned ,the fact a victims nationality is mentioned is a common occurrence imo.
the fact a victims nationality is mentioned is a common occurrence imo.

I think so too... its like when there is an incident of some sort abroad, and they say x amount of people killed including 8 British tourists... of course its awful that everyone died, but they still mention the British ones, usually first in the report...
this happening to anyone is beyond sickening.
It is indeed.... PP I hope that you will attest to the fact that I have have never. ever, got into a row with you/ been personal with you.... And  that I have on occasion, stuck up for you?.... BUT, sometimes, intentionally or otherwise (????) your posts evoke v v strong and emotional reactions in others....I'm reminded of my 'sig' that I created back in the C4 days that is now reappearing on the new GaGa format: People will forget what you said and what you did, but will never forget the way you made them feel
Worth thinking about????
It is indeed.... PP I hope that you will attest to the fact that I have have never. ever, got into a row with you/ been personal with you.... And  that I have on occasion, stuck up for you?.... BUT, sometimes, intentionally or otherwise (????) your posts evoke v v strong and emotional reactions in others....I'm reminded of my 'sig' that I created back in the C4 days that is now reappearing on the new GaGa format: People will forget what you said and what you did, but will never forget the way you made them feel
Worth thinking about????

I'm sorry but you are going to have to point out exactly what I have done wrong here.  My opinion is not offensive and has not been put across in any way that could possibly be deemed as being so - I have ignored anyone who has tried to cause any kind of row.  Just because my opinion differs from yours that does not make it wrong - an opinion can not be wrong.
pretty-p yet again you have completely derailed a thread so it becomes all about you with your flippant controversial statements designed to provoke. Why is it that every time you enter a thread by the end of it nobody can remember what was under discussion they can only remember YOU coming along to upset everyone?

Ask yourself that question. There's only one answer and I'm sure you won't like it but I suppose you can just play dumb as usual and ask what on Earth you've done to upset everyone.

pretty-p yet again you have completely derailed a thread so it becomes all about you with your flippant controversial statements designed to provoke. Why is it that every time you enter a thread by the end of it nobody can remember what was under discussion they can only remember YOU coming along to upset everyone?

Ask yourself that question. There's only one answer and I'm sure you won't like it but I suppose you can just play dumb as usual and ask what on Earth you've done to upset everyone.

Please quote the comment(s) where I have done something wrong - I haven't made this thread about me others have.

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