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My number one hate about this place.

I'm didgusted too Velvet.

And this practice of reducing a sentense because the accused confesses is, I feel, criminal in itself.
The sentence for a crime should not be different on account of a confession....or lack of one. The victim is still as dead or as injured.

Let them rot for good, I say.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Indian man kicked to death for his kebab by three yobs in Paisley.

Pled guilty:   "Life"

Two teenagers get nine minimum. The 20 year old 10 1/2.

Makes me puke.

My number one hate about this place.

I really do ot understand why in such cases there is a need to mention the race of the victim (and that is nothing against the op as obv he/she merely got it from the original story) - I don't see what it adds to the story - this happening to anybody is sickening regardless of race etc but for me the fact they include his race is rather significant.
I think the victim's race was mentioned in the context of him only being here as a visitor. He was due to return to India, which makes a sad story even sadder, IMO.

But that's like saying it is more acceptable if the man was British or if he lived in this country and as far as I'm concerned regardless of what the person was doing in this country - ie living/visiting - it is completely and utterly wrong.
But that's like saying it is more acceptable if the man was British or if he lived in this country and as far as I'm concerned regardless of what the person was doing in this country - ie living/visiting - it is completely and utterly wrong
Ah, but it is not  "like saying it is more acceptable if the man was British or if he lived in this country" because that is NOT what I said.
Apology to velvet. You're right it's absolutely disgusting I could just see which way the thread would turn as soon as she got involved. I shouldn't have said anything.

Meanwhile our government full of millionaires spend all their time figuring out how to screw the sick and the poor and the young while real issue like beasts beyond all redemption maim and kill the elderly and get off lightly because they're young or gave the 'correct' plea yeah they don't want to be bothered with such issues eh?
I'm no fan of the American way of handing down sentences for 299 years etc but the sentences for murder are way too light in a lot of cases.
I think plea bargaining  has it's uses; it saves expensive trials, saves the victims and witnesses from the trauma of testifying - particularly in rape cases - and supposedly shows that the criminal acknowledges their crime. But it is disgusting that it is misused to such an extent.
I'm still glad to be living in London though.
Ah, but it is not  "like saying it is more acceptable if the man was British or if he lived in this country" because that is NOT what I said.

For me that is what your post suggested - I am not saying that your post said it was acceptable just a little more acceptable.  At the end of the day by mentioning his race the media are doing what they do best and that is trying to brainwash people and make them think we are a racist society which then stirs up more hatred and actually causes racism when in reality as far as I understand it there is nothing to suggest the attack was racially motivated.
For those of you are interested: Reduction in sentence for a guilty plea 
And for those who can't be arsed to read it all!
Murder has always been regarded as the most serious criminal offence and the sentence prescribed is different from other sentences. By law, the sentence for murder is imprisonment (detention) for life and an offender will remain subject to the sentence for the rest of his/her life.  The decision whether to release the offender from custody during this sentence will be taken by the Parole Board which will consider whether it is safe to release the offender on licence. The Court that imposes the sentence is required by law to set a minimum term that has to be served before the Parole Board may start to consider whether to authorise release on licence. If an offender is released, the licence continues for the rest of the offender’s life and recall to prison is possible at any time
Last edited by Former Member
PP, you may have a point re the press coverage if there is an inference that it was wholly or partially racially motivated and it wasn't. I have no idea whether it was or wasn't as I don't know the finer details of the case. Do you?

No i don't and it is for that reason that I said "as far as I understand".  However I do believe that if there was anything to suggest it was racially motivated this would have been widely reported in the media.  I feel that by including his race in the story the media are trying to suggest there is a racist edge to the attack when in reality there is no evidence to suggest this.
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