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Everyone must be blind if they can't see how she's ready to throw in the towel.

No special thread to point to, just general lack of people , and camaraderie.

I'm willing to stick around, even although I don't post much........I'm sure it will pick up

Lal you're on my buddy list, and I can't afford to be one down

Give it a while longer........I feel sure things will improve
Everyone must be blind if they can't see how she's ready to throw in the towel. No special thread to point to, just general lack of people , and camaraderie.
Post of the day Stoory I've been out tonight and generally when I get in I look forward to reading back posts. It's getting to the stage where I can't be asked.

Lal I don't know you, but I hope you stay. It has to get better, as it sure as hell can't get any worse sweetheart.
Everyone must be blind if they can't see how she's ready to throw in the towel. No special thread to point to, just general lack of people , and camaraderie. I'm willing to stick around, even although I don't post much........I'm sure it will pick up
There are a lot of people who don't come round much.  Or they stick to their groups, or walls, or blogs, or have given up entirely.  They will either come back or they won't.  You can't force people to post here on the forum.

Instead of all the moaning, hand wringing, etc., the people who ARE here and enjoy coming here should post.  If there isn't a thread that interests you, then start one.  If it doesn't attract attention, then start another one.  Eventually, you will get some responses.
I think part of the problem with the OP is that it's very general. Could be talking about any one of us as at times we can all be naive and narrow minded in someone elses eyes. The thing is we come from all walks of life and all have different opinions. Just because someones opinion doesn't match yours it doesn't mean they are narrow minded. Just because someones opinion isn't the popular one doesn't make them naive.

I've never understood flouncing either. Why not just leave quietly if it pisses you off that much?
Forum flouncing is quite interesting.  I think there's an certain number of "Don't go!" replies before one can reasonably come back with one's ruffled feathers smoothed.  If you don't get them then I think you're in trouble as you look like a bit of a numpty when you come back anyway, which is pretty inevitable as the flounce is there to make a point or to get attention.  I think there's an optimum time of day to flounce, too.  On C4, I saw someone flounce very late at night when most people had gone to bed.  It didn't go well as the only people left were the chain-smokin', whisky-drinking, cynical die-hards. 
I hope you're ok Lal, something must have seriously pissed you off and I hope after a bit of a break you come back and feel better and a bit less bothered by what some people have to say.

Flouncers (Lal not included coz she put "could" in the title!!) do my nut in and to be honest I wish when they say they're going to feck off they just would. 

So many people whinge on about how crap it is here and how they don't fit in (I sometimes feel the same btw!) but instead of whinging about it on and off here why not just try like someone else said to start a thread or join in until someone replies to you!  If you're still not getting anywhere there are plenty of other forums out there to get your teeth in to, it's intimidating at first but isn't anything new?

There are always going to be groups that stick together, it's human nature and you can either try and butt in and join in or find like minded posters that flit here there and everywhere, like meeeee!!  

Don't sit irate behind your keyboard getting all het up about a bloody forum ffs, it's not worth the stress!  Switch off and go make a cuppa tea!

Lastly everyone is entitled to their opinion and whether we like/agree with it or not it's tough norks because people are going to voice them anyway!  Tis called life.
I hope you don't go, but it is so quiet on here lately that I admit that I am not bothering as much as usual.

Last night for instance, I would have been on here most of the evening, but ended up watching the soaps I usually watch (Emmerdale and Corrie) and then EastEnders, only because I was curious to see who the daddy was.

But seriously, I know this place has loads of great things to do and I am as guilty as anyone else of going and joining in, but the forum is so very quiet at the moment and it seems as soon as an interesting thread starts, that people are joining in with an agenda, or people are starting threads with an agenda of winding people up.

I think the best thing to do is to have this in every thread, so as when you are feeling frustrated, you could just go and hit him!!
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
To be honest, I don't remember these 'good old days', when there were no disagreements.
I do remember a time on C4 when it was a right giggle with a few good debates.  But I think it was like that for everyone when they first joined.  I think there was a kind of detachment, with the mods deleting stuff as soon as it got started.  Now it seems a little more personal.

Maybe it's because we all know each other a bit better?  I dunno
That's the thing PB.  People who rarely post are turning up just to cause trouble. They think it's ok to call others names and diss this place for no other reason than it's different.
I notice when there's an argument going on the numbers logged on shoot up.  I think some people just don't do 'friendly'.
Those of us who enjoy posting here have been getting on so well they just can't take it.   The people who are crying loss of Community are the very ones trying to break it up so they can go back to their chums and have a laugh.

I don't know how many people have said that since coming here they are chatting with FMs they had never 'talked' to before.   I found C4 and the last place very scary at times and I didn't know if a thread was safe or not so I just stayed in The Towers and The Newmark with people I trusted.   

I really like it here for the fact that we have other things to do as well as the Forum.  To hell with the begrudgers guys.
The more you get used to this place the easier it is to navigate. I also don't understand why old arguments are brought up here from C4 or whatever that happened here, this is a new place and we are supposed to enjoy posting here and it's a new start.

Debates and different opinions are part of it all and you're not going to get on with everyone, but no-one should be feeling disillusioned here all they can do is try to find threads that suit them or post with like minded people and try to get used to it that way. Got that off my chest.
darloboy (Play The Game!)

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