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Originally Posted by Tina:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

Ouch!   sorry don't know what it is but if it's still painful over the weekend and you can't wait to see your GP perhaps a trip to A & E is in order 

it the way i felt the pop at the time that worrys me


Muscles "pop" too, do try a hot bath and see. If it is a slipped disc, you will feel pain or numbness in your legs, Do you have that? Try not to worry , take it easy tho in the meantime 

Originally Posted by Tina:

i was feeding Ashton and he feel asleep so i got up still holding him

felt like a pop in my lower back with a sharp pain

its still killing me 4 hours later

do you think it could be a slipped disc??

Oooooooooooooooooooooh - I so know that feeling - do they call it granny back? My back has been bad all day - it comes and goes but lifting grandchildren really doesn't help.


Hope it eases soon 

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Tina:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

i know if the pain goes down your leg-starting from your..ahem..backsideits summat to do with sciatica nerve

which can go on for a while

a massage helps


no its just in my lower back pirate

feels like someone kicked me x10


feet up

hot water bottle

and a trip to the docs on monday if it still hurts

im like a harley street specialist arent i?

Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Tina:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

i know if the pain goes down your leg-starting from your..ahem..backsideits summat to do with sciatica nerve

which can go on for a while

a massage helps


no its just in my lower back pirate

feels like someone kicked me x10


feet up

hot water bottle

and a trip to the docs on monday if it still hurts

im like a harley street specialist arent i?

Yeah, you missed your vocation there Pirate    Sorry.......

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Tina:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

Ouch!   sorry don't know what it is but if it's still painful over the weekend and you can't wait to see your GP perhaps a trip to A & E is in order 

it the way i felt the pop at the time that worrys me


Muscles "pop" too, do try a hot bath and see. If it is a slipped disc, you will feel pain or numbness in your legs, Do you have that? Try not to worry , take it easy tho in the meantime 

didnt know that Skylark

and no numbness

and thank you

Originally Posted by Tina:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Tina:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

Ouch!   sorry don't know what it is but if it's still painful over the weekend and you can't wait to see your GP perhaps a trip to A & E is in order 

it the way i felt the pop at the time that worrys me


Muscles "pop" too, do try a hot bath and see. If it is a slipped disc, you will feel pain or numbness in your legs, Do you have that? Try not to worry , take it easy tho in the meantime 

didnt know that Skylark

and no numbness

and thank you

Take care, if you wish to phone NHS 24 , of course, its up to you. xx

Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Tina:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

i know if the pain goes down your leg-starting from your..ahem..backsideits summat to do with sciatica nerve

which can go on for a while

a massage helps


no its just in my lower back pirate

feels like someone kicked me x10


feet up

hot water bottle

and a trip to the docs on monday if it still hurts

im like a harley street specialist arent i?

you make me laugh if nowt eles pirate


All I can tell you is...I had a trapped nerve a while ago in my lower back, and right hip and it was AGONY, couldnt stand, couldnt sit, could walk, couldnt lay down, everything killed!


I landed up having a doctor out it was sooooo painful!!  They advised alternating hot and a hot water bottle for 5 mins, then ice for 5 mins...and they gave me strong pain killers...though until you can see a doc, it is safe to take paracetamol and ibuprofen together every 4 hours Hope it eases really soon for you

Originally Posted by zazz:

All I can tell you is...I had a trapped nerve a while ago in my lower back, and right hip and it was AGONY, couldnt stand, couldnt sit, could walk, couldnt lay down, everything killed!


I landed up having a doctor out it was sooooo painful!!  They advised alternating hot and a hot water bottle for 5 mins, then ice for 5 mins...and they gave me strong pain killers...though until you can see a doc, it is safe to take paracetamol and ibuprofen together every 4 hours Hope it eases really soon for you

thanks zazz got hot water bottle on it now

Aw Tina Horrid Don't worry, it's happened to me many times it will settle down over time but it sounds like your spine is out of alignment and you need it popping back in I use a chap in Blackpool to fix mine, if that's anywhere near you and you'd like the number just give me a shout, he's approx ÂĢ40 and will sort you out in one go. I travel 2 hours to see him but i'd travel 6! If that's not local, I'd recommend you find a chiropractor or osteopath near you
~Sparkling Summer~

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