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What day to day things do you use too much of?  I've been trying to persuade my boyfriend and kids that they need to cut down on the amount of bread they eat because we seem to go through about a loaf a day which to me seems a lot.  On top of that butter seems to vanish quite quickly and milk is another that goes too quick (although I'm the milk culprit :ninja

Apart from those basics the other things that never last long in my house is Melon of any type and Icepops.  Loo roll is just ridiculous and bin bags always seem to go walkabout without actually being filled!


What do you use too much of?

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Originally Posted by Issy:

crushed chillies - we go through those like there is no tomorrow.

Loo roll is another one - hmmm perhaps the two things are related?

  I would say so!


I also use loads of crushed chillis....which I have run out of and only just noticed while making spag bol   But I love whole chillis more....chop 'em up and add to anything and everything

Originally Posted by EllaBella:
Originally Posted by Issy:

crushed chillies - we go through those like there is no tomorrow.

Loo roll is another one - hmmm perhaps the two things are related?

  I would say so!


I also use loads of crushed chillis....which I have run out of and only just noticed while making spag bol   But I love whole chillis more....chop 'em up and add to anything and everything

I am trying to grow chillis this year for the first time.

They are so good for you. They really boast the immune system.

We had a go with growing chillis they were fab but explosive! Another thing we get through loads of is peppercorns my Oh cakes his food in pepper from the grinder, mmmmm just made me wonder now if it's my cooking, must say he is a fab cook and he does drive me mental " advising me" when I cook but I won't complain in case he decides to give up his rather useful hobby!
Originally Posted by EllaBella:
Originally Posted by Issy:

I am trying to grow chillis this year for the first time.

They are so good for you. They really boast the immune system.

Good luck Issy, I'd love to have a wee supply handy everyday although the OH would probably kill me because I sneak them into everything (even his cheese toasties :blush

oh no, I'd hate being at your house, don't like hot food at all!

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Zaphod:

Juan Sh*t?




pretty much... 


we have run out of loo roll again...     so there is a roll of bounty kitchen roll in the bathroom!


and the boy has been told to only use 1 sheet!  (to stop toilet clogging)

Start tearing up the news paper.. (God I have actually seen that in my time  


In our house.. We use too many of those wipes.. *Goes to cupboard* 

We have:

Swipes Allpurpose



Sainsbury's anti bacterial all purpose

wizz furniture polish wipes

pledge Dust & protect

Wilko multi surface

Wilko floor wipes

we also have those wet one's for your bum

I contributed to this sin by getting some computer wipes


And about a dozen toilet rolls Ditty


Oh the shame!


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