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Blue sky.
The smell of the garden after a storm.
Sound of babies or little kids giggling.
A good belly laugh.
Unexpected kindnesses.
A snuzzle from a friendly hamster (or other companion critter).
Realising it's your day off when the alarm clock goes off, turning the pillow over to the cool side and going back to sleep..

And of course, lovely peeps on GaGa
The little one coming out with ' I love Mummy Awww' totally unprompted

Trying on your jeans and they feel looser.

One of those days your hair feels all bouncy and it swishes about perfectly.

When my hubby takes the little one out for a while (very very rare) and I realise all the cleaning and washing is done and I can just sit down and read my book.
Warm sunny days when your not at work and can enjoy them with friends
Having a proper good laugh with friends
A cold WKD Blue after a hard days work
Coming home to a nice clean flat
Other peoples company
The feeling of achievement
Being able to hold your head up high
Lazy Sundays not even changing out your pjs
People watching
Sitting in the countryside jusy admiring the wildlife
winning at online poker
And being around my nieces and nephew
In no particular order:

A shower/bath followed by clean bedding
My fav comedies on TV/DVD whilst in bed
Everyone tucked up safe in their beds
My hubby's smell (the nicer one)!
My herbs (culinary kind) flourishing
Feeling slimmer after a workout
A good hair/make-up day
The house feeling all clean and tidy
Knowing there's no rush to get up in the morning
A 'holiday' that doesn't involve visiting the in-laws
My hubby enjoying his meal after his bath/work - (although that doesn't take much if food is involved).
A great book you don't want to end
Hubby listening to what I've actually said

I'll carry on thinking...

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