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Right! My Lovely BB Obsessives! Before I brace myself for the awfully inevitable(Farmer Giles winning BB11)

I want recall some BB moments and Forum moments that have right tickled me!

Way back when Nathan was still in the house, and for some reason can't remember exactly what, the HM's had lost the priviledge of hot water...Nathan went into the garden fuming, having a smoke by himself..Monk Dave slimes his way into the garden and promptly plops himself on the fairground horse situated near the smoking bench as Monk Dave opens his mouth...Nathan snaps "Don't come out 'ere Bitching Dave"!...Monk Dave looks crest fallen, slides off the horse, and styles it out like he was picking up litter in the garden...I really did like Nathan as a HM.

Ben! I started off thinking what a snob! But he soon won me over with his brilliant one liners, his mad hair, his constant apologising for putting his foot in it and of course his Dame Shirley obsession.

Andrew-Jack Bauer!

Sam Pepper!-This guy single handedly made BB11 watchable for me after being force fed a one sided Duvet romance and trust me there was nothing entertaining about a forceful bird practically headlocking a bloke into an embrace just for the sake of airtime.

Corin-Carrying on with SAR task when it was obvious to everyone that Keeley had hurt herself pretty badly!..Sorry but it was funny.

Erin's Mario is a twin conspiracy has been brilliant! As was Who is Mario's/Dad?Mario's family tree.
The Forum thread titles have had me in tears of laughter...Too many good ones to recall!
The alias's we made up for JohnJames and Josie....TinyTears and Farmer Giles are still my favourites.
Mathematics for being courageous enough to admit he was a fan of Monk Dave's.

I could go on, but If you lot have any other memories or laughs you wanna share, let's get them in this thread and have a right laugh.

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What an ace thread! Nice one, Senora - have rated it 5 stars (and that's a hard achievement for grouchy old me )

Off the top of my head;
  • Ben doing his stand up routine to the crowd
  • Corin and cant remember who singing to the crowd
  • Sam Pepper and pool-wig, also his creme de la creme comments about another wig
  • Nathan calling Shabby a little rain cloud of doom
  • The fake tan gubbins on the fellas
  • The ignore task (my favourite moment throughout the whole series) Marcus thingy commentator, the bloke in the bathroom, the big band, Corin getting pied in the DR.
I'm sure there's more
I have to agree with Karms re Marcus Bentley - now THAT was hilarious  - I'm sure ol Marcus enjoyed every minute of it!!!
Good thread btw Senora, I;ve got a fair few involving our Sammy and a fair few involving our Benny..... but credit where credit is due - u CANT beat crab-eyes shitting himself in the diary room in case Nathan wants a 'word' and asking where his mommy is cos he's 24...... (and he dont give a rip and fack this and fack that)....
semi-finals night was arranged around HIM and his cacking pants if you ask me
Ben and just about  everything he was involved with in BB.
Govans eviction
Every Friday night on here.Eviction nights are always tense.
Nathan telling Shabby she was a little cloud of doom.
The Ignore task.
TOT( especially with Ben and Sam)
Ben and Mario being reunited.
Mario and Andrews friendship.
Mario doing the face swap with Dave (the button with his name on both sides)
Sam and his "Taperoo"
Sam for saving the show.
Keeva walking.
All the research on Mario/Twin/Guilfoyles/the wall art in the house.
Your company SR
Nice thread Senora.
I'v enjoyed this form. I've enjoyed being at GaGaJoyJoy.
There have been some unfortunate moments - but comparatively few.
When I think back to some of the clashes in a previous place I am grateful to be in a place where the vast majority of people are nice to each other and courteous.
Having said that there were inevitably many occasions of disagreement. (It's a forum after all.)
But I have been impressed that by and large people found ways of disagreeing without blatant nastiness. More than I have ever seen before I think.
This has a lot to do with the nice people at GaGa, but it also shows that the GaGa clan we have here are friendly and courteous, and have found smarter and better ways of disagreeing.
Very strong opposing views held but without vileness.

I recall the S&R task when John James, Mario and Rachel had to crawl on their bellies along a sheet of velcro.
Rachel struggled for an eternity even to get off the starting block. No progress at all in spite of frantic struggling. Then in, response to encouraging cheering from the onlookers, she responded with "Hang on."

And of course the wonderful Tree of Temptation. Exemplified in tonight's highlights show when 5 housemates all clearly showed their amusement (and fondness) for the Tree - and vice versa.

Tbh, not many great moments in BB11 for me.  Anything that involved Ben always had me apart from when they were ganging up on him

TOT was a laugh and I loved the names he used to call them when getting them to do a task.

Andrew in the DR when he was doing the Jack Bauer task and he was surrounded by ladies - very funny.

JJ1 in the crab suit - so suited him!

The Forum

Some great banter with you all.  Nice to see no-one falling out over a HM and all of us  being able to have a laugh even though we were supporting different HM's.

Lots of funny thread titles.  In particular Spongey's Josie's support thread - so love that title.  "The ryvita?no thanks i'll have a cream cake pissy pants we're all desperate minges josie possee"

I hope we are all still around after it all finishes.
But I have been impressed that by and large people found ways of disagreeing without blatant nastiness. More than I have ever seen before I think. This has a lot to do with the nice people at GaGa, but it also shows that the GaGa clan we have here are friendly and courteous, and have found smarter and better ways of disagreeing. Very strong opposing views held but without vileness.
Spot on Brisket! Not a bad bunch at all, are we. 
Ive really enjoyed the forum this year. The past two years of bb for me were hit and miss. BB9 was so dull for me i didnt watch it so subsequently decamped to c4 off=topic for the summer NO GOOD! Last year all i could find to participate in was perving over siavash...although good didn't 100% fulfil my every desire.

THIS YEAR i know has been a success because its given me a whole rainbow of emotions Plus I got to go to an eviction with Cinds and Ding Dong...I was so pleased to get to experience that at the last bb.

dave to hate. That mad man has made me feel a whole rainbow of emotions, and so many of us feel the same on here.

Ive had (i beleive) a genuine love story with JJ and Josie and  loved talking about that.

Ive LAUGHED. I honestly dont think ive laughed at bb sinced Nikki Graham. The WONDERFUL Sam Pepper, I could talk about him till the cows come home. The tasks have also been brilliant. Loved the superhero task and the ignore the obvious task.

Ive had CORIN! OHH MY GOD I could argue my point about how I hate the way she has behaved for days, proper argue with you all (still love you though ) . I woke up in my sleep arguing about her for a good 10 mins (apparently) For a big brother contestant to do that to me is rare. Ive loved having something to get my teeth into, Its made a welcome change, even if its sadly at the expence of her girlfriend (see even i care more about the poor woman).

And finally the best bit... Siavash ....pah siavash who? Jason orange you say? Jason orange who? :rolleyes; For this year i got my ultimate pervefest in shabby and a comrade in shabby love, cold sweat

This for me has been a brilliant bb!

Although it wasn't nice, one of my biggest memories from this BB will be that night of the floods.

Sam and Dave playing catch with a water filled washing up glove and it exploding in Sam's face as he caught it.

The singing auditions for the Glee task.

Andrew winning the Come dine with me task and the look on Keely's face. 

I can't recall when it was, but maybe week 3 or 4, Ben impersonating John James.

The night the ghost and ghoulies came out of the wardrobe in the middle of the night during the ignore task.

I'm beginning to feel sad recalling all of the this years BB knowing its the last. I wasn't sure before, but now I definitely want Channel 5 to continue with it.
BB 11

Corin getting pied in the DR.

When Ben asked Corin what his faults were and she told him..nicely, but straight to the point... He didn`t expect it.  
Corin telling John James that Nathan and Rachael were a couple.. his disrespect for women...the drained look on his face was a sight to behold.

Corin`s Scrooge voice. "Now be off with you"
Shame they didn`t show it on the HL but when they were all dancing sideways like crabs in front of John James in the garden. I was in fits at that. 
Ben in general. 

The slow motion and the music when Ben and Mario were reunited.  
TOT was great. "Now p*ss off* 
Josie`s made me laugh a lot. The latest, when Dave asked them to stop the sexual innuendo talk. Josie "Lick my batty crease monk face"   


Lots more but that`s all I can think of for now...

The Forum

I had a blip of forum fatigue so I didn`t join in as much as I have in the past but I enjoyed reading. The banter was excellant.  We didn`t all agree but there weren`t any major fall outs. I admired Blizzie`s steadfast support of Josie in the face of adversity.   She handled it with her usual aplomb and wonderful humour.  

Loved Rawky`s Sunshine and Sammy Pepper threads...he just wouldn`t give up!  
Spongey`s Josie`s possee thread made me crease myself laughing. 
DanceSettee`s piccys were brilliant! 

hoochie`s piccys in Corin`s Crib were cribtastic!

So much more but that`ll do for the noo.   Thank you ALL so much for your company. 
We`ve got a great wee forum here. I hope we stay together after UBB.
Last edited by Scotty
Reference: Blizzie
I certainly tried to handle it that way. Thanks, Scotty! I can't think of more to add, but I've really enjoyed this series and will be sad if this is the last.
You did and didn`t bite back. I couldn`t have done it.  
I`ve enjoyed this BB too Blizzie. It`s had me and probably most if us tearing our hair out at times but it`s all part of the "fun"
I really hope it`s not the last but a break might be good...for the nerves.  
BB 11:

Ben - love him or loathe him he turned out to be a great hm.  His first night I thought OMG what a to$$er but I ended up loving him. 

Sammy Pepper - his entrance livened up what was turning out to be a very dull BB.  I especially loved his Ninja prank    although the norty boy did take it too far 

The Tree of Temptation was the best thing ever about BB 


My buddies in the Hl fred - lubs ya all 
I admire Blizzie's defence of Josie (even though I can't stand Josie) and her one liners always have me in tears. 
Erin's mole conspiracy 
Despite the fact that not all of us have agreed on house mates, there's been good, general banter and not much nasty stuff which has made this years BB a laugh in terms of the forum
Dance Settee's pictures
Zaphs Toasters 

and much more I can't think of right now

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