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Soozy, I have been critical of your posts in the past and I now feel really bad if you have stayed away because of criticism. Please accept my sincere apologies and hope we can post together happily now.
Apologies for not replying sooner ...........been a busy afternoon /evening here. I've no wish to bring down what has turned into a happy thread but need to reply.
I have always simply posted on here regardless of who starts or responds and in that way don't really post 'with' anyone. Thank you for your concerns but I see nothing to forgive ...........we all disagree from time to time it's only natural .............personally I see no need to be 'critical' about anyone and I'm quite sure you simply meant that we may have had disagreements in the past. really and truly not a problem with me.

What I have found a problem is FM's actually starting detrimental threads about me or simply popping up in another completely unrelated thread to have a dig ^^^^^^^^^ see above.
It's not nice when that happens - unfortunately sometimes you feel the need to retaliate and that's when it all goes pear shaped.
I have started posting again and simply avoid those who have issues with me .........................unfortunately I agree with the op - things aren't what they were.
Pink babe - I dont think I've ever had an issue with you - thanks for the post though.
Soozy Woo
Made my morning when I saw that picture and I'm definitely "borrowing" that one for my desktop picture.
Help yourself, babe...

I was recently given the boxsets of Life on Mars 1 and 2...I think I've fallen in love with the Gene Genie all over again

And this is my favourite quote...I can't listen to it without falling about laughing.

"I'll make you a hat"...

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