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I quite agree with the op ......................I said it myself not so long ago but got a very different reaction.
I was told in no uncertain terms that if I was that unhappy why did I continue to stay (not just one poster either) .................the response was so hostile that once upon a time I posted regularly and started threads that I thought was of interest. The negative responses I got has really and truly altered the way I approach this forum.
I know many find it a real community - I just feel that after seven years as a 'regular' very reticent in airing my views.
Soozy Woo
Very sorry you had that off-putting experience.
But if I am just aimlessly browsing the forum, looking for new threads, seeing who is online and who has recently posted - seeing your name is a comforting feeling. I think "Oh good Soozywoo is here" (or Thingumyjig or Dooda or whoever it may be.)
So I for one think of you as a stalwart of the forum.
*warm friendly smile"
Brisket ..............i feel very much as you do and have to say that I enjoy all the threads you start and your comments. Even after many years of posting though it really doesn't take much to have your confidence shaken.
I'm not gonna dwell on it ...................your comments are very welcome. I'm just not the poster I once was.
Although this community has grown and is thriving (and lovely to see) - a few hostile comments and negative responses can very easily alienate a person.
Soozy Woo
Soozywoo offline 3242 Forum Posts Yesterday at 11:57 PM (Edited: ) I quite agree with the op ......................I said it myself not so long ago but got a very different reaction. I was told in no uncertain terms that if I was that unhappy why did I continue to stay (not just one poster either) .................the response was so hostile that once upon a time I posted regularly and started threads that I thought was of interest. The negative responses I got has really and truly altered the way I approach this forum. I know many find it a real community - I just feel that after seven years as a 'regular' very reticent in airing my views.
Unfortunately, you get that on any forum - people who think they own the place and what they say is law and everyone else's opinions are rubbish etc., etc.  Those people, imo, are quite sad and must lead very sad lives to want to put other people down or belittle them.  Best thing, most of the time, is to ignore their comments, carry on posting and having a laugh regardless.  They will soon get fed up and, unfortunately, move onto someone else.
It is so true that confidence can be knocked easily, by unkind words or thoughtless comments. Disabled people can be particularly susceptible to this as there are so many throw away comments made in their direction, more so than in the able bodied world.
Quite. And then again you get people who totally misread what's written and form an opinion based on that. That's how it goes.
Soozy Woo

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