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 I wonder how many people are doing the same as you though GMA? I think there's quite a few who tend to lurk rather than post nowadays but if we all start doing that then this place will definitely dispappear. There are stil quite a few of us who are staying here. Maybe we need to be a bit more proactive and see if we can court some to come back over. I know it's a bit quieter than we'd like now but there is usually someone around to chat to and you only need to look at Annoca's thread to see how strong the sense of community is here. Maybe you should give FB a go too. There seems to be loads of us on there now and it's good fun. It's not the same as a forum though which is why many of us do both. If you ever decide to try FB and need someone to guide you through I'd be happy to hold your hand.
Queen of the High Teas
I find myself lurking now rather than signing in as there's no one about
I think that may be some of the problem GMA..... I think a lot of people lurk cos they think no one else is about.... and it becomes self perpetuating But despite the quiet..... like tonight... I still love it here, and won't be going anywhere else..... even if I have to talk to myself
The "OnLine Now" box can be misleading. Quite a lot of people have their preferences set that they don't show if they are on line.
Sometimes it looks quiet, but a post suddenly gets unexpectedly answered, and another.
I am staying here.
There are too many things I don't like (or trust) about FB.
But, as I recall, we often get a quieter forum between the BB TV series. And we often feel disappointed. We often cling on. Then we often get busy and excited again when another series looms.
True it is not hectically (is that a word?) busy. But I like it, like the forum people, like the people who run it, like the sense of community and general good will.
I can't always maintain the pace when it is very busy. So calmer is OK with me.
I admit I have been lurking for a couple of weeks because I haven't watched much of CBB this year and most of the threads were rightly about the programme and the housemates, and have had a really bad case of the January blues, but now I will be back posting as I do really like it here, I post on DS, but you get no sense of friendship and camaradie that you get here, so I am back (bet you'll all really sad to hear that!!)
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!

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