Originally posted by Jenny:
I don't want him to win, but I have to say, they are really doing everything they can to paint him in a bad light aren't they?
George Lamb accused him of trying to get air-time (which imo he was), but he failed to say the same thing about the next item which was Charlie and Rodrigo "messing about" under the duvets. Now that's what you call trying for air time! It was so obviously put on for the cameras!
That's all i want, a level playing field.
Remember when BB/BBLB rubbed Helen (BB2's) face in it when she cheated on Big G by falling for Paul? Oh wait.... That didn't happen.
BB have had an agenda lately to discredit Siavash
Also,the day 50 task and the costume are bound to be demoralising for him, then Davina says he's changed and gone into his shell. Well not bloody suprising is it!
I'm still waiting for the hm's individual personal prize fund task that is in anyway as bad as what Siavash has had to do.