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WHY on WHY, someone tell me WHY! Why do people in the house keep developing crushes on this woman? She is physically 'fairly' attractive, and has a nice smile, but she is nothing really special TBH. I have seen far more attractive girls than that. Frowner

I think Karli is prettier and Sophie (dogface) too. Is it because there is such a severe lack of babes in the house? Because I am sure in real-life, that Noirin would not be so amazingly popular as she is in that house.

Don't mean to sound spiteful or mean, and I am sorry if I do sound a bit bitchy. I actually think she is not unnattractive, and she has a nice figure, but I am struggling to see why so many have developed crushes on her. I don't think she has a very nice personality, and she has really manky hair IMO, which she almost always has in that horrid smoothed down flat style with hairclips pinning it behind her ears.. It looks so naff.

JMO of course, but if I was a man I would probably have gone for Karli. Noirin really is rather plain as girls go IMO.

What do you think?

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Thanks for your views folks. I just really really fail to see why she is so sought-after. If I was a man I wouldn't fancy her. My hubby can't see it either and thinks karli is way better. I reckon if they put another 2 or 3 lasses in there, - decent looking ones - she will slip down the ranks. Still fail to see what they all see in her. JMHO of course.
Originally posted by Skylark24:
Noirin has the ability to play the poor wee victim that needs a man to protect her, but then shows her cold, hard to get side, which men take as a challenge. Her speech on how long ago it was she last had sex made it another challenge. She knows exactly where she is coming from and knows how to manipulate.
Good post Clapping
Noirin without a shadow of a doubt is beautiful rather than pretty. She does'nt plaster her face with make up, and she has a killer body.

In the house, Noirin is the best looking woman hands down, Sophie looks ill without make up, and don't get me started on that birdsnest she's trying to pass off as hair. Whilst Karly is pretty, she puts on make up by the trowel load, she so doesn't need it, and the brassy blonde hair does her no favours as she looks better with dark hair.

It's easy for me to see why men would go for Noirin.

What I dislike about her is that she is very controlling, bossy and unwilling to listen, and she can be quite, lacking in emotional intelligence.

I don't particularly think she's a bitch or a bad person, just very controlling.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Skylark24:
Noirin has the ability to play the poor wee victim that needs a man to protect her, but then shows her cold, hard to get side, which men take as a challenge. Her speech on how long ago it was she last had sex made it another challenge. She knows exactly where she is coming from and knows how to manipulate.

very astute - you are spot on
I think men find Noirin sexy. It's as simple as that. She is also a past master at flirting and even though she doesn't fancy a bloke she never ever lets him know that, thereby keeping his interest. And, the fact that she is not a stereotypical blonde bimbo adds to her lustre.

There is a strident harsh aspect to her personality which may in turn be her undoing.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by fookat:
Originally posted by Skylark24:
Noirin has the ability to play the poor wee victim that needs a man to protect her, but then shows her cold, hard to get side, which men take as a challenge. Her speech on how long ago it was she last had sex made it another challenge. She knows exactly where she is coming from and knows how to manipulate.

very astute - you are spot on
Thumbs Up
Well if Sree stands in for the ordinary bloke in there, he oozed his man charm over all the other girls in there before alighting on Noirin. I'd imagine she wasn't best pleased at been seen as the consolation prize after he'd been fobbed of by the 2 "blonde" bombshells.
Being as he even seemed to be weighing up the contrary delights of Lisa and Charlie before lumping for the girl in the glasses, her charms might be slightly exaggerated.
captain marbles
Originally posted by captain marbles:
Well if Sree stands in for the ordinary bloke in there, he oozed his man charm over all the other girls in there before alighting on Noirin. I'd imagine she wasn't best pleased at been seen as the consolation prize after he'd been fobbed of by the 2 "blonde" bombshells.
Being as he even seemed to be weighing up the contrary delights of Lisa and Charlie before lumping for the girl in the glasses, her charms might be slightly exaggerated.
i think had she not had the specs on from the beginning it wouldve been a different story. It took a bit longer for her to find her victims, in the mean time she decided on the sympathy road, which worked until she realised Sree was not all he seemed Big Grin
Originally posted by Heartache:
I think it is almost back to the pack mentality, Noirin is an attractive girl, with no fake enhancements. However she is very much an Alpha female, and l think the males, who would like to be the Alpha Male or think they are, are now vying for attention.

Yup, this is noticeable in the way siavash/marcus handling of her when she was baying for angel's blood, whilst at the same time, telling her she is right.
I find it interesting that noorin keeps on harping about freddy and angel's closeness, (when in reality it wasn't as close as she made it out to be)makes me wonder if freddy is her 'challenge'. Glance
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Noirin without a shadow of a doubt is beautiful rather than pretty. She does'nt plaster her face with make up, and she has a killer body.

In the house, Noirin is the best looking woman hands down, Sophie looks ill without make up, and don't get me started on that birdsnest she's trying to pass off as hair. Whilst Karly is pretty, she puts on make up by the trowel load, she so doesn't need it, and the brassy blonde hair does her no favours as she looks better with dark hair.

It's easy for me to see why men would go for Noirin.

What I dislike about her is that she is very controlling, bossy and unwilling to listen, and she can be quite, lacking in emotional intelligence.

I don't particularly think she's a bitch or a bad person, just very controlling.

Good post senora ... Thumbs Up

Noirin is by far the most beautiful girl in there and, I agree, it's not hard to see why so many have developed crushes on her ...

She does have a controlling and bossy nature ... she has a strong personality, which is one of the reasons I do actually like her, as she is her own person, but I can understand how those particular traits do her no favours at times ... Big Grin

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