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When Ben asked Mario where he came from ,Mario told him ,one set of grandparent were Welsh and come from Welshpool,Powis Castle is in Welshpool.
The pedant in me has to point out that Welshpool is in Powys. The current spelling is with a Y. Powis probably came about because some 17th century English oik at the peerage office didn't know how spell it properly. 

And you know - this angling after a Welsh accent is all nonsense anyway, If Mario really was part of that family he'd sound as Welsh as Charles Windsor. 
Cariad and erinp,I just wish they could put a  zeta Jones or Richard Burton type to represent the Welsh..Not the  type they put in,Then again Brian Belo was in there to represent the English.
I think we've all been short changed in our time Bo. 
I do feel particularly aggrieved though.While there have been some noxious Scottish, Irish and English housemates there have also been some cracking housemates from those countries. The best they've managed from the Principality is Helen "I likes blinking I do" Adams. I could weep, I really could....
Cariad and erinp,I just wish they could put a zeta Jones or Richard Burton type to represent the Welsh..Not the type they put in,Then again Brian Belo was in there to represent the English. I think we've all been short changed in our time Bo. I do feel particularly aggrieved though.While there have been some noxious Scottish, Irish and English housemates there have also been some cracking housemates from those countries. The best they've managed from the Principality is Helen "I likes blinking I do" Adams. I could weep, I really could....
NOOOOO - Glyn was a great HM - truly he was!
I thought Helen was sweet,really liked her as a HM .
Oh I liked her too but she was hardly an advert for the Welsh education system now as she?   Corin reminds me of Helen. Not in looks obviously but there's a basic naive ignorance there which is rather sweet.

Isadora - Glyn was from north Wales. We don't even speak the same language. Literally!
But again he was a sweet but naive idiot.

Given 6 of the first 12 US presidents were of Welsh stock and Wales comprised the largest national grouping that signed the Declaration of Independence; given we have a tradition of natural orators and independent thinkers - Lloyd George, Nye Bevan, Michael Foot...; given we have a history of learning going back centuries (the word school comes from the Welsh ysgol [us-gol] meaning ladder) I'm astounded they couldn't find one articulate, intelligent Welsh housemate!

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