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If she had any taste she wouldn't be wearing them *miawww* Walking around like Max Wall
devils's advocate.....does she have her suitcase....did she manage to shove a lot of clothes on?.....Right, fairness over....they are minging and she never seems to do any washing...or anything in the house.....must be a bloke!.....keep it going girlies
What about the Welsh they've put in.An abysmal lot they've been.

I can't help thinking BB have lost out big time by not having me on the show. Of course actually applying would have been a start.

The American accent has a lot of West Country in it IMO with long vowel etc so mebbe explains the West Country/US twang. But if he IS hamming up an accent then I dunno - maybe he's aiming for US and getting Torquay? The Welsh accent can sound Pakistani when handled by a rank amateur. ïŧŋ

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