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Sounds crazy i know but i have a serious damp problem in my bathroom (Im avoiding my landlord at the mo as i owe a considerable amount to them so i dont want to be making demads on the standard of my bathroom as i am just glad i can get a bath of a morning and not have to wash in a sink in some public toilet) Hes been there for ages, iv named him Royston. But i think its time he found himseolf a new home. Iv tried everything to get him out. Hes too fast to try pull him out, iv put a glass of beer on the side of the bath thinking worms might be like snails and not be able to resist a glass of beer. Iv sprinkled salt on him thinking he might dissolve like slugs. And iv coated the wall with bleach but he seems determined to stay. Anyone got any other ideas???

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I would prefer not to kill him. Over christmas there was a mummy giant spotted slug and a baby giant spotted slug in there that i picked up (using a piece of paper) and threw out. Unfortunately they landed in a huge pile of snow and froze to death which i discovered a few days later when the snaw melted a bit and i felt awful about it. I just want to enjoy a bath without a worm sticking its head/bum (do worms have heads?) out my wall to say hello.
have you seen any plaster worm pile things?

we used to get the odd one in a specimen tube in the lab... where someone had gone to the loo.. turned and looked in the loo... seen the earthworm and assumed it had come from them... scooped it up and taken it to the GP.

GP would send it to us  (yeah.. I know this is sounding more & more bizarre.. but its true honest!)....  where we would confirm it was an earthworm.. and that it must have climbed up into the toilet... as opposed to having been deposited into the bowl.

So I know they can go walkabout!
not earthworms..

there are other types of worms such as tapeworms so they send them to the lab for identification (dunno why... my boss just took the one I saw out of the tube with her pencil and said "garden worm" and plonked it back in again)... 

but I am fairly sure tapeworms look different to earthworms...

anyway..  moral of the story is... check the pan before you sit down!
The flat my hubby used to live in in London had an even worse bathroom...   his dad owns it (his brothers still live there)... and there had been repeated leaks from the flat above.

It was grim when I used to go up there before we were married...  but its got to levels of bizarre now... there is a hole in the ceiling above the bath and you can see up into upstairs's living room.... you can see peoples feet when they are sitting on the sofa.

I can't believe my brothers in law actually use the bath...  there is no way I would sit there shaving my legs whilst the family above were in plain view watching Goldenballs!  

They are finally getting it sorted... after a legal wrangle with the owner of the upstairs flat.

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