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Yep.  She doesn't know it yet but they're getting her out on Thursday.  She'll be dragged out kicking and screaming but her time is up.


My baby is being forced out of her comfy surroundings on Thursday.  I'm sure she'll not be happy to be forced out but I am so glad I don't have to wait any longer!  I am going stir crazy this week wondering if every little ache, pain or poop is a sign that labour is starting and I am bored of not being able to do anything now at this stage.  I just want her here now and to see her face.  


We still haven't decided on a name but when I mentioned to my OH the other day that we should try calling her Maddison from now until the birth so we see if we're ok with it (I've gone off it a little bit but can't think of anything else now as we've gone through every name we can imagine) he said he's been calling her Maddison for months and tells people that's her name.  He could have informed me!  


I've been induced twice before so I know what to expect.  I just really want to go into labour naturally this time as this is the last baby we're having (I swear) and I've just never got to experience the waters breaking etc.  All a bit silly maybe but it's just something I'd have liked.  


So....Thursday it is then! 



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Originally Posted by Ells:

Yep.  She doesn't know it yet but they're getting her out on Thursday.  She'll be dragged out kicking and screaming but her time is up.


My baby is being forced out of her comfy surroundings on Thursday.  I'm sure she'll not be happy to be forced out but I am so glad I don't have to wait any longer!  I am going stir crazy this week wondering if every little ache, pain or poop is a sign that labour is starting and I am bored of not being able to do anything now at this stage.  I just want her here now and to see her face.  


We still haven't decided on a name but when I mentioned to my OH the other day that we should try calling her Maddison from now until the birth so we see if we're ok with it (I've gone off it a little bit but can't think of anything else now as we've gone through every name we can imagine) he said he's been calling her Maddison for months and tells people that's her name.  He could have informed me!  


I've been induced twice before so I know what to expect.  I just really want to go into labour naturally this time as this is the last baby we're having (I swear) and I've just never got to experience the waters breaking etc.  All a bit silly maybe but it's just something I'd have liked.  


So....Thursday it is then! 




I want a big dramatic WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHH scene.  Preferably in Tesco or somewhere just as glam.


No, I'd be happy with a trickle just as long as it was at home and not in public.  The kids are hoping for a middle of the night dash to hospital so they can get off school next day (no school bus near grannys house for eldest and youngest frets way too much to be having him go to school next day) but OH is praying there are no surprises and baby waits til Thursday.

Originally Posted by Ells:

I want a big dramatic WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHH scene.  Preferably in Tesco or somewhere just as glam.


No, I'd be happy with a trickle just as long as it was at home and not in public.  The kids are hoping for a middle of the night dash to hospital so they can get off school next day (no school bus near grannys house for eldest and youngest frets way too much to be having him go to school next day) but OH is praying there are no surprises and baby waits til Thursday.


Originally Posted by Ells:

I want a big dramatic WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHH scene.  Preferably in Tesco or somewhere just as glam.


No, I'd be happy with a trickle just as long as it was at home and not in public.  The kids are hoping for a middle of the night dash to hospital so they can get off school next day (no school bus near grannys house for eldest and youngest frets way too much to be having him go to school next day) but OH is praying there are no surprises and baby waits til Thursday.

you want the years supply of free nappies dontcha

Originally Posted by Ells:

I want a big dramatic WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHH scene.  Preferably in Tesco or somewhere just as glam.


No, I'd be happy with a trickle just as long as it was at home and not in public.  The kids are hoping for a middle of the night dash to hospital so they can get off school next day (no school bus near grannys house for eldest and youngest frets way too much to be having him go to school next day) but OH is praying there are no surprises and baby waits til Thursday.


 Is that really true?  


It would be handy but no, I think my partner would die of shame if that happened and whisk me out of there before anyone knew anything.  He won't let me even go to the shop without him driving me......just in case my waters break or I have a contraction  He's spoiling me too much, I'll get too used to him doing everything.

Originally Posted by Ells:

 Of course there will be pics.  If I don't get on here while in hospital I'm sure Jen or someone can bring any pics they see of her on facebook over to here.  


I'll remove any bows from her head before taking pics though


This just had me coughing with laughter woman! Re: pics, that's your proud moment! I wouldn't dream of it!

Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Ells:

Should Maddison had 2 'D's or one?





I was spelling it with 2 because it will be shorted to Maddie....which has 2 D's as Madie just isn't right at all.

There's all sorts of variations out there.. personally, if I was asked to spell it I'd say Madison, shortened to Maddie

That's what I'd have said too? Like Edward - Eddie, Margaret - Maggie, Leonard - Lenny etc

Last edited by Former Member

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