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I fully accept that. However there is a small group of very smug, self satisfied individuals who can become incredibly spiteful and nasty if someone has the audacity to post something that 'they' feel is unacceptable. When certain FM's names appear they will sweep in like a flock of vultures and pick away in an attempt to belittle and humiliate.
Someone -posted the other day that they'd had enough and were leaving ...............whooooooosh in they all swoop

'We are not a clique - why can't you accept that you're just a nasty individual and no one likes you? We don't like what you post and how you post it so we will mob handedly pick and pick at you - DEAL WITH it. There is only one way of posting that's acceptable on here and that's ours'

There followed a couple of pages of mutual back slapping and giggly in jokes and even a couple of separate threads taking the pee. Another FM comes in and says she's had a similar experience and we get more of the same.

'Look you know we don't like you and the stuff you post and yet you continue to do it and annoy us. If only you'd listen and toe the line you'd be OK. When will you learn to do as you're told? Until then - it's all you're own fault that you're treated like pooh.

Most of the FM's on here are lovely but there is a handful who are nasty, spiteful individuals who ironically bang on about how people should accept it when they don't agree with them. I think perhaps they should take some of their own advice. If they don't like something by all means say it once even twice or simply stay out of the thread. Why do they feel they have the right to bang on and on until someone comes round to their 'correct' way of thinking?
To cap it all a newbie last night had the temerity to ask 'what's a clique?/How do you quote?' They were on him/her like a ton of bricks. Small wonder that FM's leave this place and genuine newbies are scared to join.

Sorry for the long post and apologies to all the really nice FM's on here. Just thought I'd point out that this forum has become a bit of a dictatorship which is why I've been absent for a few weeks and will be moving on again after this.

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He's  so obvious each time he comes back, that even I can spot him a mile off
Fair enough but why the need to out/ humiliate/ bully? He's obviously on the hit list ...............can't he be left to post without hassle? If 'they' don't like him - just ignore. It's not a huge playground here but surely big enough for everyone ...............why don't the playground bullies back off and learn to play nicely?
Soozy Woo
...can't he be left to post without hassle?
if only he would show the same courtesy Soozy  (Hi btw )

I, and obviously others, do try to ignore him, each & every time he comes back with a new name... but its really hard to ignore when he starts to pretend (Really badly) to be a newbie... & ask the same old questions like quoting... and then at some point give us a lecture on why this forum is going down the pan.

I really hate it when I sit there and see him deceiving another FM...   when they take what he says in good faith.... and he seems to have no problem with this... no conscience about basically lying through his teeth to them.
I actually think that some of the 'nasty, spiteful' ones are the ones that have 'flounced'. That's my feeling on it anyway.
Do you not feel that simply because they have 'alternative' viewpoints they have been pushed and goaded endlessly to defend themselves and simply because they're in the minority they have been made to look like the 'baddies'?
Soozy Woo
because they're in the minority they have been made to look like the 'baddies'?
aw Sooz... I know this question was to Rawky..   but I hear what he's saying.  The OP of that thread, and the "newbie" are the only two people I have had proper arguments with on here...  and I'd sat on my hands for months prior to biting back in both instances.

There's being controversial.... and there is being downright rude.
ALso SUzy one of the poeple in the other thread (well the OP actually) had a well known habit of saying really rude stuff to poeple then editing the posts quickly to make it look like they were being attacked for no apparent reason which simply wasn't the case. It seems they thought they had the right to have forthright opinions about anything and everything but no-one else was.

PLUS...lets face it, posts are made to be commented on...if you don't want people to comment on what you write do a blog with no comments allowed...don't post on a public forum.
Do you not feel that simply because they have 'alternative' viewpoints they have been pushed and goaded endlessly to defend themselves and simply because they're in the minority they have been made to look like the 'baddies'?

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I love diversity in peoples viewpoints, I have no problem with that. But without naming names, I recall one 'forumer' being particularly vile and nasty earlier in the year.

The joy they took over something petty, say like someones favourite housemate being evicted, was unbelievably spiteful and also used some fairly vulgar and aggressive language. Then that same person has the audacity to claim that they are being 'bullied' by a clique' when others confront them? Sorry doesn't wash with me.

I would never, ever pick on anyone or make anyone feel left out, but I will stand up for myself when I feel someone else is being completely out of order.

A viewpoint can be different to mine and I will graciously accept that, but there's no need for people to be rude or aggressive with it.

Blimey....that was a bit of a ramble
Do you not feel that simply because they have 'alternative' viewpoints they have been pushed and goaded endlessly to defend themselves
As far as I can see we are talking about two obvious people here, both of whom claim to have been bullied and both claiming there is some kind of clique attacking them. Having alternative viewpoints is one thing, being plain nasty and abusive is another and both these people have been guilty of this on more than one occasion. That's why people respond to them the way they do. In the case of the poster who started the huge flouncing thread I have rarely seen her post anything but hateful spiteful remarks before anyone has even spoken to her.

I don't know why I'm explaining this to you, you know this full well yourself if you have been reading the posts here on a regular basis. As for the 'newbie' come on how do you expect people to believe he doesn't know what a clique is? A lot of people seem to know who he is (I'm not one of them) and apparently he does this all the time. I challenged him on that thread but wasn't nasty. It's a public forum. If you take people for idiots they will respond, that's how it is.

I know you started this thread to attack certain posters here (I'm pretty sure I'm one of them) but maybe you should take some time to read the posts of the people posting highly offensive material and then crying wolf before you condemn the reactions they get.
it realy depends on how you define cliques, there were plenty on c4 and there are some now - but they can be classed as a group of like minded fm's who "chat" amongst themselves with "in" jokes. i don't post often, probably because i don't chat with other fm's nor would i class them as friends, my posts aren't usually responded to but that doesn't concern me because i am stating a point rather than interacting.  BTW, obviously i am not a newbie but i'm not sure about quoting either!
As I said yesterday, I wasn't particularly taken with posts from the FM's suggested. And, just to be clear, I'm talking about Cockney Chick and Pretty-P.

Having seen posts from these people over time that have been purposely antagonistic, and despite numerous people (who I can't name off the top of my head cos I'm not in a bloody clique) - advise them that maybe their approach isn't ideal for opening a discussion or debate, they continued to do it, to the point that people got fed up. (And when I say 'people' I am talking about the posts I've read on here, not off forum friends, cos I'm not in a bloody clique).

I love talking about issues on here and hearing different viewpoints, but as an individual I don't have to tolerate ignorance and if I (me - on my OWN) - read something that I feel is below the belt or what I see as an ignorant opinion then I'm going to add my opinion. I have tried to be considerate to Pretty-P and her complaints, as have other posters from what I have seen, but despite the efforts she seems to not want to listen to anyone else's opinion but her own and turns nasty when people disagree with her. Why bring it to a public forum then? Especially this forum, where there is such a diverse range of people who have gone through various ails in life (and therefore more than qualified to put their objections, to her/others claims, forward IMO).

FFS anyone would think this place is full of 10 year olds.
Just  a couple of points if I may.
I am now fed up with the word "clique" and clique-related things.
It's getting like that business when you are told to think about anything except elephants.
What do you think about?
It's normal and natural to warm to some people more than others and have alliances and bondage bondings.

This is a good place and a great deal of unpleasantness has been avoided because Lori and the GaGa staff call a halt. (That is one of the things I particularly like about GaGa.)

But I now wish the topic would go away.

My second point.
About the "newbie" who has been referred to.
I acknowledge that some FMs feel strongly that they know the person's identity.
But, but, BUT what if.......the person really is a "newbie"?  Not a nice welcome if the person actually is new!
Because things like that conern me (and because I  think human nature is basically good) I tend to accept what I see and hear  - until I discover otherwise. Yes it can lead to disappointments, but it's my way.

I'm now off to a thread where 'cliques' are not mentioned. 
Love this place.

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