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Rate Your [House)Mates! As Big Brother is coming towards its final week, Big Brother is going to ask each housemate to rate their fellow housemates’ personality traits.

In the Diary Room they will each be given a board and a picture of their fellow Housemates. They will be given 9 categories, and must rate their housemates from most to least in each. The categories are as follows:

Desperate to win
Attention seeking

Later, they will be gathered together at the sofa and take part in a game of ‘Rate my Mates’. Presented with a board and 9 coloured envelopes, each housemate will take it in turns to pick an envelope. Each envelope contains one of the above categories and a photo of each Housemate.

On their turn, they must attempt to place the photos in order of most to least on the board, for their category. The housemate who gets the order for their categories correct in the fastest time will win a prize.

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That's coz he's real and going on BB was for more lofty things than mag deals, £100,000 and notoriety. I hope he's chosen as the most forgettable 

edited to add that BB is the biggest sh*t stirring bitch atm with this task
I can see this going the way of the nasty nominations i.e no-one really saying what they actually think.
That'll depend, I think, on whether they know about the second bit when they do the first lot of ratings in the DR.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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