I was listening to the radio this morning and they were saying that Wagner is perpetually among the top vote scorers . The reason is that people have had enough of the complete fix they perceive the X factor to be. They want to use Wagner as a kind of anti hero, They are also fed up with all the shenanigans in the press.
None of the others really are exceptional. I am not a fan of Leona's voice but no one can deny the girl has talent.- there is no one else anywhere near her this year.
Last year we had some real voices as well. Again - no one is there this year.
As for me, well I do not vote as I do not want to contribute to the Cowell money machine, BUT I would love it if Wagner were to win, Perhaps then they would stop all the hypocrisy, the fawning, the domination of the stupid crowd with their booing and jeering.
None of this lot are hungry for it this year - they are already famous - the press has seen to it.
The X factor is a means to an end