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Ooooh Danyl....see I've not liked him at ALL til now - but tonight I got it. I thought he was fucking fantastic. Theres still something about him that I'm not loving.....but thats nothing to do with his performance, I thought he was bluddy ace tonight. If only he had a twin brother.
and i've liked him all along until i hate him.
the welsh boy isn't cutting it for me.
Agreed, A cutie he may be but his voice seems 'flat' with no awareness of the various emotions that should be invested in various parts of a song. It's like he;s detached from it (yoof, I suspect); that's why I agreed with Danii's comments, He's not exactly a 'mover;' either for a 16 year old. Bit awkward all round. Can I just add that I bloody hate 'Big Band Week'. Waste of time as audition pieces for potential chart stars and very few can pull the songs off as they're pretty much designed for people (at least) twice their age.
subatomic partygirl
Am I the only one that cringed at Rachel's OTT gushing at the end
Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. It's all down to that Danyl  one, the Hendrix hair, and that young lass, Lucie? Mebbees that gadjie  from South Shields if he stops the simpering. The rest may as well leave now.

(Analysed by Mr and Mrs Crossy after a surfeit of alcohol.)
Garage Joe
Renton 3493 Forum PostsToday at 04:13 (Edited: ) OMG Rachel Am-ee-gotta-cat-on-me-hed absolutely made a fool of herself after a great performance and image change Why has she not connected with the crowd . . cos of her over confident Diva-Mama, hard faced, bad ass persona . . . at 18, lol
 Agree Renton.... very weird me thinks!

Rachel - Don't like her at all. Her 'act' at the end of her performance was pathetic
Stacey - I mute her every time she speaks.
Danyl - Just cannot take to him. All that false modesty....doesn't wash with me.
Afro - Loving him
Joe- Too sweet to be wholesome
Twins- LOVING them in their awfulness. They make me lol
Lucie - Great voice but needs to get a personality
Olly - me no likee
Lloyd - nice boy same as Lucie - needs to bring something to the table.

In answer to someone who asked if Louis had a facelift - yes he has. Eyebags removed and veneers on his gnashers

 online 38543 Forum Posts Today at 17:12 (Edited: )

x-factor danyl johnson helps stacey solomon connect with her tears Now he's apparently made Stacey cry, don't believe it and I suspect it's just them trying to stir up more publicity for the show. Kandy Rain claimed the press twisted the article about them and said they didn't slate him and the contestants have had nothing but praise, no actual proof so who knows if true or not?.
Well the papers make anything up to sell itself.
And I think I would take what the contestants say first.

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