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Leccy 5973 Forum PostsToday at 12:28 PM (Edited: ) Reference: I can't stand the way he walks moves or gestures. my skin is crawling Jonononononononono! I can't hack Wobblie Williams.heeeey leccy! Good to see you I am barely on anywhere these days sorry not been about, I just don't get online at work and 2 weeks away from it is weaning me off!

I saw Paulo Nutini in the same caff as me about a year ago, but then I do live in the same city as him. We saw him at Glasto this year and he was good, he has talent (unlike robbie lol)

I think he's fantastic - and that little Mary one met him at Glasto!    I have thoughts about him that would get a woman of my age arrested.   I was gutted to find out too late he played a gig at a tiny theatre in Dunfermline a few months ago.

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