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Did anyone else think that George Michael wasn't as generous in sharing the spot as the other 2 celebs?

I was really dissapointed with him tonight - had looked forward to it all week and he just didnt have the same enthusiasm that Michael and Robbie had   I felt he tried to take over the song rather than share it 

Robbie and Olly's duet was fab and I suspect it could have been this that turned the viewers votes tonight 

am still rooting for a Joe win tomorrow
From the early days of audition I thought Olly was a natural entertainer, visually. As the weeks went by I thought there were others who'd have a better chance of a recording career which is more audible than visual. I thought Stacey deserved to be be in the final. The final 3 and a few others still have opportunities of a musical career, just depends for how long the public buy what they're selling.
Yellow Rose
Hi all.  

Stacey was brilliant last night.  The Queen song let her down a bit due to the low notes.  When will they learn to give them songs that suit their voices and not what they think will 'sell'.  
Her first song was excellent.  Gentle notes and very little Divaish screaming.  
So sorry she's gone but by the look on her face she knew the boys had it.  
Ollie was given the big show and proves to me that he is the chosen one.  I'm not shouting Fix by the way.

Go Joe.
Hi Tates!

I really don't think Olly is the chosen one, far from it. How many times was it said to him last night that this may be his last chance to sing in the competition? It wasn't said to Joe. Also Simon's very shocked reaction when Olly went through shows he wasn't expected to (there was shock in my living room too I can tell ya!) He was given the big show because that's what he's all about....Joe and Stacey are there for their voices (well, certainly Joe, Stacey more for her personality tbh),  Olly for his stage performance.

I'm still backing Olly, but do think Joe will win, because at the end of the day people will vote for the voice when it comes to the final.

Xtra Factor have been up Olly's backside since the start instead of being fair, Holly just couldn't hide her bias towards Olly and Stacey.

Made me laugh when John and Edward were still in accused of being the chosen ones, because yes they got the big fun production which they was all about but the producers edited them in the audition footage just to get the marmite/pantomime villain debate going just like Danyl, they had already failed with Rhydian Roberts because people saw through it and look where he ended up.

I fell for the footage at the beginning, but I came across their video diaries and it soon changed my mind and I realised it was totally wrong.

darloboy (Play The Game!)
I was shocked when Stacey went, I really thought it would be her and Joe in the final.
I like Olly as an entertainer but I probably wouldn't buy his records.
Joe and Stacey have lovely voices so if I probably would buy theirs.
Olly is visually more interesting
but Joe and Stacey are much easier on the ears.

so.........Joe to win....fingers crossed.
I do hope to see |Olly on some live entertainment shows thoguh.

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