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I kind of agree about Olly, but I think he was just so chuffed to get through, so I don't think people should hold it against him. 

It is like being at your granny's funeral though and hearing she has left you 250 grand and going "YAYYYYYYYYY!" and doing a Tom Cruise dance around the room.  It would be hard to not be pleased, even though someone else is suffering/has suffered.  I don't think any less of olly as his reaction was natural.
Fairfax, it's not about who you like it's about who the best singers are...Lloyd was fact the worst in the who series
Of course it's about who one likes as well, its the whole package. Personally, I don't like Danyl's style of shouting (singing) and lets wait and see how he will behave when he gets voted off. He's done enough crying already ..Lloyd was very gracious and well done to the lad for singing as good as he did when he had just been voted out. 
I can't agree - I thought the two female groups were very, very bad indeed. SO bad that they made Lloyd look good.
I think we have to agree to differ.  I thought both girl bands, although not brilliant, pissed all over Lloyd.  He had nothing going for him at all.  He continually put out lacklustre performances, he sang out of tune, he lacked personality and stage presence and he was dull.  The worst act of the 12 by a country mile IMO.
thanks Darlo - appreciate your thoughts - Swindon were lucky to get through IMO. but we face Fulham in the next round - should be interesting
A wins a win, doesn't matter how it's done but could be an element of surprise.

I really think not winning will benefit Danyl more, winning isn't always what it is made out to be and can be a right poison chalice at times for some people e.g Michelle McManus and Steve Brookstein.
darloboy (Play The Game!)

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