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The sad thing about that is that I was sat there, and I knew who Danni and Louis would vote for before Lloyd and Jamie had even sung, and that Lloyd would be saved by the public because he's a little blonde boy.

Danni clearly liked Jamie, so that was obvious, and Louis will always vote out one of Simon's acts when presented with the opportunity, and then come up with some completely stupid explanation for doing so to try and hide that.
Louis at least sticks to his guns.  He never rated Jamie and knows that Lloyd will make them more money.  That's what it's all about.
It's Simon's show and he's calling the shots.  They knew exactly who got the least votes.  That's why they went to Deadlock again.

I loved Jamie by the way but they didn't give him the proper songs to show what he can do.  As I said earlier a Rock Singer needs a band behind him.  The Twins get more than he did.  
It shows who they want to progress in the Show.
hi, Tayto.  why the hell jedward was put through to boot camp is beyond me to be honest, and he started off saying about he didnt like danyl then it was jamie and he is a joke as it was blatantly obvious jamie was a 1000 times better than lloyd! Louis i dont think cares anymore and is not taking this show seriously.  Show is becoming a joke!!
sunny dayz
The show has been a joke since the beginning Sunny.  It's all about TV ratings and column inches in the newspapers.  The Twins are giving them that.  Lloyd has the young vote and the're the ones that will buy the tickets to the Live Shows and the CDs when they come out.
Louis didn't even want to put the Twins through.  Also, imo they are getting rid of the competition for Stacey and Ollie.
Simon is trying to see the Show in America.  The ratings for this are huge and it will help the cause hugely.
Don't be fooled by them.   Jamie will not sell to the kids because he's a rock singer so they dumbed him down the whole time.  Louis was right in most instances that he was a Karoke singer because his songs didn't do him justice.  Louis takes this very seriously and knows who will bring in the bucks.
and Louis will always vote out one of Simon's acts when presented with the opportunity,
But Jamie was hideous really wasn't he? What future did he have? Lloyd is very poor too and will be out in a couple of weeks but for the life of me I really can't see who has been keeping Jamie in .....he's a dated hasbeen and not even tried to update his image.
Soozy Woo
and Louis will always vote out one of Simon's acts when presented with the opportunity,
But Jamie was hideous really wasn't he? What future did he have? Lloyd is very poor too and will be out in a couple of weeks but for the life of me I really can't see who has been keeping Jamie in .....he's a dated hasbeen and not even tried to update his image.
Soozy Woo
Pictures Jamie with a quiff, bodypopping, rapping etc. Nah, not doing it for me thanks
That's updating an image??????????? Not what I'm seeing in the charts today TBH. I think a decent haircut and at least some sort of 'give' or 'acceptance' that the seventies are gone might have served him better ....possibly - although - he really didn't have that much to offer IMO.
Soozy Woo
Yellow Rose 4462 Forum PostsToday at 23:15 (Edited: ) I don't see the point in having a sing off. Despite what the judges say about judging them on that performance and not the past I don't think they do. They decide who is more of a threat to their acts.
What I find unfair about this is that the public vote on Saturday's performance, but the judges say they go by the performance of the night. How can that be right? Just leave it to the public vote and keep the judges out of it completely.
cologne 1
I don't see the point in having a sing off. Despite what the judges say about judging them on that performance and not the past I don't think they do. They decide who is more of a threat to their acts.

What I find unfair about this is that the public vote on Saturday's performance, but the judges say they go by the performance of the night. How can that be right? Just leave it to the public vote and keep the judges out of it completely
Ridiculous isn't it. When the public find out who the bottom two are they may wish to support one of them, so If they have to have the sing off it should be fairer. Let them sing their chosen song and then ask the public to vote on that as sometimes their chosen song is more suited than the one they've been told to sing. The judges have too much self interest to be impartial.
Yellow Rose
It's a travesty that Lloyd is still in; he is this year's Leon Jackon; out of tune, shit singer, and no personality or stage presence.  Jamie should have stayed for definate, but I think it's effing hilarious that the twins are still in!    It's pissing so many people off. 

And who says anyone else has more of a right to be there?  It's a matter of opinion surely???  I had 2 internet 'friends' leave a message for me on facebook, when I said 'yay the twins are through' as a tongue in cheek profile message, and they were really rude and sarcy because their favourite had gone (Jamie so I told them that I thought they were very rude, and removed them from my friends list. 

Dislike the twins by all means, but don't ridicule and take the piss out of people who like them.  That's just arrogant and rude IMO.
Dislike the twins by all means, but don't ridicule and take the piss out of people who like them. That's just arrogant and rude IMO.
I agree but really isn't worth falling out over TBH. We are all being manipulated and feelings do run high I'll aggree's not really life and death though.Believe me I've fallen out with peeps on here because of who we like and dislike on BB ..........a couple of weeks after it really is quite laughable how everyone gets soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wound up.
Soozy Woo
It's a travesty that Lloyd is still in; he is this year's Leon Jackon; out of tune, shit singer, and no personality or stage presence. Jamie should have stayed for

 By the same token frosty the public decided he would stay just as they did last week so the young ones who voted Lloyd should be shown the same respect

as the Jedward fans   want to be shown. It's all opinions at the end of the day innit
Me and my friend was talking about it how tough they've had it sitting behind Holly last week her saying everyone was 'disgusted' Lucy had gone errr well more people voted for the twins, all the boos, press saying they had nits LOL

they have really been good about it all bless em i hope they win i can't really stand any of the others especially Ollie who looks like Jade
From the first time I saw Ollie he came across as a born entertainer, a natural if he finds the right niche for him. Hope he and Stacey make the Final
That would be a potato-tastic final - one contestant who looks like a potato and the other with the intellect of a potato!

It it was those two in the final, I don't think I could bring myself to watch it.

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