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John and Edward were only placed in the top12 in the first place as a controversial talking point to keep Cowell and his cash cow in the headlines...and they served the same purpose last night. Lucie was just cannon fodder.I suspect that anyone might be used similarly (including his own acts if necessary); he's likely to make more revenue from his programme(s) than any winning act can bring.
subatomic partygirl

Simon Cowell consulted The X Factor's executive producer Richard Holloway before making his controversial decision to vote against Lucie Jones, a report has claimed.

According to The Sun, Cowell and Holloway were seen "in deep discussions" during an advert break following the announcement that Jones would compete against twins John & Edward in last night's sing-off.

A source said: "[Cowell and Holloway] seemed to be discussing what to do. Should they get rid of Lucie, who can obviously sing really well, or finally get rid of the twins?"


Hard to even trust this show anymore, I thought they make the decision on the spot, not bugga off to discuss it with producers and judges All staged...

Simon Cowell has lost my respect - he made that decision as a businessman  - not on musical merit.
He was driven by "wots best to make more money for the show/Lucie will be fine" decision.
Was he not meant to decide on who was the best singer - he has slated Jedward as a mess but suddenly sed they were more entertaining
Cowel is a liar
I'm absolutely delighted the Twins are still there, it's great people are getting their knickers in a twist about them. Singing competition, that went out of the window ages ago, it's more of a popularity/entertainment show, all these people claiming it's lost credibility all these sob stories etc contributed to it at least they haven't used one to their advantage.

The voting results will be released at the end of the series, here is last years results anyway:
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Reference DARLOBOY:
So 85% in the This Morning poll (I didn't watch) claim that Lucie should have stayed, well Simon is to blame for that not happening but some of these people who claim to be outraged should have voted on Saturday instead of phoning up for a stupid poll, fact is Lucie got the least votes as much as I liked her.

I agree 100%. I would wager that the vast majority of people who picked up the phone to vote for this pointless poll (a poll that is totally academic by the way!) didn't phone over the weekend to keep Lucie in. Moreover, Lucie DID get the lowest amount of public votes, so she is obviously not liked as a performer as much as the other acts still left. Fact.

Personally, although I thought she was OK for the first few weeks, she has performed like a teenage girl in a year 10 school concert for the past 2 or 3 weeks, trying to be like Demi Lovato/Miley Cyrus/Avril Lavigne, and other little teen idols; but unlike them, she didn't have what it takes, and her singing voice was questionable, as she couldn't hit the high notes. She was a pretty girl with an average voice, and there are millions of girls out there like her; and some better singers.

I agree that it's rather disingenuous of Simon to have not got rid of the twins while he had the chance, especially after threatening to leave the country if they win.  And he has proven that he is a lot more interested in pulling in the viewers and causing controversy, than he likes to admit, because if he hated the twins so much, he would have got them out yesterday.  But the fact is, Lucy pulled in the least public votes, so why does anyone think for one second that she deserved to stay. more than the twins?

Surely it's a matter of opinion who is the best, and let's face it, the twins performed better that Lucie in the sing-off. People need to stop blaming Simon, and blame the public for not voting for Lucie. And anyone moaning, who DIDN'T vote for Lucie, needs to put a sock in it, as you are to blame for her going, NOT Simon. 
Hello Frosty, it was purely a business decision I think Simon knew who got the most votes before he decided to go to deadlock, they claim the judges don't get to find out. John and Edward have brought so much publicity and attracted more viewers so SC is delighted and wants them in that bit later, it could backfire on one of his acts. John and Edward performed without the gimmicks for once which some wanted and still made it entertaining but their detractors, wouldn't be happy whatever they did...

Lloyd is getting a easy ride, people seem to forget he's not that talented as the others either and the teen girls or whoever voted for him. Eoghan Quigg made the final last year and I hope not for another repeat of that.
darloboy (Play The Game!)

Fans divided on Cowell deadlock vote

Monday, November 9 2009, 12:58 GMT

By Alex Fletcher, Senior Entertainment Reporter

Fans divided on Cowell deadlock vote

Rex Features

DS forum members are divided in their opinions on Simon Cowell's decision to take yesterday's X Factor vote to deadlock.

Cowell decided to save Irish twins John & Edward over Lucie Jones, meaning the two acts were tied with two judges' votes each. Welsh singer Jones exited the ITV1 show after Dermot O'Leary revealed that she had the lowest number of public votes.

Afterwards, Cowell admitted that he was "surprised" by the result, but stood by his decision to leave the result down to the public vote.

Fans of the show have accused of Cowell of being more concerned about generating publicity than choosing the most talented performers.

Forum member 40-40Js commented: "Lucie sang better (not perfect, by any means) and it is a singing competition (another 'fact' that Simon is always reminding Louis of). Simon has just played his voting public for fools... I bet he wouldn't have done it if it was one of his acts standing next to them."

KatrinaK said: "Simon could have saved Lucie, the better singer, but chose publicity for the show instead. Do you think if Jedward were against one of his boys, he would have taken it to deadlock? Do me a favour!"

Meanwhile, The Lens argued that it was wrong for Simon Cowell to let the decision go to the public vote because the public voted on Saturday's performances rather than the Survival Songs. "If you are judging a sing-off, the public vote is irrelevant as it is based on the previous day's performance," they said. "Simon promised to vote on the sing-off performances, but didn't.

"If it goes to deadlock, why not have a fresh, 5-minute snap phone vote to decide? Even the Eurovision Song Contest, that has to collect votes from all over Europe, only opens the voting lines for a few minutes."

However, other forum members backed Cowell's decision, arguing that it was the public's fault Jones exited the show.

"Simon can't help it if people didn't vote for Lucie," said Dutchygirly23. "She may be a good singer, but it is not all about if someone has a good voice or not. She doesn't have a like able personality. She is a bit of an ice queen. People relate more to people who have a great personality, like Olly and Joe."

Sugarpinkloz added: "Lucie went fair and square! At the end of the day, she got the lowest public vote, so therefore deserved to go! It's a TV show, and look what a buzz it has caused! Simon is sitting back laughing at everyone being annoyed."

Hello Frosty, it was purely a business decision I think Simon knew who got the most votes before he decided to go to deadlock, they claim the judges don't get to find out. John and Edward have brought so much publicity and attracted more viewers so SC is delighted and wants them in that bit later, it could backfire on one of his acts. John and Edward performed without the gimmicks for once which some wanted and still made it entertaining but their detractors, wouldn't be happy whatever they did... Lloyd is getting a easy ride, people seem to forget he's not that talented as the others either and the teen girls or whoever voted for him. Eoghan Quigg made the final last year and I hope not for another repeat of that.

Hi Darlo.    Yes I agree with you about Simon, and that Lloyd is very below average as a singer...  He should have gone a few weeks ago.   My money is on Jamie afro, Joe orOlly to win.  Danyl is good, but not liked much by the public, (although the pointless hatred for him seems to be dying off thankfully...) so I don't think Danyl will win. 

Stacey is lovable and has put some good performances out, but this past couple of weeks, she has been a bit average IMO, but she will be in the final I reckon.  It would serve Simon right If Jedward win though.    I doubt they will though.

 online 350 Forum Posts Today at 13:13 (Edited: )

he made a big point of saying they would be judged on performance, then they were not so i shall stop voting now, better things to do with my money simon ans you have rather a lot.
Simon might have kept the twins in because it's Louis's last act.
He probably didn't want to upset him.

The can be a lot of reasons, it was a very difficult decision to make really.
A lot to take into consideration and whatever he did he was going to get a load of flak.
"Simon can't help it if people didn't vote for Lucie," said Dutchygirly23. "She may be a good singer, but it is not all about if someone has a good voice or not. She doesn't have a like able personality. She is a bit of an ice queen. People relate more to people who have a great personality, like Olly and Joe."
F*cking hell, Great example of a teenie with the mobile
Hi Darlo. Yes I agree with you about Simon, and that Lloyd is very below average as a singer... He should have gone a few weeks ago. My money is on Jamie afro, Joe orOlly to win. Danyl is good, but not liked much by the public, (although the pointless hatred for him seems to be dying off thankfully...) so I don't think Danyl will win. Stacey is lovable and has put some good performances out, but this past couple of weeks, she has been a bit average IMO, but she will be in the final I reckon. It would serve Simon right If Jedward win though. I doubt they will though. report · permalink
I think the final will be between Olly, Joe and Stacey, in that case I would want Olly to win but I prefer Danyl, John and Edward and Jamie Archer. Jedward have nothing to lose because they will do well if they win or not, for the others it's make or break...

Simon is clearly getting rid of the competition and he's a hypocrite saying he would jusge based on the sing off, if Jedward was there with any of his acts he would have sent them home and he never seemed to like Lucie much anyway in terms of singing.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Simon Cowell has lost my respect - he made that decision as a businessman - not on musical merit. He was driven by "wots best to make more money for the show/Lucie will be fine" decision. Was he not meant to decide on who was the best singer - he has slated Jedward as a mess but suddenly sed they were more entertaining Cowel is a liar

Cowell is taking all who vote for a ride  - he slated the 2 'oddballs'  from day 1 and when he had the chance to dump them  - he bottles it out ,because they could make money for him - not because they are good  - more a circus type warm up act.
Meanwhile a very good singer leaves  - like Laura last year  -  its time Ofcom investigated the votes again  -  I think Lucie sang wonderfully last night -  but the young lassie has had a dream shatterered by Ghostbusters / PULL THE PLUG ON X FACTOR and sack  Dermot O'Bleary ( as Louis Walsh said ) - O'Bleary is the male davina mccall (or he tries to be )
like Laura last year
She got the second least amount of votes that night i've seen the voting figures, Ruth got the least but Ruth absolutely dominated the sing off, so no way she was going home. Laura was very overrated imo and i'm glad she left that night but she's doing well with her new single.

Laura was the bookies favourite all the week before she left she obviously wasn't that popular with the public that week, hell JLS ended up there once but look at them now with 2 number 1 singles.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Lloyd is getting a easy ride, people seem to forget he's not that talented as the others either and the teen girls or whoever voted for him. Eoghan Quigg made the final last year and I hope not for another repeat of that.
He is getting a very easy ride  and imo is total rubbish  -  Lucie is very good and shouldtnt have gone  - twin freaks should have !
darlo, I disagree with you about the twin's prospects. They can't even sing or dance well enough to be in musicals. What work could they get? To make any money at all, they really need to win. Most of the others will get some sort of singing experience out of this.
They will probably go into kids TV or they might actually get singing lessons after, fact is lots of people in the entertainment industry right now are interested in the Twins they can make some people a lot of cash and will get lots of offers if they win or not so therefore have nothing to lose.  I've read online that the experts think they will be the most successful act this year even than the winner due to all this interest they have whipped up.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
From the Daily Star:

The Facebook fiend whose vile threats led to a security lock down on X Factor twins John and Edward Grimes on Friday claimed it was “just a laugh’”.

Nightclub DJ Pete Williams, 24, launched a sick hate campaign on the social networking site.

He threatened to harm the 18-year-old Irish identical twins if one million web users joined his group.

Facebook officials shut down Williams’s webpage.

But at the red-brick terrace he shares with his mum in Wallasey, Merseyside, last night he laughed: “Caused offence? That’s f***ing hilarious!”

Morons, over a Saturday and Sunday night TV show, some really need to get a life.

darloboy (Play The Game!)
Darlo: they might actually get singing lessons after

Is it Evie (the singing coach)? On the xtra factor last night she said they could sing 

I love the twins. I don't think its very nice to call them freaks, etc. They are just doing their own thing every week like every other contestant on the show and i think good for them. Why shouldn't they enjoy themselves. I don't think they ever expected to be saved last night, no one did.

I like Lucie. She has a nice voice. I thought she sounded awful in the sing off, though. I was actually surprised at how bad she was.
Simon did show himself up but i don't agree with all the outrage about it. Its way over the top.
I was fuming last night on Facebook, directly after the show for an hour or so the amount of requests I had to join hate groups for the twins, simon cowell etc on Facebook were unreal. I had people spamming my status', spamming my inbox and sending me numerous requests, it's sickening. I made a status saying the next person to send me anything requesting me to join these hate groups, I'd delete them!!  Jeeez it's so damn childish!
Darlo: they might actually get singing lessons after Is it Evie (the singing coach)? On the xtra factor last night she said they could sing I love the twins. I don't think its very nice to call them freaks, etc. They are just doing their own thing every week like every other contestant on the show and i think good for them. Why shouldn't they enjoy themselves. I don't think they ever expected to be saved last night, no one did. I like Lucie. She has a nice voice. I thought she sounded awful in the sing off, though. I was actually surprised at how bad she was. Simon did show himself up but i don't agree with all the outrage about it. Its way over the top.
Well said Lauren and I agree. Darlo, I am thrilled to bits that they are through and thought they sang very well in the sing off.(They actually surprised me!)
sang very well in the sing off
Hello Fairfax, they did indeed and without the dancers so the people who wanted to see them just sing got their wish but as Brian Friedman said they used their own choreography in that Rock DJ routine.

What I really enjoy about them is that they have such a blast on stage and in their videos they really are that hyperactive, not freaks at all.
darloboy (Play The Game!)

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