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Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Am I the only one that thinks that Freddie hasn't changed from day one?

Whether you like who he is or not he certainly hasn't changed, not even with Bea going in.

He supported her on the T-shirt thing like weeks earlier he supported Noirin's hunger not sure if he agreed with those two plans but he supports peoples right to do as they wish.

I agree Videostar, he is a lovely guy. Thumbs Up Clapping

Agree also! Hug
Originally posted by figtree:
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Am I the only one that thinks that Freddie hasn't changed from day one?

Whether you like who he is or not he certainly hasn't changed, not even with Bea going in.

He supported her on the T-shirt thing like weeks earlier he supported Noirin's hunger not sure if he agreed with those two plans but he supports peoples right to do as they wish.

I agree Videostar, he is a lovely guy. Thumbs Up Clapping

Agree also! Hug

Thumbs Up Hug
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by forgetmenot:
I like Freddy and at least he can think and has a good grasp of English.. he is excetrc but that's what makes him interesting and especially with so many fakes about with fake body parts and hair falling out..Hope he wins, best of the lot.


And what Flossie and others tend to forget is that when your in that house with no TV or radio and are stuck in there with the same people day after day the only thing they can do is talk about eachother and events that took place in the house.

It's human nature, some can think more clearly and intelligently than others...FREDDIE TO WIN.

No one is disputing that the chat is going to be often about activities and people in the house.

That has absolutely nothing to do with him spouting things which are completely incorrect.

We can all get things wrong from time to time, has there ever been a HM who never got anything wrong.?

This is this sort of response that suggests one of the following possibilities is occurring

1) You don't have a clue about what is going on in the house because you are incapable of perceiving reality
2) You are incapable of understanding what is posted and therefore post about your misunderstanding
3) You wilfully or subconsciously rehash in your brain a comment with which you disagree into a different ridiculous comment ( or straw man as it is known ) that has not be made so you can then refute it and pretend you have dealt with the original comment.

At no stage have I criticised him because he gets things wrong from time to time, nor do I expect any human to never make a mistake.

I made it quite clear what drives me bonkers about him is that he gets so MUCH wrong! I randomly applied a figure of 90%.

I will try and provide some concrete quotations from some live feed for you.

One area guaranteed for him to misunderstand is his relationship with Bea, his pontifications include how the "energy" of their relationship sometimes diverges or some such drivel.
Originally posted by kimota:
I think he was spot on about Noirin using alchohol to lessen her inhibitions, but then again thats true for a lot of people! He actually said 'shes probably a borderline -sociopath' and I think he was thinking of her impulsiveness and shallowness when he said this.
We all know Fred like to analyse everything and everybody. Its the way he is, I can see why some would be irritated by it, but I like his busy little brain. Big Grin

Me too! I would accept the way he is! I would find him pretty interesting actually!
I do not love or even like everyone I meet but I try to understand where they are coming from and try to be just that little more tolerant because the way we think/talk about people says more about ourselves than it does about them!
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by forgetmenot:
I like Freddy and at least he can think and has a good grasp of English.. he is excetrc but that's what makes him interesting and especially with so many fakes about with fake body parts and hair falling out..Hope he wins, best of the lot.


And what Flossie and others tend to forget is that when your in that house with no TV or radio and are stuck in there with the same people day after day the only thing they can do is talk about eachother and events that took place in the house.

It's human nature, some can think more clearly and intelligently than others...FREDDIE TO WIN.

No one is disputing that the chat is going to be often about activities and people in the house.

That has absolutely nothing to do with him spouting things which are completely incorrect.

We can all get things wrong from time to time, has there ever been a HM who never got anything wrong.?

This is this sort of response that suggests one of the following possibilities is occurring

1) You don't have a clue about what is going on in the house because you are incapable of perceiving reality
2) You are incapable of understanding what is posted and therefore post about your misunderstanding
3) You wilfully or subconsciously rehash in your brain a comment with which you disagree into a different ridiculous comment ( or straw man as it is known ) that has not be made so you can then refute it and pretend you have dealt with the original comment.

At no stage have I criticised him because he gets things wrong from time to time, nor do I expect any human to never make a mistake.

I made it quite clear what drives me bonkers about him is that he gets so MUCH wrong! I randomly applied a figure of 90%.

I will try and provide some concrete quotations from some live feed for you.

One area guaranteed for him to misunderstand is his relationship with Bea, his pontifications include how the "energy" of their relationship sometimes diverges or some such drivel.

So in other words, he's got the hots for Bea and he goes on about it rather too much and he cant see that shes not into him.?

Well if thats the worst thing you can pin on him then you are a harsh judge of a person.

Your "random" figure of 90% just doesn't hold water.
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by forgetmenot:
I like Freddy and at least he can think and has a good grasp of English.. he is excetrc but that's what makes him interesting and especially with so many fakes about with fake body parts and hair falling out..Hope he wins, best of the lot.

He's just as fake as those you didn't mention by name. He is one big game-player.

Well each to his own BB wavey Hug I think he's lovely and by far the nicest in that house.

Hello Squiggle. Hug Be thankful that I don't support Freddie as in the past most of the HMs that I have supported haven't won. Laugh
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by forgetmenot:
I like Freddy and at least he can think and has a good grasp of English.. he is excetrc but that's what makes him interesting and especially with so many fakes about with fake body parts and hair falling out..Hope he wins, best of the lot.


And what Flossie and others tend to forget is that when your in that house with no TV or radio and are stuck in there with the same people day after day the only thing they can do is talk about eachother and events that took place in the house.

It's human nature, some can think more clearly and intelligently than others...FREDDIE TO WIN.

No one is disputing that the chat is going to be often about activities and people in the house.

That has absolutely nothing to do with him spouting things which are completely incorrect.

We can all get things wrong from time to time, has there ever been a HM who never got anything wrong.?

This is this sort of response that suggests one of the following possibilities is occurring

1) You don't have a clue about what is going on in the house because you are incapable of perceiving reality
2) You are incapable of understanding what is posted and therefore post about your misunderstanding
3) You wilfully or subconsciously rehash in your brain a comment with which you disagree into a different ridiculous comment ( or straw man as it is known ) that has not be made so you can then refute it and pretend you have dealt with the original comment.

At no stage have I criticised him because he gets things wrong from time to time, nor do I expect any human to never make a mistake.

I made it quite clear what drives me bonkers about him is that he gets so MUCH wrong! I randomly applied a figure of 90%.

I will try and provide some concrete quotations from some live feed for you.

One area guaranteed for him to misunderstand is his relationship with Bea, his pontifications include how the "energy" of their relationship sometimes diverges or some such drivel.

So in other words, he's got the hots for Bea and he goes on about it rather too much and he cant see that shes not into him.?

Well if thats the worst thing you can pin on him then you are a harsh judge of a person.

Your "random" figure of 90% just doesn't hold water.

Oh jesus, you just did it again.

If I make a comment about apples, you come back with comment about oranges.

It is just amazing. No one can be that stupid you have to be doing it deliberately.
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Never in the history of BB has someone drivelled so much, with so many, about so little.

That's much the opinion I have of many of your comments. You're certainly dead wrong about Freddie, as far as I am concerned. As for pseudo-intellectual, you're wrong there. He is an intellectual and few intellectuals are idiots. There are, however, many idiots who think they are intellectuals.

If you think he is an intellectual then you are certainly not qualified to deliver aphorisms on the subject.

The guy couldn't watch a football game and get the score right afterwards without the aid of a scoreboard, such is his inability to perceive things.

He is a reasonably well motivated bloke and is harmless, but then so are most at the bottom of the social pile who are confused as to what is going on.

You must be on a wind-up. Football is hardly an intellectual game and its scoring system is not taxing enough for intellectuals. Cricket and rugby - that's another matter.

You are definitely on a wind-up if you refer to Freddie as being at the bottom of the social pile. In the BB House, that status probably should be awarded to Lisa. Freddie lives in a stately home and is an Oxbridge graduate, which puts him near the top of the social pile.
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by fookat:
I find it refreshing there is a housemate who actually thinks at all! Laugh

What he was saying about Noreen was pretty much what that Judy James was saying as I remember.

Noirin, Siavash, Bea and Marcus are much more thoughtful and accurate.

Noirin is a siren who destroyed many people's time in The House, hence, she is gone. She didn't think about anything except how it pertains to herself.

Marcus is highly intelligent but is not an intellectual. Even he was caught under the spell of Noirin, as was the gentle and word-shy Siavash. Bea is trained in psychology and she is using that training to try and win this show.

Keep to the day job.

With comments as inane and superficial as that I think you ought to keep to the night job.

You're definitely on a wind-up. I hereby put forward a motion to the forum that you henceforth be known as Forum Troll.
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by forgetmenot:
I like Freddy and at least he can think and has a good grasp of English.. he is excetrc but that's what makes him interesting and especially with so many fakes about with fake body parts and hair falling out..Hope he wins, best of the lot.


And what Flossie and others tend to forget is that when your in that house with no TV or radio and are stuck in there with the same people day after day the only thing they can do is talk about eachother and events that took place in the house.

It's human nature, some can think more clearly and intelligently than others...FREDDIE TO WIN.

No one is disputing that the chat is going to be often about activities and people in the house.

That has absolutely nothing to do with him spouting things which are completely incorrect.

We can all get things wrong from time to time, has there ever been a HM who never got anything wrong.?

This is this sort of response that suggests one of the following possibilities is occurring

1) You don't have a clue about what is going on in the house because you are incapable of perceiving reality
2) You are incapable of understanding what is posted and therefore post about your misunderstanding
3) You wilfully or subconsciously rehash in your brain a comment with which you disagree into a different ridiculous comment ( or straw man as it is known ) that has not be made so you can then refute it and pretend you have dealt with the original comment.

At no stage have I criticised him because he gets things wrong from time to time, nor do I expect any human to never make a mistake.

I made it quite clear what drives me bonkers about him is that he gets so MUCH wrong! I randomly applied a figure of 90%.

I will try and provide some concrete quotations from some live feed for you.

One area guaranteed for him to misunderstand is his relationship with Bea, his pontifications include how the "energy" of their relationship sometimes diverges or some such drivel.

So in other words, he's got the hots for Bea and he goes on about it rather too much and he cant see that shes not into him.?

Well if thats the worst thing you can pin on him then you are a harsh judge of a person.

Your "random" figure of 90% just doesn't hold water.

Oh jesus, you just did it again.

If I make a comment about apples, you come back with comment about oranges.

It is just amazing. No one can be that stupid you have to be doing it deliberately.

Here we go with the rudness again. Sleepy

Yes, he darts from one subject to another, yes he mummbles a bit, yes he can drone on sometimes, but he speaks alot of sense and he has a brain, which is a first for a BB HM in recent years.

I've replied to your posts with justified answers, if you dont agree with them thats your problem.
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Never in the history of BB has someone drivelled so much, with so many, about so little.

That's much the opinion I have of many of your comments. You're certainly dead wrong about Freddie, as far as I am concerned. As for pseudo-intellectual, you're wrong there. He is an intellectual and few intellectuals are idiots. There are, however, many idiots who think they are intellectuals.

If you think he is an intellectual then you are certainly not qualified to deliver aphorisms on the subject.

The guy couldn't watch a football game and get the score right afterwards without the aid of a scoreboard, such is his inability to perceive things.

He is a reasonably well motivated bloke and is harmless, but then so are most at the bottom of the social pile who are confused as to what is going on.

You must be on a wind-up. Football is hardly an intellectual game and its scoring system is not taxing enough for intellectuals. Cricket and rugby - that's another matter.

You are definitely on a wind-up if you refer to Freddie as being at the bottom of the social pile. In the BB House, that status probably should be awarded to Lisa. Freddie lives in a stately home and is an Oxbridge graduate, which puts him near the top of the social pile.

He lives in a hotel.
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Never in the history of BB has someone drivelled so much, with so many, about so little.

That's much the opinion I have of many of your comments. You're certainly dead wrong about Freddie, as far as I am concerned. As for pseudo-intellectual, you're wrong there. He is an intellectual and few intellectuals are idiots. There are, however, many idiots who think they are intellectuals.

If you think he is an intellectual then you are certainly not qualified to deliver aphorisms on the subject.

The guy couldn't watch a football game and get the score right afterwards without the aid of a scoreboard, such is his inability to perceive things.

He is a reasonably well motivated bloke and is harmless, but then so are most at the bottom of the social pile who are confused as to what is going on.

You must be on a wind-up. Football is hardly an intellectual game and its scoring system is not taxing enough for intellectuals. Cricket and rugby - that's another matter.

You are definitely on a wind-up if you refer to Freddie as being at the bottom of the social pile. In the BB House, that status probably should be awarded to Lisa. Freddie lives in a stately home and is an Oxbridge graduate, which puts him near the top of the social pile.

He lives in a hotel.

It's an old stately home which specialises as a marriage venue. One of the BB production staff was apparently at a wedding there when they spotted Freddie and suggested he go on the show.
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Never in the history of BB has someone drivelled so much, with so many, about so little.

That's much the opinion I have of many of your comments. You're certainly dead wrong about Freddie, as far as I am concerned. As for pseudo-intellectual, you're wrong there. He is an intellectual and few intellectuals are idiots. There are, however, many idiots who think they are intellectuals.

If you think he is an intellectual then you are certainly not qualified to deliver aphorisms on the subject.

The guy couldn't watch a football game and get the score right afterwards without the aid of a scoreboard, such is his inability to perceive things.

He is a reasonably well motivated bloke and is harmless, but then so are most at the bottom of the social pile who are confused as to what is going on.

You must be on a wind-up. Football is hardly an intellectual game and its scoring system is not taxing enough for intellectuals. Cricket and rugby - that's another matter.

You are definitely on a wind-up if you refer to Freddie as being at the bottom of the social pile. In the BB House, that status probably should be awarded to Lisa. Freddie lives in a stately home and is an Oxbridge graduate, which puts him near the top of the social pile.

He lives in a hotel.

It's an old stately home which specialises as a marriage venue. One of the BB production staff was apparently at a wedding there when they spotted Freddie and suggested he go on the show.

A commercial venure. His parents are neither landed gentry or aristocrats. Are you telling us he didn't go through the audition process like the other HMs did?
Originally posted by Azure:
he really is a boring pain in the butt, mmmmmmmmmm yar rock n bleeding roll, I still say none of us would give him the time of day on the outside as he would bore us to death, why do you think he was put up by all the HMs from day one,
1 his eating noises
2 his mmmmmmmmmm yar
3 his boring unfinished waffle.

Maybe that might enlighten you.
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Azure:
he really is a boring pain in the butt, mmmmmmmmmm yar rock n bleeding roll, I still say none of us would give him the time of day on the outside as he would bore us to death, why do you think he was put up by all the HMs from day one,
1 his eating noises
2 his mmmmmmmmmm yar
3 his boring unfinished waffle.

Maybe that might enlighten you.

nope he is the most boring pain in the butt to have ever frequented BB while I have been watching the programme, I thought Pete and Brian were the worst ever winners but this plonker lol.
Originally posted by Azure:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Azure:
he really is a boring pain in the butt, mmmmmmmmmm yar rock n bleeding roll, I still say none of us would give him the time of day on the outside as he would bore us to death, why do you think he was put up by all the HMs from day one,
1 his eating noises
2 his mmmmmmmmmm yar
3 his boring unfinished waffle.

Maybe that might enlighten you.

nope he is the most boring pain in the butt to have ever frequented BB while I have been watching the programme, I thought Pete and Brian were the worst ever winners but this plonker lol.

As long as knobjocky Charlie is there Freddie will never be the biggest pain in the butt.
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Azure:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Azure:
he really is a boring pain in the butt, mmmmmmmmmm yar rock n bleeding roll, I still say none of us would give him the time of day on the outside as he would bore us to death, why do you think he was put up by all the HMs from day one,
1 his eating noises
2 his mmmmmmmmmm yar
3 his boring unfinished waffle.

Maybe that might enlighten you.

nope he is the most boring pain in the butt to have ever frequented BB while I have been watching the programme, I thought Pete and Brian were the worst ever winners but this plonker lol.

As long as knobjocky Charlie is there Freddie will never be the biggest pain in the butt.

erm sorry VS but he is the biggest boring pain in the butt in my book, I and I would imagine you and ermmmmmmmmmm many more would be bored out of their skulls after five mins in his company mmmmmmmmmmmmm yar ok yar mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Originally posted by Azure:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Azure:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Azure:
he really is a boring pain in the butt, mmmmmmmmmm yar rock n bleeding roll, I still say none of us would give him the time of day on the outside as he would bore us to death, why do you think he was put up by all the HMs from day one,
1 his eating noises
2 his mmmmmmmmmm yar
3 his boring unfinished waffle.

Maybe that might enlighten you.

nope he is the most boring pain in the butt to have ever frequented BB while I have been watching the programme, I thought Pete and Brian were the worst ever winners but this plonker lol.

As long as knobjocky Charlie is there Freddie will never be the biggest pain in the butt.

erm sorry VS but he is the biggest boring pain in the butt in my book, I and I would imagine you and ermmmmmmmmmm many more would be bored out of their skulls after five mins in his company mmmmmmmmmmmmm yar ok yar mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I just like the bloke and his positive attitude throughout any situation.

He stands up for what he believes in and sticks by his friends, that means alot to me, plus he's entertained me, and thatswhat it's all about.

The ermmmm's and hmmmmm's are nothing worth disliking the guy for.
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Azure:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Azure:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Azure:
he really is a boring pain in the butt, mmmmmmmmmm yar rock n bleeding roll, I still say none of us would give him the time of day on the outside as he would bore us to death, why do you think he was put up by all the HMs from day one,
1 his eating noises
2 his mmmmmmmmmm yar
3 his boring unfinished waffle.

Maybe that might enlighten you.

nope he is the most boring pain in the butt to have ever frequented BB while I have been watching the programme, I thought Pete and Brian were the worst ever winners but this plonker lol.

As long as knobjocky Charlie is there Freddie will never be the biggest pain in the butt.

erm sorry VS but he is the biggest boring pain in the butt in my book, I and I would imagine you and ermmmmmmmmmm many more would be bored out of their skulls after five mins in his company mmmmmmmmmmmmm yar ok yar mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I just like the bloke and his positive attitude throughout any situation.

He stands up for what he believes in and sticks by his friends, that means alot to me, plus he's entertained me, and thatswhat it's all about.

The ermmmm's and hmmmmm's are nothing worth disliking the guy for.

not once in the one hour edits that I have watched has that bore been entertaining, I also noticed the nice guy was very happy to ostracize Noireen even tho he had gone through this himself ...well acccording to many he was ostracized and he never was, oh and by the way I was not/never a Noireen fan but you know halfwit lovely halfwit warm gentle halfwit was happy to ostracize her.
Originally posted by Azure:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Azure:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Azure:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Azure:
he really is a boring pain in the butt, mmmmmmmmmm yar rock n bleeding roll, I still say none of us would give him the time of day on the outside as he would bore us to death, why do you think he was put up by all the HMs from day one,
1 his eating noises
2 his mmmmmmmmmm yar
3 his boring unfinished waffle.

Maybe that might enlighten you.

nope he is the most boring pain in the butt to have ever frequented BB while I have been watching the programme, I thought Pete and Brian were the worst ever winners but this plonker lol.

As long as knobjocky Charlie is there Freddie will never be the biggest pain in the butt.

erm sorry VS but he is the biggest boring pain in the butt in my book, I and I would imagine you and ermmmmmmmmmm many more would be bored out of their skulls after five mins in his company mmmmmmmmmmmmm yar ok yar mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I just like the bloke and his positive attitude throughout any situation.

He stands up for what he believes in and sticks by his friends, that means alot to me, plus he's entertained me, and thatswhat it's all about.

The ermmmm's and hmmmmm's are nothing worth disliking the guy for.

not once in the one hour edits that I have watched has that bore been entertaining, I also noticed the nice guy was very happy to ostracize Noireen even tho he had gone through this himself ...well acccording to many he was ostracized and he never was, oh and by the way I was not/never a Noireen fan but you know halfwit lovely halfwit warm gentle halfwit was happy to ostracize her.

Freddie never ostracized her, he and all the HM's weren't very happy with her behaviour but they still spoke to her.
Originally posted by Justafriend:
love freddie for being who he is.

any person that can stick the Bullying and abuse he took and still be there gets my vote everytime..i admire him for handling it the way he did, because if it had been me id have been in pieces.
i hate bullys and people who seem to think its fine to take the piss out of someone different.

Erm, but did Freddie not find it really funny and cheer Bea on to do nasty things and isolate Isaac and Noirin? Oh I guess that Noirin and Isaac deserved it, even though they never did anything directly to Freddie or Bea.
Originally posted by shar69:
Originally posted by Justafriend:
love freddie for being who he is.

any person that can stick the Bullying and abuse he took and still be there gets my vote everytime..i admire him for handling it the way he did, because if it had been me id have been in pieces.
i hate bullys and people who seem to think its fine to take the piss out of someone different.

Erm, but did Freddie not find it really funny and cheer Bea on to do nasty things and isolate Isaac and Noirin? Oh I guess that Noirin and Isaac deserved it, even though they never did anything directly to Freddie or Bea.

Oh jesus not this again, when did he EVER cheer on Bea to do those things.?

Did you notice how he WASN'T wearing an M T-shirt.? Wink
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by charmer:
Originally posted by Justafriend:
love freddie for being who he is.

any person that can stick the Bullying and abuse he took and still be there gets my vote everytime..i admire him for handling it the way he did, because if it had been me id have been in pieces.
i hate bullys and people who seem to think its fine to take the piss out of someone different.

he's certainly put up with some stick from some of the HMs
youve got to admire him for his 'water off a ducks back' attitude
but he's a bit frasier crane-he over analyses EVERYTHING

I'm afraid that's what highly intelligent people do.

Maybe thats why a lot of them end up having breakdowns.
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by shar69:
Originally posted by Justafriend:
love freddie for being who he is.

any person that can stick the Bullying and abuse he took and still be there gets my vote everytime..i admire him for handling it the way he did, because if it had been me id have been in pieces.
i hate bullys and people who seem to think its fine to take the piss out of someone different.

Erm, but did Freddie not find it really funny and cheer Bea on to do nasty things and isolate Isaac and Noirin? Oh I guess that Noirin and Isaac deserved it, even though they never did anything directly to Freddie or Bea.

Oh jesus not this again, when did he EVER cheer on Bea to do those things.?

Did you notice how he WASN'T wearing an M T-shirt.? Wink

Seriously, earring, Yeah beah go and ask for them. Flirting with Isaac, Yeah beah, that would be so funny, go on do it. Only thing that stopped her was Siavash and Marcus.

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